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Automobile rally organized in Strasbourg in support of Founding Parl

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  • Automobile rally organized in Strasbourg in support of Founding Parl

    Automobile rally organized in Strasbourg in support of Founding Parliament

    20:58 | February 20,2015 | Politics

    On February 20, a group of young people organized an automobile rally
    and a collection of signatures in Strasbourg, France.

    They condemned the January 31 terrorism against the members of the
    Founding Parliament members in Berdzor, Karabakh and expressed support
    for the Founding Parliament's initiative held under the slogan `100th
    anniversary without regime!'

    On January 31, scores of activists representing the Founding
    Parliament opposition movement, a successor of the Pre-parliament
    pressure group, organized an automobile march to Nagorno-Karabakh as
    part of their campaign seeking a regime change in Armenia. Near
    Berdzor, they were stopped by local police and a group of plainclothes
    men who forcefully blocked their access to the territory of Karabakh.
    A number of activists, including Jirayr Sefilyan, a Karabakh war
    veteran and a former commander of the Shushi special detachment, were
    beaten up during the incident. Also, some vehicles of the automobile
    march were damaged.
