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A Century of American Figurehead Presidents Marching to the Beat of

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  • A Century of American Figurehead Presidents Marching to the Beat of

    A Century of American Figurehead Presidents Marching to the Beat of
    Wall Street and the New World Order

    By Joachim Hagopian
    Global Research, February 18, 2015
    Region: USA
    Theme: Culture, Society & History, Global Economy

    It's that time of year again! President's Day, a time to honor
    America's two greatest presidents in history (at least from history
    book consensus) - George Washington our first and Abraham Lincoln our
    sixteenth president. By conveniently combining the nearest weekend
    midpoint between their birthdays (22nd and 12th respectively) and
    lopping in Valentine's Day and the NBA All Star Weekend to make it a
    post-Super Bowl Bonanza for everyone, kind of like what the three-day
    MLK weekend is to the yearend holiday extravaganza. But between our
    Presidents' Day sales, popcorn and beer, this President's Day 2015
    might also be an opportune time to pause and reflect on our presidents
    over this last century. President's Day then becomes a sober reckoning
    of how the fate of our cherished democratic republic was lost and
    stolen by today's totalitarian oligarchy. A chronicle of this last
    century's presidents offers us Americans a greater understanding of
    the diminished role our figurehead presidents have played as a mere
    public face to the shrouded power elite puppet masters pulling their
    strings. What follows is a presentational overview providing a
    step-by-step thread of continuity that has led us to the New World
    Order burgeoning today.

    1913 was a pivotal year that brought to fruition the meticulously laid
    out agenda conspired in total secrecy of the Jekyll Island Coup d'Etat
    that culminated with the Federal Reserve Act signed by President
    Woodrow Wilson establishing the deceptively covert, privatized central
    banking cabal of the Federal Reserve Board. The other illegal 1913
    coup that was part of the low-blow, one-two near knockout punch
    against the American people was the birth of the federal income tax.
    Thus the foundation of today's globalist Ponzi scheme on the verge
    right now of implosion gained its lethal foothold into our lives just
    one year before "the war to end all wars."

    A handful of extremely powerful men including prominent New York
    Senator Nelson Aldrich, Paul Warburg (representing the Rothschilds of
    Europe), Jacob Schiff (with also longtime Rothschild ties) of Kuhn,
    Loeb & Company and a few others like Benjamin Strong representing the
    financial interests of America's most elite money barons and
    industrialists like John D. Rockefeller met at J.P. Morgan's hunting
    club on a Georgia Island in 1910 to iron out the strategy to take over
    America's government by usurping the power of the US Treasury to
    produce currency.

    In his autobiography during the same year the Ponzi scheme was
    launched, then former President Theodore Roosevelt wrote:

    Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible
    government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to
    the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy
    alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first
    task of the statesmanship of the day.

    With one of the Jekyll Island participants Colonel Edward M. House
    acting as President elect Woodrow Wilson's personal advisor, the
    robber barons had plucked the Princeton University president from
    relative obscurity, planted him in office as the Governor of New
    Jersey in 1911 and then had him elected president the following year.
    His predecessor President Taft who had opposed a central bank was
    easily replaced by the naïve and pliable Wilson. Thus when he took his
    oath of office in January 1913, Colonel House was the elitist insider
    who was able to easily manipulate Wilson to further serve the interest
    of the banking cabal. House's instrumental role of influence and power
    over Woodrow Wilson might be analogous to what Zbigniew Brzezinski's
    was to President Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger to President Nixon.
    But the former Ivy League president was an intelligent man who had
    written a book published the same year he became president showing he
    was fully aware of the shadowy bankster cabal. Based on the quote
    below from his 1913 The New Freedom, Wilson knew a transformation of
    power was underway, making him all the more culpable when he proceeded
    to do everything the elite wanted and expected of him. In some ways
    knowing what he knew, signing the Federal Reserve Act and Federal
    Income Tax Act the same year his book was published made him a traitor
    to Americans:

    Some of the biggest men in the US, in the field of commerce and
    manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They
    know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so
    watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had
    better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of
    it.... We have been dreading all along the time when the combined power
    of high finance would be greater than the power of government....

