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Forget-Me-Not: A Symbol Of Genocide Centennial Making Its Way Into A

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  • Forget-Me-Not: A Symbol Of Genocide Centennial Making Its Way Into A


    GENOCIDE | 20.02.15 | 11:45

    Alina Nikoghosyan
    ArmeniaNow intern

    Forget-me-nots, a chosen symbol of commemoration of the Centennial of
    the Armenian Genocide, in colors symbolizing the past, the present
    and the future, the light and the eternity, have increasingly been
    taking a more prominent place in the life of Armenians in Armenia
    and around the world in recent days and weeks.

    The massacres of Armenians that began in the Ottoman Empire still
    in the 19th century peaked in 1915 turning into a state genocidal
    campaign, with 1.5 million Armenians slaughtered in the subsequent
    few years. In 2015, Armenians in different parts of the world as well
    as in Armenia itself will be holding many events to commemorate the
    victims of the Genocide on its 100th anniversary.

    Under a decision of the State Committee coordinating these events,
    the forget-me-not flower has been selected as the official symbol of
    the commemorations, while "I Remember and Demand" was chosen as the
    motto for the anniversary, because the flower represents the graphic
    image of 12 stone slabs of the memorial to the Armenian Genocide
    victims at Tsitsernakaberd (Swallow Fortress).

    The five petals of the flower symbolize five parts of the world
    where Armenians were scattered after the Genocide and created the
    Armenian Diaspora.

    The flower has four colors - black in the center, symbolizing the
    Armenian past, then it is surrounded by yellow which pictures the
    light and the eternity in the form of 12 pillars standing in a circle
    symbolizing the memorial of Tsitsernakaberd. Light purple is the
    present and the prevailing purple - the future.

    The small flower that contains much notion in it has already managed
    to become widely popular among Armenians. Reporters of many TV stations
    appear on screens with a Forget-Me-Not badge.

    The idea of the forget-me-not seems to have appealed to the ruling
    party as well, as both President Serzh Sargsyan and other senior
    Republican Party members appear in public wearing Forget-Me-Not badges.

    Schools will not stay apart from the "Forget-me-nots"; among other
    events devoted to the Centennial of the Genocide the Armenian Ministry
    of Education and Science will organize an event in all public
    educational institutions on March 24, when all schoolchildren of
    5-12 grades will prepare the symbol of forget-me-nots - 1.5 million
    pieces, which later, on April 24, will be handed to visitors of

    And although the official website of the Centennial of the Armenian
    Genocide says that already in April Forget-Me-Not badges will be
    provided for free, it did not avoid "business interests", and those
    willing to purchase forget-me-nots earlier are offered a bunch of
    Forget-me-nots - not only badges, but also earrings, key-holders, etc.

    According to some media reports, a local businessman has produced fake
    badges, selling them in his stores for 200 AMD (about 40 cent) a piece.

    However, as a symbol the forget-me-not has not unanimously been
    accepted and has been criticized by some as well.

    According to filmmaker Tigran Khzmlyan, who is also a former member
    of the Pre-parliament civil initiative, the forget-me-not is not a
    proper symbol for the Genocide Centennial, because according to him,
    Armenians have long had their symbolic flower.

    "The forget-me-not is understandable in an abstract sense, however,
    it is not now that we are searching for cultural symbols for us, and
    in our poetry and folklore, in our image system a completely different
    flower symbolizes the Armenian pain, it is the poppy. In the image of
    the previous generation a poppy symbolized the blood of the diseased,
    meaning the beauty of the poor nature of our mountains, it is red,
    but has black in its heart," Khzmlyan said.

    As for the slogan of the flower - "I Remember and Demand", according
    to the film director, it might create a misunderstanding in Turkey.

    "If we take a forget-me-not, as a symbol of memory, we appear in a
    quite ambiguous situation. The thing is we have nothing to remember,
    we are not looking at it from aside and thus we seem to appear in the
    Turkish trap. Besides, there is also another unpleasant peculiarity -
    the forget-me-not, as it turns out, has numerously been used, it is a
    banal and discredited symbol, which we see in many political parties,
    religious units and most ridiculously, it is the logo of many trading
    companies," Khzmlyan said.

    Nevertheless, the symbolic "Forget-me-not" will at least this year be
    in the center of Armenian attention, and Europe's biggest pop music
    contest, Eurovision, will be no exception.

    Armenia has decided to unite around Eurovision 2015 the new generation
    of all Armenians who were scattered around the five continents
    (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Australia) in 1915 and five
    singers of Armenian origin are associated with five petals of the
    flower. They will be joined by one singer from Armenia who will unite
    the petals. The group that will be formed for the contest will be
    called The Genealogy - 6 artists, 6 destinies, one story, and the
    title of the song is - "Don't Deny".
