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Relations of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan: Potential friends

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  • Relations of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan: Potential friends

    Relations of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan: Potential friends and enemies
    By Bahman Aghai Diba, PhD International Law of the Sea
    Feb. 18, 2015

    Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan may seem as
    potential close allies or at least two neighboring countries with very
    good relations. The two countries have land, river and sea borders.
    Iran, as the first and biggest Shiite country in the world, is run by
    a Shiite clerics who claim to be promoting their religious messages
    and supporting like minded trends. Therefore, Azerbaijan Republic, as
    the only other mostly Shiite country of the world, should be Iran's
    best friend. Iran has a big Azeri minority that is from the same
    cultural backgrounds as the people of the Azerbaijan Republic. In
    fact, the Iranian Azeri minority is bigger than the entire population
    of the Republic of Azerbaijan. However, since the independence of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan from the former USSR (1991), the Islamic
    Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan have had one of the
    worst neighborly relations in the region and the existing trends
    indicate that even worse relations may be in the way.

    Problems between the two countries:

    For a start, Iran and Azerbaijan Republic are both among the littoral
    states of the Caspian Sea and the Caspian Sea littoral states have not
    yet succeeded to define a commonly accepted formula for the legal
    regime of the Caspian Sea and the two countries of Iran and
    Azerbaijan have deep disagreement regarding what this regime should
    be. (1)

    The Azeris on both sides of the border of Iran and Azerbaijan have
    common culture and language. They speak almost exactly the same
    language, which is different from the Turkish language of the Turkey.
    In fact some parts of the present Azerbaijan Republic consists of the
    territories separated from Iran, after 20 years of unequal wars
    between the Iran and Tsarist Russia, and by two imposed treaties.
    Therefore, there are important unifying feelings on both sides. The
    government of Azerbaijan has supported some of the separatist Azeri
    groups of Iran that call for unity of Azerbaijan with the clear
    intention of separating 4 Azeri provinces of Iran.(2) at the other
    side, Iran fears Aliyev, backed by Israel and even the United States,
    could support a revolt by its Azeris, who comprise about one-quarter
    of the population. So it supports Azerbaijan's regional rival,
    Armenia, in its deadlocked dispute with Baku over Nagorno-Karabakh,
    currently held by Armenia.

    Shiitism: the two countries are mainly Shiite Muslims, but the
    government of Azerbaijan has always been cautious not to let the
    Shiite elements to get to any place of power. For the same reason, the
    government of Azerbaijan has been systematically eliminating the
    chances of Iran for influencing the Muslims of Azerbaijan. The
    activities of the Shiite groups are strictly under control. And any
    relations of these groups with Iran are under scrutiny. A number of
    them have been arrested. (3)

    Relations with Armenia and the issue of Nagorno Garabagh- due to the
    military standoff with Armenia over the region of Nagorno Karabagh,
    the Azerbaijan Republic has entered into an axis of
    Azerbaijan-Turkey-Israel. Iran on the other hand is afraid of the
    Western presence and considers this as a part of preparations for
    possible military intervention in all or parts of Iran by US (after
    getting the tacit agreement of the Russians who have always wished to
    see the disintegration of Iran). In order to counter the Azeri moves,
    Iran is supporting Armenia. `Azerbaijan believes the clear economic
    and political support of Iran from the Republic of Armenia is a kind
    of declaration of war against Baku'. (4)

    Another point of contention is the foreign policy of the two
    countries. Azerbaijan considers itself a European country and wants
    to become a member of the European Union (EU) and NATO as soon as
    possible. As the relations of Iran with Western countries goes bad due
    to several issues (especially the nuclear program of Iran, Iran's
    intervention in the Middle East peace process, and support of Iran to
    international terrorism), Azerbaijan is mentioned as one of the places
    that may used by the West, especially the US, (instead of or along
    with Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia) as a possible route for the
    Western attack or against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    However, none of these are as important as the issue of relations of
    Azerbaijan Republic with Israel. In 2008, Azeri daily Yeni Musavat
    cited a political analyst at the University of Washington's Institute
    for Middle East Studies as pointing out `extensive covert and overt
    preemptive cooperation in security, intelligence and military areas
    between Azerbaijan and the Israeli intelligence services, Mossad' in
    the ex-Soviet republic. He also referred to installation of
    `highly-advanced satellite espionage equipment on the Azeri soil,
    wiretapping centers in frontier areas, eavesdropping centers in the
    Caspian Sea and continuous training of Azeri intelligence and security
    agents in Israel' as instances of the collaboration. (5) According to
    another report: ` Israel has been quietly building intelligence and
    military links with oil rich Azerbaijan, a largely secular Muslim
    state, since the collapse of the Soviet Union two decades ago. The
    Israelis sell significant amounts of weapons and unmanned aerial
    vehicles to the government in Baku, on the Caspian Sea, as its
    intelligence services dig in along the border with Iran. That gives
    Israel a forward operating base to monitor Iran, particularly its
    contentious nuclear program, which Jerusalem views as a major
    existential threat.' (6)