    Yeah, if you're as weak as putty in their hands. To show just how much
    President Wilson was the first puppet president to be used by
    oligarchs, dancing gleefully to their diabolical tune, Wilson actually

    Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His
    thoughts and mine are one. If I were in his place I would do just as
    he suggested... if anyone thinks he is reflecting my opinion by whatever
    action he takes, they are welcome to the conclusion.

    With the formation of the Federal Reserve, wealth and power in the
    United States was instantly consolidated within a few Eastern
    Establishment families that would ensure their offspring were always
    educated at the finest Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale,
    Princeton and Columbia. Upon graduation they would enter Wall Street
    banking firms, global corporations and eventually infiltrate into key
    positions in the government. This power grab resulting in control over
    the flow of money through loans to the federal government, and then
    collecting interest on those loans, guaranteed loan repayment by
    income tax collection. This new monetary system was predicated on an
    invisible elite taking control of the government. What a coup, not
    unlike what 9/11 is to totalitarianism.

    Thus creation of the perfect pyramid scheme for the rich remained by
    law unaccountable to government oversight and control to the extent
    that the Federal Reserve was immune from all audits for its first 98
    years in existence! Finally in 2011 in its very first audit it was
    revealed that the Federal Reserve secretly paid $16 trillion in
    bailouts to the top elitist banks both domestic and foreign. Senator
    Bernie Sanders (I-VT) commented, "This is a clear case of socialism
    for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone
    else." In view of the fact that since 1913 the Federal Reserve has
    created so much new money out of thin air that it has purposely
    devalued the US dollar by 95%, the banking crime syndicate needs to be
    destroyed. As if such fiscal irresponsibility isn't bad enough, a few
    years later as of last week the so called modern day champion of
    economic reform Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) herself stopped short
    of demanding another Fed audit per Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) "Audit
    the Fed" Bill, calling it "Congressional meddling." Another instance
    of a politician who claims to represent the people selling out.

    The creation of the Federal Reserve Board intentionally deceiving the
    public by misrepresenting itself as an extension of the government was
    the ideal means by which the elite central banking cabal could
    ruthlessly eliminate competition from smaller banks and corporations
    while controlling the federal government by loaning money to big
    government to wage big war. And as no surprise, less than a year
    later, enter World War I, the bloodiest war in human history up to
    that time with 10 million soldiers and 7 million civilians killed and
    20 million injured. But hey, like every war it was a boom to the
    psychopathic oligarchs in charge as governments plunged deeper into
    debt and between accrued interest and collected taxes guaranteeing
    repayment, life was and still is mighty good for the ruling elite.

    Establishing an income tax to soak the middle class into funding the
    elite's wars, initially passed on a short-lived promise that taxpayers
    earning under $20,000 a year (the vast US majority in 1913) would only
    pay 1% of their annual income. But of course a short time later the
    middle class found itself heavily taxed, by design creating a
    formidable protective barrier restricting upward class mobility. That
    way, it ensured that the rich got richer and over time everyone else
    would get poorer in a debtor economy. The rich a hundred years ago in
    1915 were no different from the rich in control today in 2015 since
    concentrated wealth has seamlessly remained insulated in that same
    handful of families a full century later. The only difference is their
    wealth has grown exponentially at the expense of the rest of us who
    increasingly struggle in this new global age of fiscal austerity.
    Currently the richest 1% on earth own near half the global wealth.

