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So Brad Pitt Ate A Slice ...

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  • So Brad Pitt Ate A Slice ...


    Slate Magazine
    Feb 20 2015

    How the pizza place Ellen ordered from at last year's Oscars has
    parlayed its three minutes of fame.

    By Jason Feifer

    Ellen DeGeneres strode onto the stage first. "Pizza's here!" she said.

    Behind her followed a stunned delivery guy named Edgar, holding three
    boxes of the finest pie Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria has on offer.

    "Hello," Edgar said to Hollywood's assembled royalty. And then
    for three minutes--the most memorable of last year's Oscars, made
    extraordinary by its ordinariness--the two distributed slices to the
    hungry likes of Meryl Streep and Harrison Ford. The pizza shop swears
    it had no idea this was going to happen; Edgar says he had been told he
    was delivering pizza to the crew, and then Ellen led him out past the
    curtains. Given what ABC charges for a 30-second ad during the Oscars,
    TMZ calculated that Big Mama's & Papa's 180 seconds of sunshine was
    worth $10.8 million.

    It seemed like a crazy blip for an otherwise obscure pizzeria,
    good for maybe a few weeks of increased sales. But one year later,
    we can see the profound effect that $10.8 million in unexpected free
    advertising has had. Big Mama's ambitions have been amplified, and
    the chain is aiming to go global.

    Big Mama's has a romantic origin story: In 1992, as teenagers not yet
    fluent in English, Armenian immigrant brothers Aro and Allen Agakhanyan
    opened a 500-square-foot pizza shop that they'd work at for hours after
    high school let out. They've since grown the company to 20 locations
    in and around L.A., some owned by them and others franchised. (Edgar,
    who delivered to the Oscars, is a franchisee.) And they've gained
    local notoriety for living up to the "Big" in their name: They serve
    a 54-inch, 200-slice "Giant Sicilian": the Guinness World Records
    calls it the largest deliverable pizza in the world. In January,
    Miley Cyrus posted a photo of herself in front of one on Facebook.


    One of the brothers' locations is near DeGeneres' studio in Burbank,
    and they say her staff orders from it frequently. But during the
    biggest delivery in the company's history, only one brother, Aro, was
    watching. Allen was working late at the office when someone called,
    frantically telling him what was going on. He immediately called his
    brother. "We had been waiting for a great opportunity to come, and
    this was it," Allen says. "And that's when we decided, right away,
    we've got to get a hold of Lou and Ray."

    Even the greatest accomplishment can start to look like a crutch,
    something you show off for lack of any other accolade.

    Lou and Ray are Lou Franson, former president of Hooters and managing
    director of Arby's International, and Ray Perry, former COO of
    Carl's Jr. and Hardee's. They had teamed up as restaurant consultants
    and had met with the Agakhanyan brothers a few years prior to talk
    about expansion. Nothing came of the meeting back then, but suddenly
    everything was different. "The day after the Oscars, I get a call,
    and all I hear is, 'We need help!' " Franson says. New investors
    and potential franchisees were calling the brothers. Customers were
    ordering pizza as if the stars were in the back tossing dough. The
    restaurant veterans signed on immediately.

    Franson says they knew the brand couldn't be built on one TV moment, no
    matter how many A-listers had been involved. "From a legal standpoint,
    we had to be very careful," he says. They don't actually own the
    rights to any of the Oscars images, and it's not as if Brad Pitt
    can be called an official sponsor, as much as he did seem to enjoy
    his slice. There's also a risk of overplaying the moment, like an
    Olympian who wears his medal when he goes grocery shopping. Even the
    greatest accomplishment can start to look like a crutch, something
    you show off for lack of any other accolade.