    Dr. Afshar Sulaimani, the former Ambassador of Islamic Republic of
    Iran to the Republic of Azerbaijan, has told `Diplomacy Irani': `The
    Republic of Azerbaijan has many important points for Israel,
    including: Presence in the northern borders of Iran. The relations of
    Israel and Azerbaijan Republic have more secret aspects than open
    ones. Azerbaijan tries to use the Israeli lobby in the US in its
    favor, use the capability of Israeli intelligence service for
    identifying the Armenian elements mostly stationed in Lebanon who are
    active against the Azerbaijan, getting help for curtailing the
    political Islam, stopping the effects of Iranian media and remarks of
    Iranian politicians, and eventually to contain the political worries.
    On the other side, Israelis use their relations with Azerbaijan as a
    model of relations with a Muslim country, and trying to get
    recognition among the Muslim countries, reducing the influence of Iran
    in Azerbaijan, and weakening Iran in order to cut its relations with
    Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria, affecting relations with Turkey and

    At the same time, worsening of relations between the Western countries
    and Russia has created a new atmosphere of closeness between the Iran
    and Russia and at the same time, it has opened the way for concern on
    the part of some regional countries, especially the Republic of
    Azerbaijan. The new trend in Iran-Russian relations, combined with
    harsh moves of Russians in Ukraine, the experience of Georgia and mild
    reaction of the West to such developments, have important implications
    in the regional context.

    The Russians have historically been very active against the interests
    of the people of Iran. The old Russian Empire tried to destroy Iran in
    order to devour the smaller parts one after another. Peter the Great
    left guidance to destroy Iran in order to get to the `warm waters' of
    the Persian Gulf. In 1907 and 1915, the Russians twice tried to
    destroy Iran in collaboration with the British. The Russians separated
    and devoured several parts of Iran (in 1813), including a major part
    of the present territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Russians
    have violated the rights of Iran in the Caspian Sea and at the moment
    they have a position strictly against the position of Iran in the
    Caspian Sea. However, the hardliners and extremists in Iran consider
    the entire events in Ukraine as Western conspiracies and they persuade
    the Iranian society for closer relation between Iran and Russia.


    The main reason for unfavorable relations between the Islamic Republic
    of Iran and the Azerbaijan Republic is not the dispute on the Caspian
    Sea, the suppression of the Shiites or the religious people in
    Azerbaijan Republic, and similar issues. The Islamic Republic is
    really careless how other countries treat the Muslims when the
    problems related to its survival and security are concerned. The
    biggest example of this is the close relations of Iran with the
    Republic of Armenia which has no special reason but trying to put
    pressure on the Azerbaijan Republic (which is a Muslim Shiite
    country). Also, Iran is careless to what is happening in the Abkhazia,
    Chechen and Dagestan to the Muslims under the Russian rulers. Even the
    opposition of Iran to plans such as Trans-Caspian pipelines should be
    looked in the light of the following fact. The main reason for the
    negative attitude of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the
    Azerbaijan Republic is the close relation of Azerbaijan with the West,
    and the increasing presence and activities of Israel.

    Sources and references:

    1. Regarding this point please refer to the author's multiple articles
    in `Payvand News of Iran' on the legal regime of the Caspian Sea and
    also to: Aghai Diba, Bahman, the Law and Politics of the Caspian Sea,
    Booksuege, 2006, VA, US.

    2, (3) and (4) Ali Jafari, writing for Alborz site.

    (5) Press TV

    (6) UPI

    (7) IR Diplomacy