    Through offshore tax loopholes and financing endowment foundations and
    extravagant elitist think tanks that have always been totally
    self-serving in supplying tremendous tax breaks, the wealthy ruling
    elite and its transnational corporations have gotten away with not
    bearing any tax burden. Thus these sinister anti-democratic, anti-free
    enterprise machinations enacted a century ago were designed to kill
    democracy in America, replacing it with the oligarchy we're currently
    stuck with today. The coup of 1913 was a mere replication of the
    wealth and power structure that had been governing Europe's central
    banking cabal since the 1600's. In fact a year before passage of the
    Federal Reserve Act, in a speech before world bankers, Meyer Nathaniel
    Rothschild bragged, "Let me control a people's currency and I care not
    who makes their laws." Global rulers consisting of only eight families
    in US and Europe that own the Federal Reserve envisioned a hundred
    years ago complete control over a centralized one world government
    through their central banking cabal. And here in the twenty-first
    century their diabolical scheme has tragically materialized right
    before our eyes.

    The chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency from 1920
    to 1931, Congressman Louis McFadden, would later gloat in 1932:

    When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United
    States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up
    here - a super-state controlled by international bankers and
    international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for
    their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal
    its powers but the truth is - the Fed has usurped the government.

    Industrialist Henry Ford put it this way, "It is well enough that the
    people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
    system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before
    tomorrow morning."

    Maintaining control over the press by disseminating lies and
    disinformation and education through rewriting history and omitting
    certain glaring facts, the power elite for many centuries has been
    brainwashing generation after generation of Americans. Taken in by the
    countless lies and illusions, we've always been taught that our
    democratic republic was supposed to be a government of the people, by
    the people and for the people (as Abe eloquently reminded us in his
    Gettysburg Address), and that through clean honest elections the will
    of the people is guaranteed by power of choice. The Founding Fathers
    preached equality and justice for all. But for whom? Only for a
    minority of the total population - free white men, definitely not for
    people of darker skinned races or half the population that were women
    or the growing segment within a debtor nation. The cold hard reality
    is the ruling elite was always in command right from the start in the
    United States of America. And in 1913 they were dancing in their
    mansions when consolidation of power was placed forevermore into fewer
    hands with passage of both the federal income tax and the Federal
    Reserve private banking cabal that has only led directly to the
    unsustainable global theft that elite's absolute power and control
    currently driving the pending economic collapse. As a private
    collection agency it bilks about $400 billion a year off the backs of
    US taxpayers and another $300 billion in interest alone. The 10
    private banks that make up the Federal Reserve is a pyramid scam that
    has us Americans paying out while they simply collect on what is owed,
    never having to pay out themselves.

    In 1916 President Wilson was an avid proponent pushing the notion that
    the world needed a League of Nations, a one world governmental body
    acting as global "peace enforcer," using the rationale that it would
    prevent another major war from recurring. And then once World War One
    ended in 1918, at the Paris Peace Conference the stage was set for the
    first attempt at a one world government with the founding of the
    League of Nations on January 10, 1920. However, the League never got
    off the ground in the US with the Senate voting to not become a

    As a mediator between clashing nations during the 1920's, the League
    of Nations is credited with several instances of successful conflict
    resolution. At its height in the early 1930's it boasted 58 nation
    members. But as the decade progressed, it began losing its power and
    credibility when nations like Poland refused to comply and Italy
    eventually walked out. When the polarizing world was militarizing as
    World War II loomed ominously closer, the League fell apart and
    disbanded. Of course a decade later after the Second World War, the
    United Nations reemerged as the primary global body of one world
    government in-the-making.

    The next big day the elitists could celebrate in their NWO conquest
    was the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921.
    This organization was the intended functionary liaison between the
    oligarchs dictating to the US federal government what it should do
    particularly in international foreign policy and global movement
    toward one world government. Many of the same Jekyll Island
    party-goers were founding members like Col. House, Paul Warburg,
    Warren Harding lasted only two years (1921-1923) in the White House
    before keeling over. His late night drinking and playing poker with
    the boys, his unsavory cronies from home state of Ohio, had him even
    betting away the White House china on a bad poker night. Historians
    regard Harding as one the worst presidents in US history. He was a
    do-nothing, middle-of-the-roader who never made enemies because he
    never took a stand on any major issues. The elite chose him because
    one, Harding had been a requisite Freemason for two decades and two,
    the oligarchs knew he would completely sign off on their globalist
    agenda. His secretary of state was leading internationalist Charles
    Evans Hughes who worked closely with Secretary of Commerce Herbert
    Hoover and Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon to switch international
    trade financing away from British bankers to American banks like
    Rockefeller's Chase National Bank.

