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UK Media Demonizing Russia As 'Guilty' Of Daring To Resist US Empire

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  • UK Media Demonizing Russia As 'Guilty' Of Daring To Resist US Empire


    February 19, 2015 12:44

    The demonization of Vladimir Putin and Russia by the British political
    establishment and media has never been as intense as in the wake of
    the recent Ukraine peace talks in Minsk, Russia Today reports.

    STEPANAKERT, FEBRUARY 19, ARTSAKHPRESS: Rather than preparing British
    public opinion for peace and a negotiated settlement to a conflict
    which thus far has cost the lives of over 5,000 people and seen over
    a million displaced, the opposite has been evident: British public
    opinion is being prepared for a continuation and intensification of
    the conflict. The characterization of the Russian leader has been so
    off the scale it is hard to imagine anyone being naïve enough to take
    it seriously.

    When he's not being compared to Hitler, an especially offensive
    caricature for historical reasons, he is being accused of harboring
    ambitions of forging a 'Russian Empire.' That such accusations stem
    from a nation whose government has played a key part in reducing
    Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya to a state of chaos in recent years,
    a consequence of the UK's attachment to Washington's brutal and
    disastrous assault on the Arab and Muslim world, only makes them all
    the more hypocritical if not downright noxious. But then this should
    come as no surprise, as we've been here before, haven't we? Remember
    when Venezuela's Hugo Chavez was being similarly demonized and held
    up as a dictator? His crime when he came to power and remained there
    on the back of numerous democratic elections was his refusal to allow
    Venezuela's wealth to continue to be shipped out of the country, as it
    had been for decades, by a small group of Western-supported oligarchs.

    What the crisis and conflict in Ukraine has done is remind us that
    we live in a unipolar world in which the West's interests and rights
    are the only ones deemed legitimate. This is what drives the repeated
    attempts by Washington and its allies, especially the UK, to push a
    hegemonic agenda. And whether in the Middle East or in Europe, it is
    this agenda that has been the root cause of instability, conflict,
    and human suffering across the world that we have seen unfold in
    recent times. And this is without taking into account the decades of
    mayhem that has ensued before that. The US is a global hegemony. With
    over 1,000 military bases covering the planet, 11 navy battle carrier
    groups, and a military budget currently exceeding that of every other
    major industrialized nation combined, the challenge facing the world
    is how to resist a US Empire that, to paraphrase the Roman historian
    Tacitus, is intent on making a desert and calling it peace.

    The British political class and its media allies have made a virtue out
    of attaching themselves to the US Empire's coattails. It is a sordid
    and eminently dishonorable relationship that has allowed the UK to
    parade itself as a first rate power when in truth it hardly qualifies
    as third rate. While Britain may no longer have an empire, an empire
    attitude towards the rest of the world continues to poison the minds
    of its leaders and proponents of the ideology of 'democratization',
    which is not to be confused with democracy.

    Vladimir Putin and Russia's crime is to dare to resist this US
    Empire, taking a stand against the hypocrisy, double standards, and
    complete lack of respect for other countries, cultures, and values
    it represents. The concerted attempt to expand NATO and an ever more
    militant EU all the way up to Russia's border has nothing to do with
    democracy and everything to do with the projection of imperial power
    masquerading as democracy. An escalation of the conflict in eastern
    Ukraine benefits no one, least of all Russia. But the principle at
    stake is one that must be upheld - namely an end to the West dictating
    orders to the rest of the world and thereby spreading destabilization
    rather than peace, war instead of peace, and chaos at the expense
    of order.

    At some point a viable political solution to the Ukrainian crisis
    will have to be agreed. But only equals can reach such an agreement,
    which will require an end to the infantile Russophobia that has become
    a feature of political discourse in the UK. Russia is not an enemy
    of the British people. The irresponsible and reckless disregard for
    European stability based on mutual respect is. The UK has long been
    the cat's paw of Washington within Europe. When the US sneezes it
    is ready with a handkerchief to blow its nose. In fact it would be
    more apt to replace the word 'alliance' in Atlantic Alliance with
    'dependence.' Meanwhile, when it comes to the British press, the
    poet Humbert Wolfe said it best: "You cannot hope to bribe or twist,
    thank God, the British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do
    unbribed, there's no occasion to."
