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USAID Provides New Flow-Meters To Armenia's Ministry Of Nature Prote

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  • USAID Provides New Flow-Meters To Armenia's Ministry Of Nature Prote


    13:09, 24 Feb 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
    presented flow-meters to the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia
    at the official handover ceremony, held on February 24 at "Masisdzuk"
    fish farm in Sayat Nova village of Ararat province.Susan Fritz,
    USAID's Acting Assistant Administrator for the Europe and Eurasia
    Bureau, Karen Hilliard, the head of USAID/Armenia, Simon Papyan,
    theDeputy Minister of Nature Protection, VahanDavtyan, the head of the
    Water Resource Management Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection,
    and other state officials attended the event.

    The USAID Clean Energy and Water Program (CEWP) purchased latest
    generation portable flow-meters as part of USAID's technical support to
    the Ministry of Nature Protection and the Water Resources Management
    Agency (WRMA), with the aim of strengthening the control mechanisms
    over the extensive exploitation of groundwater resources in the Ararat
    Valley. The flow meters will be used by respective divisions of the
    Ministry and the WRMA to regularly monitor the level of groundwater
    extraction by fisheries - currentlythe largest water consumers in
    the area.

    The assessment of the current status of groundwater resources in
    the Ararat Valley, conducted by USAID/CEWP in 2014,raised publicly
    the alarming situation with the shrinking level of groundwater
    supplies in the Ararat Valley,Armenia's vital agricultural
    hub.Uncontrolledwithdrawal and use of the groundwater by numerous
    fisheries, which have started to expand in the valley over the past
    years, was reported as one of the major causes. Recommendations in the
    study included provisions for the temporary close down or liquidation
    of illegal or damaged groundwater wells, and the introduction of
    mandatory monitoring of water quantities consumed by all fisheries.

    Stricter water permitting practices, consistent oversight, and the
    introduction of innovative water conservation technologies will help
    mitigate and eventually reverse the damaging effects of the unregulated
    use of the groundwater reserves in the Ararat Valley.

    The USAID Clean Energy and Water Program is designed to improve water
    and energy management practices in Armenia, as well as help the country
    better respond to climate change challenges. The program implements
    a number of water and energy projects in several rural communities
    in Armenia to demonstrate best practices in the management of energy
    and water systems. These projects focus on water supply, efficient
    lighting, space and water heating, use of biogas, and solar energy.

    From: Baghdasarian