    It did not take long for the newly formed CFR to declare its globalist
    objective in its magazine Foreign Affairs as Philip Kerr wrote on
    December 15, 1922:

    Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as
    long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states
    until some kind of international system is created...The real problem
    today is that of the world government.

    Harding's Vice President, Calvin Coolidge, suddenly became head man
    from 1923-1929. He was a welcome relief after the scandalous prone
    Harding administration. "Silent Cal" was a quiet, unassuming, frugal
    New Englander who opposed big government and the League of Nations.
    Though he too was a Freemason, the Roaring Twenties were defined more
    as a period of isolationism than globalism. As a conservative hero of
    the small businessman, Coolidge harkened on the wisdom and values
    espoused in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights rather than any
    progressive modern movement toward socialism and one world government
    that the Council on Foreign Relations and power elite were steadfastly

    October 1929 brought the Wall Street stock market crash and the
    ensuing Great Depression that went global for the next 10 years. It
    was purely a fleecing purposely staged by the ruling elite. The
    monetary system of the centralized banking cabal feeds off the
    intentionally induced, erratic ebb and flow of booms and depressions,
    with each cycle strengthening its profit and control. The Hegelian
    Dialectic has been repeatedly played out by the globalists. It
    consists of a three stage process, first the elite creates the
    problem, in this case the worldwide economic depression. The second
    phase involves controlling the reaction and then finally offer the

    The newly elected CFR member and "Skull & Bones" man (the infamous
    secret Yale society)President Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) was a
    longtime globalist who sought making inroads partnering big government
    with big business. He called upon the Senate in his inaugural address
    to accept the globalist creation of the World Court. In some ways
    despite being "a company man," Hoover became the fall guy as the elite
    turned to another one of its own in Franklin Delano Roosevelt who
    defeated Hoover in the 1932 election. Even FDR in a genuine moment of
    candor stated, "Presidents are selected, not elected."

    To maximize the cabal's fleecing, interest rates were increased while
    wages fell by 42%, the annual GDP was cut in half and more than a
    quarter of the workforce was unemployed. Talk about predatory

    FDR (1933-1944) was credited with the New Deal, an ambitious big
    government program that was unprecedented in expanding the domain of
    the globalist federal agenda into every American's personal life.
    Roosevelt had campaigned for president on his New Deal as phase two of
    the Hegelian Dialectic - deliverance of the necessary fix to the Great
    Depression. Essentially the New Deal assumed responsibility for the
    welfare of the United States heading us down the path to full frontal
    corporatism and out of control deficit spending, now well over 18
    trillion in the rabbit hole and counting. At the height of the
    Depression in 1933 Roosevelt, a 32 degree Freemason, a Skull and Bones
    operator and a CFR member, wrote one of the key architects of this
    monetary system nightmare CFR founder Col. House lamenting:

    The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial
    element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the
    days of Andrew Jackson ... The country is going through a repetition of
    Jackson's fight with the Bank of the United States - only on a far
    bigger and broader basis...

    The president was having second thoughts about following House's big
    government New Deal advice, wanting to reign the banks in, but it was
    too late, he'd already given them what they wanted, largely a
    socialist government patterned after Mussolini's fascism. FDR's take
    on the Depression and how it was manufactured:

    The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the
    World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply
    of call money in the New York money market... The One World Government
    leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of
    the money and credit machinery of the US via the creation of the
    privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.

