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Russia Is Implementing First Stage Of Destruction Of Armenia

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  • Russia Is Implementing First Stage Of Destruction Of Armenia


    Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
    Comments - 18 February 2015, 13:28

    At different stages the Russian policy on the Karabakh issue has
    been rather adaptive in style and content. For a long time Russia
    preferred the status quo though it took the initiative from time to
    time to balance the efforts of the United States to play a crucial
    role in the decision making process.

    Over many years, especially in 1995-2003 Russia needed the Karabakh
    issue for pressure and influence on Azerbaijan, as well as on Armenia.

    Russia often hinted to Azerbaijan that its position might change
    unless Azerbaijan revises its.

    These attempts have not resulted in essential changes in the
    Russian-Armenian relations but it has caused lack of confidence in
    the Russian policy among the Armenian public. Supply of weapons to
    Azerbaijan and ignoring defense needs of Armenia are concerned.

    Along with the development of the Russian-Armenian relations the
    situation has changed, Armenia receives part of its required armament
    from Russia. Russia has made considerable investments in Armenia,
    primarily in the spheres of energy, transport and banking sector.

    At the same time, in 2008 and in 2009 Russia's attempts to
    strengthen its foothold through activation of normalization of the
    Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Azerbaijani relations caused lack of
    confidence in the policy and intentions of Russia in Armenia.

    Russia has practically thwarted the plans of construction of the
    Iran-Armenia interregional gas pipeline, Iran-Armenia railway, a new
    NPP, isolating Armenia and blocking the Iran-Europe strategy. Hence,
    it became clear that Russia has adopted an overtly hostile policy
    against Armenia.

    However, Russia has started feeling inconvenient with the Karabakh
    topic because it has stopped being an instrument of regional policy
    and is increasingly becoming an instrument for the American policy.

    Now Russia is faced with building "new", reliable relations with
    Azerbaijan, which would allow implementing the settlement of the
    Karabakh issue outside the main process of settlement, i.e. the Minsk
    Group process.

    In autumn 2008 when the initiative of signing the treaties of Meindorf
    was put forth, the United States made it clear that it will not accept
    some "alternative" solutions for the Karabakh settlement which will not
    be legitimate. It played a role in thwarting the Meindorf initiative
    but Russia decided to return to this format in the early 2010.

    Moscow understands very well that the process of settlement which is
    based on the Principles of Madrid accepted by all the stakeholders
    has failed. Therefore, the world centers of power will sooner or
    later propose new format and new principles of settlement of the
    Karabakh issue.

    Russia does not intend to wait for new initiatives and is trying to
    promote its own proposals, calculating that its relations with Armenia
    and Azerbaijan are more important and meaningful than the relations
    of these states with the United States and the Western community.

    No doubt the Karabakh issue will generate more complications in the
    Russian-Armenian relations if Russia proposes acceptable territorial
    concessions. For the time being, building "new relations" with
    Azerbaijan is concerned which are far from a clear understanding of
    the prospect.

    In 2010 Azerbaijan faced significant problems in its relations with
    the United States and the EU, as well as Turkey, and Baku realized
    that in 2008-2009 they missed the opportunity to gain advantage in
    the process of the Karabakh settlement. Therefore, Baku will be more
    attentive to Russia's proposals which may become alternative options
    of settlement of this problem.

    There years ago Putin's Alexander Dugin told me with unhidden
    reluctance in the presence of an Armenian official that the Armenians
    should not try to achieve the recognition of NKR by the United States.

    He openly threatened Armenia with a disaster. In addition, it was
    conveyed that Russia will never recognize NKR.

    It should be noted that the current status of Karabakh fully fits
    the interests of Russia.

    Hence, Russia the ally is against the independence of NKR. The
    existing lack of autonomy of NKR is part of Russia's plans. Karabakh
    does not have a political leadership, only some administration which
    is devoid of any political rights. Of course, no state will recognize
    the independence of a non-sovereign province.

    The NKR administration understands its own situation very well and
    leads a miserable existence, announcing that the purpose of NKR is
    to achieve international recognition. It is not clear why this is
    being done, and if anything is done at all to achieve recognition
    of independence.

    The statements that NKR must be a party in the talks are a showcase,
    profanation. In reality, it has nothing to do with autonomy. It is
    not even understood who is capable of negotiating on behalf of NKR.

    If someone claims the right to negotiate on behalf of NKR, the purpose
    will be ensuring the legitimacy of handing Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

    Besides, it should be noted that neither Abkhazia, nor South Ossetia
    had so many Russian agents. Who will recognize the independence of
    such a province?

    It is possible that the integration of Armenia with NATO would
    lead to the "recognition of the rights of Karabakh", afterwards the
    recognition of its independence as a region which has a tendency for
    independence. However, September 3 laid a gravestone on Karabakh,
    and there is no doubt that this topic was absent in all the possible

    Armenia and Karabakh are mostly worried about proposals involving
    peacekeepers in the conflict area. In addition, there is no doubt
    that the peacekeepers will eventually play according to the rules of
    the game that favors Azerbaijan, and it is impossible to overcome it
    through any treaty.

    Stationing Russian peacekeepers is but return of Karabakh under
    Azerbaijan's control which has become not only Russia's real ally but
    part of the "Russian world". There is already such sad experience and
    the Armenian leadership and public are pretending to have forgotten
    the developments of the early 1990s.

    The Russian troops have left a sad memory in Nagorno-Karabakh because
    they were after infringement on the will and rights of the Armenian
    population. The Russian troops clamped down on the Armenians twice,
    in 1991 and 1992, organizing two punitive campaigns killing over 1000
    Armenians, destroying over 40 Armenian settlements. They participated
    in genocidal actions against the Armenians and displacing Armenians
    from several regions of Karabakh.

    No matter how the political and other conditions of the region change,
    these developments cannot be ignored during the discussion of Russian
    and other peacekeepers.

    Supply of Russian weapons to Azerbaijan has made the latter think
    that it has won the arms race and revenge is possible. This year was
    a period of major military sabotages to which Russia did not react,
    perceiving it as a condition of maintaining tension.

    Putin has tried to appear as the one who curbs Azerbaijan's aggression,
    which ended up in escalation. If Russia wished, the border incidents
    would stop over a night. Meanwhile, Russia needs escalation to have
    an argument for stationing "peacekeepers", i.e. occupation.

    However, the Karabakh issue is the only temporary condition for Russia
    to control the region. Russia is not interested in including Armenia
    in the Eurasian project. All Russia is interested in is its isolation
    which it has achieved.

    Now Russia has appeared in international isolation and blockade,
    which is a disaster for Armenia. Russia is getting close to Turkey and
    Azerbaijan, and the loss of sovereignty and statehood of Armenia is
    a premise. The Armenian society could not and did not want to react
    to this, accepting capitulation. If the Western community failed
    to withdraw Armenia from its state of vassal, the first stage of
    destruction of the country will be ceding Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

    This is the product of the Russian policy, which has become enemy
    N 1 of the Armenian people. The people of Nagorno-Karabakh may feel
    the end and repel this Russian policy.

    The old legend of Karabakh is over, they have not invented the new
    one. Who is the author of the new legend of Karabakh?
