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Khojali : Pretext to Incite Ethnic Hate Against Armenians in Turkey

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  • Khojali : Pretext to Incite Ethnic Hate Against Armenians in Turkey

    Khojali : Pretext to Incite Ethnic Hate Against Armenians in Turkey

    By Contributor on February 22, 2015

    On Feb. 20, the Human Rights Association of Turkey issued a statement
    in response to a planned anti-Armenian demonstration in Istanbul,
    under the banner, `Demonstrations Condemning the Khojali Genocide and
    Armenian Terror.' The Human Rights Association states that it has
    petitioned the Istanbul Governorate ahead of the Feb. 22 protest,
    which has already given rise to anti-Armenian sentiments.

    The full text of the statement is printed below:

    Khojali : Pretext to Incite Ethnic Hate Against Armenians in Turkey

    On 19 February 2015, the Human Rights Association presented the
    Governorate of Istanbul with a petition warning the officials that the
    `Demonstrations Condemning the Khojali Genocide and Armenian Terror,'
    to be held in Kadıköy, Istanbul on Feb. 22, have incited ethnic hatred
    from the moment they were preannounced.

    The demonstrations are organized by the Association of Reformist Youth
    in Azerbaijan, with support from the Turkish Hearths Youth Branches
    and the Turanist Movement Platform.

    As our petition to the Governorate reports, militants from the
    Turanist Movement Platform photograph and publish their public
    displays including graffiti, banners, and posters in central locations
    in Istanbul. In the declaration that they distribute in shops and that
    we enclose with this petition, they incite violence by labeling
    activists against racism as `terrorists.' Persons who somehow
    perpetually remain `unidentified' write racist graffiti, such as
    `You're Either Turkish or Bastards' or `You Are All Armenian, All
    Bastards,' on church walls in Kadıköy, in addition to hanging flags
    depicting the ultra-nationalist symbol (mythical wolf).

    Protesters chanted `You are all Armenians, you are all bastards'
    during the Khojali demonstrations on Taksim Square on Feb. 26, 2012.

    Khojali is but a pretext for the real purpose of inciting ethnic hate
    and hostility against the Armenians of Turkey, as globally observed in
    the course of the Khojali demonstrations on Taksim Square on Feb. 26,
    2012. Right before the eyes of the Minister of the Interior, on the
    same square where he was making a speech, the demonstrators displayed
    banners saying `You Are All Armenians, You are All Bastards,' while
    shouting hate-filled slogans against Armenians.

    The corrupt and shady collaboration between Azerbaijan and Turkey thus
    comes to fruition: The organizers are able to brandish their schemes
    for Feb. 22 because they have no doubt that the officials of the
    Republic of Turkey will lavish them with endless tolerance.

    In the petition we presented on record, we reminded the Governorate
    that the racism displayed both at the identically themed
    demonstrations of 2012 and at the preannouncement phase of the Feb. 22
    demonstrations for `Condemning Armenian Terror' constitutes a crime
    per article 216 of the Turkish Penal Code on `public humiliation or
    incitement to hatred and enmity.' We also emphasized that incitement
    to racist violence violates article 14 of the European Convention on
    Human Rights, which prohibits discrimination.

    We have requested that the Office of the Governor take preventative
    measures against slogans, writings, banners, and threats inciting
    ethnic hate or enmity; that, in cases where they occur, all legal
    proceedings mechanisms be activated immediately after the
    demonstrations, and that the state fulfill all its responsibilities
    with utmost efficacy.

    We now publicly reiterate our warning: You, officials who refrain from
    criminalizing racist slogans on church walls, who officially or
    unofficially permit protests and demonstrations preannounced by such
    slogans, if you do not enforce the law, you will become partners in
    the crime that is being publicly preannounced.

    We address the prime minister: You have just paid your tributes to
    Hrant Dink, calling him `a venerable Anatolian public intellectual.'
    Have you forgotten that banners saying `Damned Be Hrant Dink' were
    displayed right in front of his newspaper headquarters? Do you not
    remember that on Feb. 23, 2014, a group, including a number of
    Azerbaijanis, and calling itself `The Soldiers of Alpaslan TürkeÅ?,'
    materialized in front of the Agos newspaper at whose doorstep Dink had
    been murdered? Their banners read, `Long Live Ogün Samasts, Damned be
    Hrant Dinks'We Salute Azerbaijan and Continue the Fight.' We had filed
    a criminal complaint then as well. Your prosecutors did not lift a

    The so-called NGOs of the state of Azerbaijan, where oppositional
    journalists are left to rot in prison and honest public intellectuals
    are abandoned to lifelong threats of lynching, we ask you: What are
    you doing in Turkey? What business brings you to Istanbul? No one
    believes that you mourn for those killed in Khojali; it is not in
    their memory that you fight. You come to Turkey to support anti-
    Armenians and menace the Armenians of Turkey, who have no connection
    to Khojali.

    A word to hatemongers in Turkey, who join forces with Azerbaijani
    anti-Armenians: Save us your lies. It is not Khojali that concerns
    you. It never was Khojali that concerned you. Your true intent is to
    intimidate the Armenians of Turkey'and all non-Turkish, non-Muslim
    peoples'and exacerbate their insecure existence.

    The very existence of human rights defenders is warranted by the cause
    of resisting and fighting against atrocities and persecution in Turkey
    and in the world. However, it falls yet again on human rights
    defenders to fight against those who exploit atrocities and victims'
    pain for their own purposes of carrying racist violence across

    We, human rights defenders, invite all to unite as one body against
    racism, racist violence, discrimination and hate, in order to show
    that you are alone in your schemes, to isolate you in society, and to
    expose you before public conscience.

    We remind the officials, once again, that they will be held
    accountable for the public display of ethnic hate, the bloodiest
    instances of which are only too fresh in our memory.

    Human Rights Association, Istanbul Branch
    Committee Against Racism and Discrimination