    Of course the same can be said for World War II. The international
    globalists financed both Hitler and the Allies to ensure more death,
    domination and control, not to mention profit. Prescott Bush, H.W.'s
    father, sunk millions into Hitler's rise. With each world war the
    oligarchs gained another giant step closer to their one world
    government vision. And similar to the First World War, even as the
    bloodiest war in human history still raged on with 15 million dead
    soldiers, 45 million civilians killed and 25 million wounded, the one
    world governmental apparatus known as the United Nations was formed. A
    strong League of Nations advocate, FDR played a seminal role in
    formulating the blueprint to the United Nations that gained its
    charter just six monthsafter the longest running president's death in

    Roosevelt's successor, Harry Truman (1944-1953), was also unabashed
    when it came to promoting big government socialism, calling his
    version "The Fair Deal." And also like FDR, Truman was a 33 degree
    Freemason also held membership in the Council on Foreign Relations.
    And he too led the centralized government assault as both provider and
    controller over the country's population and resources. Finally, it
    was Truman who has the dubious, shameful distinction of being the only
    country's president in the history of the world to drop the atom bomb
    over two Japanese cities knowing that Japan was ready to surrender.
    The excuse that it saved lives is a disgraceful lie.

    In June 1945 Harry Truman gave his globalist position away when he declared:

    It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the
    world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States.

    Incidentally, original Jekyll Island-Federal Reserve-CFR co-founder
    Paul Warburg's son James still spouted the cocky arrogance his
    resolute dad exhibited while testifying exactly 65 years ago today
    before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "We shall have world
    government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." From
    appearances based on today's developments, James Paul Warburg is close
    to being correct on both accounts.

    Retired General Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) had impeccable
    credentials when he was elected US President in 1952. The West Point
    educated Columbia University president had been WWII Supreme Allied
    Commander responsible for the largest amphibious land invasion in
    human history that successfully defeated the German Nazis on the
    Western front. He also became the first NATO Supreme Commander, the
    military machine designed to fight Soviet Communism in Europe. As a
    Council on Foreign Relations member, he surrounded himself with fellow
    CFR guys including John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State totaling
    19. Way back in 1939 CFR fixture Dulles boldly suggested that the US
    "lead the transition to a new order of less independent,
    semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union." Of
    course his future commander-in-chief was later the first general in
    charge of the continental army of Europe called NATO.

    Every year President Eisenhower happily sent members of his
    administration to the annual Bilderberg meeting to formally discuss
    the latest globalist agenda. During Ike's years as president the
    ruling elite made monumental strides under the cloak of the cold war
    that they themselves covertly created as a means towards the New World
    Order end. Of course it was also the ex-general who warned America in
    his Farewell Address in January 1961 of the coming threat to our civil
    liberties and freedom that the war profiteers of the military
    industrial complex posed. The elite's power to create enemies and make
    incessant war designed to increase American Empire global hegemony in
    sole interests of transnational corporations and the central banking
    cabal is the endgame result he warned us about.

    After 1000 days in office President John Kennedy (1961-1963) was
    gunned down by elements within his own government because he proved
    too much a threat to the status quo power structure. He was bent on
    deflating if not eliminating the CIA's covert autonomy around the
    world, was planning to bring back all the US military advisors so as
    to avoid the Vietnam War altogether, and made movement to unhinge the
    Federal Reserve banking cabal by bringing back the greenback dollar
    and reinstating the Treasury Department with authority over the flow
    of fiat currency. These three actions openly opposed the entire
    globalist agenda as well as would have severely undercut its power.
    Thus he was eliminated and the cover-up of murdering factions of rogue
    government insiders continues unabated to this day. Kennedy outed
    these shadowy elements in a speech less than seven months prior to his
    assassination in an April 1963 speech. Kennedy's father Joe was once
    quoted in a 1936 New York Times article claiming that "fifty men have
    run America, and that's a high figure." His son turned those same
    fifty's sons against him and paid the price.

    President Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969), a CFR-Freemason, has been
    implicated by some as a co-conspirator in the Kennedy murder. He most
    definitely had both motive and the means. Following the CFR "wise
    guys" lock, stock and barrel as his advisors both in and out of his
    cabinet, Johnson plunged the US on yet another false flag headlong
    into its longest war in its history in Vietnam. Rather than supporting
    independence and actual economic opportunity in the inner cities of
    America, Johnson's "Great Society" and "War on Poverty" proceeded to
    turn the United States into a welfare state which only mushroomed an
    underclass of disenfranchised poor. LBJ's tax exempt status to
    religious organizations while on his watch only weakened and silenced
    their free speech rights to actively oppose big government's march
    toward invasive power and control for fear of wrath from IRS
    militants. Johnson cooked the books to conceal exponential growth and
    absorbent costs of expanding government into the lives of Americans.