    But Franson and Perry are plotting a way around all this. They want
    to use the brief blessing from the Oscars to present Big Mama's &
    Papa's in a new light: as the embodiment of L.A. coolness. DeGeneres'
    Oscar gag may have worked because the pizza joint seemed like a
    local-yokel place--the kind that, frankly, Brad Pitt wouldn't be
    frequenting. But the company's brochure for prospective franchisees
    plays it differently: "Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria is a hot concept
    that's served hot out of the oven, but it's definitely 'Southern
    California Cool'--as 43 million viewers saw when Oscars host Ellen
    DeGeneres hand delivered Big Mama's & Papa's pizza slices to Hollywood
    A-list stars."

    That's the vision new franchisees will be buying into. But to make
    it stick, Franson and Perry realize that they need to amp up the
    company's cool factor.

    Step one: Big Mama's needs a cool car. The company has partnered
    with Mercedes-Benz to create a Smart car for deliveries. It's an
    eye-catching, if goofy, little thing: The car is vinyl-wrapped in
    the company colors--red and yellow--and has a giant image of a pizza
    on the door. On top is a custom-made insulated box, wider than the
    car itself, which is built to hold that 200-slice monster. All new
    franchisees are required to buy a pair of the cars.

    Step two: Big Mama's needs a cool look. That's still in development,
    Franson says, though he says the redesign will "capture a SoCal
    lifestyle." (So, a traffic jam motif?) Most of the existing locations
    will be retrofitted with the new look, and all new ones will be built
    in its image. The chain's tiny Hollywood location, which I popped into
    this week, could certainly use a lifestyle upgrade. Its mostly spare
    walls are painted green and orange. The only sign of its proximity
    to cool is a dinky Oscar trophy replica, perched on a shelf behind
    the register, above a sign that says, "We reserve the right to refuse
    service to anyone."


    And, crucially, step three: The Agakhanyan brothers need to export
    the cool to points beyond L.A. The company is focused on signing
    new franchisees in California, Arizona, and Nevada, but they've also
    found a partner in Dubai. BinHendi Enterprises, a conglomerate that
    has launched everything from luxury hotels to fine dining across the
    Gulf and Middle East, has committed to opening two Big Mama's in the
    region this year, with more expected to follow. The company didn't
    respond to a request for comment, but it's likely that they expect
    L.A. coolness to play well in internationally minded Gulf cities. It's
    worked for other retailers: New York's Magnolia Bakery, made famous on
    Sex and the City, is now also in Beirut, Doha, Dubai, and Kuwait City.

    Top Comment

    Many entrepreneurs never acknowledge the role "just plain dumb luck"
    plays in their success. The skill is how you handle the luck when it
    happens. More...

    -John Snow

    18 CommentsJoin In

    In pitching regional attitude, Big Mama's is making a different play
    than many of its competitors. "Many successful regional chains are
    capitalizing on the fast casual dining trend," says IBISWorld analyst
    Andrew Alvarez, who watches the pizza industry. He's talking about the
    Chipotle-style, customize-everything movement that's been killing the
    likes of McDonald's. Customization can play well in the $38.7 billion
    pizza industry, which is expected to grow an estimated 2 percent
    annually for the next five years. PizzaRev, also from Los Angeles, has
    19 locations and another 29 coming. Pie Five Pizza, based in Texas,
    has 26 franchises, with 40 more planned for this year and another
    200 in the pipeline. Both are hot on customization that goes beyond
    the usual selection of toppings: Customers can also pick the type of
    dough, sauce, and cheese. PizzaRev's slogan is "Craft Your Own."

    Big Mama's & Papa's has plenty of options, too. You want gluten-free
    pizza? Whole wheat? Pizza in the shape of a gondola, filled with
    the toppings of your choice along with two sunny-side eggs? They've
    got it. But now the real test of its coolness will begin: Another
    Oscars will have come and gone, this time, presumably, without any
    high-profile on-air catering, and Big Mama's will be left to create its
    own momentum. The Agakhanyan brothers aren't sweating it. They always
    envisioned making a push like this, seeing how far their ambitions
    could take them. "The brand was going to expand regardless," Allen
    says. "What the Oscars did, it sped things up. It's just a matter of
    timing." And in pizza delivery, timing is everything. a_has_parlayed_its_three.html

    From: A. Papazian