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Attitude of people toward book has changed due to social problems

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  • Attitude of people toward book has changed due to social problems

    Attitude of people toward book has changed due to social problems

    15:04 / 19.02.2015

    February 19, the birthday of Armenian distinguished poet Hovhannes
    Tumanyan, is being celebrated as Day of Presenting Book. On that
    occasion conducted interview with deputy director of Avetik
    Isahakyan Central Library Ruzanna Barseghyan to find out how much our
    public is tied to books.

    - Mrs Barseghyan, how the idea of declaring book gifting day has come
    up, how many years it is being marked in Armenia?

    - On 2008 the Armenian Writers Union decided to declare a book gifting
    day on February 19, the birthday of Armenian outstanding poet
    Hovhannes Tumanyan.

    - How much the Armenian public is interested in literature?

    - We all know that our people are undergoing cultural crisis due to
    economic, social changes as a result of which the attitude of people
    toward book has changed. We have always had special attitude toward
    book, knowledge, teacher. Unfortunately, in our times this attitude is
    always fluctuating and it all comes from a family.

    - Which is the aim of today's event?

    - The aim is to restore our kind traditions, our love toward books
    inherited from our ancestors. There is not a week that we do not get
    books from our citizens, on hand it is good, on the other it means
    that they do not need them at home.

    - What events are scheduled in the library for today?

    - We invite all the citizens here where we will give them the books we
    have received from our citizens. For already few years we are carrying
    out this event. Last year we have donated 2000 books. Besides, we are
    going to have guests tomorrow, mainly students and we have prepared an
    event for them.

    - How many readers does the library have annually?

    - The library receives 32,000-35,000 readers annually. About 700-900
    readers visit library every day as we have many services. If to view
    generally, yes, the number of readers has reduced and the interest
    toward reading as well, but if to view from the position of our
    library it is not so. Our readers are making use of Wi-Fi service,
    electronic catalogue getting familiarized to the books we have. We
    have many groups which study different languages.

    - What books do our readers mainly prefer, professional or fiction literature?

    - As far as the 70% of our readers are students, they mainly prefer
    professional literature. I must say that we are facing the issue of
    translated professional literature. We are cooperating with printing
    houses and are presenting them a list for them to prepare the
    corresponding literature, but we are in market relations and may be we
    are the only ones who make the order. We cannot order 1000 books but
    they need a bigger order.
    Every economist, mathematician, biologist, journalist while publishing
    a book donate 2-3 examples to us. I am not speaking of writers.
    We have always loved book and I call to everyone to love book and give
    it as a present, and not only on February 19, but on birthdays, March 8.