    Under President Richard Nixon (1969-1974) the pace dramatically
    accelerated toward the New World Order. His closest security advisor
    and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger openly and matter-of-factly
    spoke repeatedly and still speaks of the coming NWO as his fine-tuned
    globalist agenda, always spinning it in palatable terms as good for
    humanity, not just the ruling elite. A case in point, while speaking
    before the UN General Assembly in 1975, Kissinger promised, "Progress
    and peace and justice are attainable. So we say to all peoples and
    governments: Let us fashion together a new world order."

    Reflecting on his foreign policy triumph over his recent trip to
    China, in a February 1972 New York Times article President Nixon is
    quoted referring to both the US and China's mutual interest in
    "building a New World Order." No doubt with NWO still fresh on his
    mind, in that same month Nixon signed Executive Order 11647 that
    authorized UN jurisdiction over 10 regions within the 50 states. It
    reads like a precursor to UN Agenda 21 two decades later.

    Nixon entertained both the idea and the plan to lock up dissidents in
    detention camps, again the blueprint for today's FEMA camps. In fact,
    all the totalitarian police state contingencies were first formulated
    by this reactionary tyrant who became the only president in US history
    who resigned from office in disgrace over the illegal wiretapping,
    breaking and entering and dozens of violations to the US Constitution
    that are now the oppressive security state we're living in. He and
    Kissinger were also traitors that undermined a peace settlement the
    Johnson administration was working on that would have ended the
    Vietnam War in 1968. Instead it dragged on for more than four years
    killing thousands of more humans. Needless to say, Tricky Dick and his
    war criminal sidekick Henry were card carrying Council on Foreign
    Relations members with a saturated cabinet and advisors who were also
    likeminded totalitarian CFR globalists.

    Kissinger spilled the beans at the 1991 Bilderberg meeting:

    Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to
    restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be
    grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an
    outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion],
    whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is
    then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from
    this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When
    presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly
    relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by
    the World Government.

    Spoken like a true NWO fanatic. Three years later Kissinger entitled
    his book How to Achieve the New World Order.

    Gerald Ford (1974-1977) immediately pardoned his predecessor for all
    his crimes against humanity. As a regular Bilderberger, 33 degree
    Mason and CFR man, President Ford moved the globalist agenda right
    along. While a member of the Warren Commission investigating the JFK
    assassination, Ford inserted words into the report that reinforced the
    preposterous notion of the single magic bullet that went through
    Kennedy into Texas Governor Connelly. During the cover-up Ford played
    his part in defense of protecting the guilty. But then Gerry was
    always a loyal company man. Finally, Ford selected globalist kingpin
    Nelson Rockefeller as his vice president.

    Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) like Obama came from out of nowhere as the
    cherry-picked leading presidential candidate of his party, only
    reinforcing the veracity of FDR's admission that presidents are
    selected, not elected. And then Carter was also a member of the
    Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations.
    His socialism agenda masquerading as his Southern Baptist charm
    reflects the longstanding globalist point of view.

    And his very own Kissinger-esque security advisor was none other than
    brazen CFR globalist agenda cheerleader Zbigniew Brzezinski who with
    David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973. It was
    Brzezinski who introduced Carter to Rockefeller and the peanut farmer
    from Georgia was catapulted straight to the top. Even prior to
    becoming the leader of the free world's right hand man, Brzezinski's
    NWO roots were expressed prophetically loud and clear in his 1970 book
    Between Two Ages, America's Role in the Technotronic Era:

    The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more
    controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
    unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert
    almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain
    up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal
    information about the citizen. These files will be subject to
    instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.

    He goes on with more of his brave new world ranting:

    Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in
    intelligence control asserted, 'I foresee a time when we shall have
    the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the
    behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through
    environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.'

    President Reagan allowed himself to be used by the globalist machine
    bent on destroying everything Ronnie pretended to stand for -
    traditional values, honesty, courage, strength. Reagan complained
    about the top 19 positions filled by Trilateral Commission members in
    the Carter administration criticizing that it too closely aligned with
    banks and transnationals, yet after elected Reagan turned around and
    employed10 Trilateralists in his transition team and in his top posts
    too like his CFR-Trilateralist VP George H.W. Bush. A lifelong devotee
    of FDR, Reagan started off as a liberal Democrat. Ronald Reagan had a
    pervasive pattern of staying in stride with the changing wind of the
    times, becoming a hardened Soviet hater during the cold war. He rode
    this high horse mantra to legendary fame as the oligarch appointed
    leader and declared cold war winner in the behind the scenes
    arrangement East-West oligarchs made to collapse the Soviet Empire in
    favor of free world raping by the West that opened the floodgate to
    Russian mafia plundering. The real name of the game was globalization
    and privatization that arrived as transnational corporate-IMF
    exploitation. Reagan ignored the AIDS epidemic, a grotesque lapse of
    caring about those mostly afflicted that happened to be gay.

    Also following suit with his fellow GOP SoCal buddy Nixon, as a
    private citizen Reagan treasonously tampered in off limit foreign
    affairs, secretly making a deal with Iran to hold off handing over the
    American hostages until after he got elected. And then when the
    corrupt unlawful depravity of gun running for crack cocaine
    Iran-Contra affair was exposed, Reagan suddenly showed his first signs
    of dementia in his failure to recall much of anything when it came to
    his favorite Marine Corp criminal Ollie North. Vice President Bush as
    former CIA director was in charge. Despite Reagan's "freedom fighters"
    being murdering marauders killing thousands of their own in the
    Central American countryside, as long as they were on the right team,
    Reagan's anti-Commie busters, they were the good guys. He was
    complicit in giving the green light to genocide in Guatemala. Reagan
    used the same lying tactics to demonize Nicaraguan Sandinista leader
    Daniel Ortega as Obama team is still doing today with Venezuela's
    Nicolas Maduro and Russian President Putin. Yet Ortega and longtime so
    called Communist enemy Cuban Fidel Castro have been courted guests at
    the Council on Foreign Relations on several occasions.

    Though Reagan publicly championed small government, in reality he was
    big government all the way, adding bureaucracy, not taking it away as
    promised. He was revered for his tax-cutting yet Americans were paying
    more taxes by the end of his eight years than before he began. In the
    end his budget was 50% higher than Carter's and the budget deficit had
    tripled. All this belied his hyper-inflated glory because he was
    spending more on arms and the military than any time since WWII.
    Reagan was a B actor in Hollywood and an A actor in Washington though
    the phony veneer was not difficult to detect. But the populace that
    longed for the traditional values of the good old days would do it all
    over again voting against their own best interest defenselessly
    smitten by the disingenuous charm of a two-bit actor from the West. We
    all lose while once again the New World Order leaps forward in bounds
    especially when the torch is handed off to the Bush NWO crime

    No other president in the history of the United States has made his
    views toward one world government more public than globalist Skull and
    Bones man George H.W. Bush (1989-1993). He signed the North American
    Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) deal with Mexico that was good for only
    big business resulting in lost jobs and destroying small businesses in
    the US. Making continental and regional alliances and trade deals are
    the globalist steppingstone to New World Order and world government.
    Bush is big believer in the globalist vision of the UN and world court
    as the closest manifestation to his one world government. He signed
    the UN Agenda 21 along with leaders in 178 nations that is the
    globalist plan for their New World Order under the guise of
    sustainability. So every chance he got Bush was promoting his NWO:

    The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to
    fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse
    nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal
    aspirations of mankind.

    After giving Saddam Hussein the go-ahead to invade Kuwait, the first
    Bush used the first Gulf War to promote the self-interests of both the
    globalists and their transnational corporations in the Middle East,
    but always in a self-righteous moralistic tone:

    If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand
    up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and
    democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long
    dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long.

    When he bombed Iraqi water treatment plants and hospitals that caused
    a half million children to needlessly die, Bush senior's moral compass
    pointed straight to demonic hell because that's where this psychopath
    lives. The Bush crime family pass their evil down from one generation
    to the next. His involvement in child sex trafficking is yet one more
    can of worms in his family closet.

    CFR Skull and Bones man Bill Clinton (1993-2001) with a dozen cabinet
    members his fellow CFR props just goes to show us that regardless of
    political party, Democrat or Republican, the globalist agenda is one
    and the same. He too signed NAFTA selling Americans down the river.
    Andrew Reding of the World Policy Institute said:

    NAFTA will signal the formation, however tentatively, of a new
    political unit -- North America. With economic integration will come
    political integration. By whatever name, this is an incipient form of
    international government. Following the lead of the Europeans, North
    Americans should begin considering formation of a continental

    Clinton's under Secretary of State Strobe Talbot was quoted in a 1992
    Time article predicting that in this century "nations as we know it
    will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global
    authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

    Yet another Skullduggerist George W. Bush's (2001-2009) war crime
    policy that placed the US on a collision course with the New World
    Order after the treasonous neocon inside job of 9/11 has been followed
    to the T by Obama. This tells us that the invisible powerbrokers
    behind the public faces are calling the shot regardless of party
    puppet. And of course Hillary is the same as Bill is the same as Obama
    is the same as Bush Jr. is the same as Jeb is the same as Bush senior
    is the same as Woodrow Wilson is the same as FDR and every other
    president over this last full century.

    For 100 years now the globalist movement has been out to usurp our
    national sovereignty, replacing it with a one world government with
    one currency soon eclipsed by a microchip. There has been a war on
    both religion and family in this country just as individual rights are
    being attacked. Loyalty to the collective group above all else has
    been taught in the federalized public education brainwash called
    Common Core. Secrecy abounds in a totalitarian state. The militant
    Orwellian arm of child protective services and the thoroughly broken
    foster care system in this country are also at war with the American
    family. Obama and company have been busy making secret deals with the
    UN as part of the preparation for enactment of the Agenda 21. Still
    another NWO policy in both North America and Europe is the free
    anduninterrupted flow of immigration, pitting races, classes,
    religions and nationalities against each other.

    Since the CFR's founding in 1921, there have been 21 secretaries of
    defense or war, 19 secretaries of the treasury, 17 secretaries of
    state, and 15 CIA directors all taking their marching orders from the
    Council on Foreign Relations, the government offshoot of the globalist
    agenda of one world government. With all these NWO plants saturating
    every presidential administration for a century now, their
    invisibility is now shattered. The plain truth that our government has
    been taken over and hijacked by criminal psychopaths whose only
    loyalty is to the oligarchs that own and control them. Of course
    what's been happening to America has also been happening to Europe
    with the European Union. The proliferation of regional trade
    agreements are expediting this one world agenda all over the globe.

    All the globalists worldwide are traitors to their constitutional
    oaths they once swore to uphold and protect as well as traitors to the
    people that they also took oaths to serve. They are brazenly now
    violating the US Constitution, every citizen's civil liberties and
    pursuit of happiness and security because they are at war with the
    American people. The militarized police state makes us all easy
    targets by the shadow rogue government now in crime syndicate power
    carrying out a globalist eugenics plan to drastically reduce the human
    population on earth. Whether by soft kill or hard, it doesn't much
    matter to them, the endgame is the same - lower the current 7.2
    billion of us down to a half to one billion people that will be the
    zombie class of subservient lackeys left serving the needs of the
    ruling elite. In the face of what we are now up against, honoring our
    dishonorable treasonous presidents no longer seems like a good idea.
    Waking up and rejecting their tyranny does.
