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ANKARA: Azeri Envoy Baghirov: Liberation Of Our Lands From Armenian

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  • ANKARA: Azeri Envoy Baghirov: Liberation Of Our Lands From Armenian


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Feb 23 2015


    Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, which have similar histories,
    are described by the expression "two states, one nation." The
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which started between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia in 1992, is the top-most priority of Azerbaijani foreign
    policy, as well as one of Turkey's, with the aim of achieving regional
    stability. Daily Sabah spoke with Azerbaijani ambassador Faig Nusrat
    Baghirov regarding recent developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh region
    and the future of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations.

    The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is one of the most prominent topics in
    Azerbaijani foreign policy. Could you tell us the historical background
    of this dispute?

    I would like to emphasize that solving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    is one of the most important goals of Azerbaijan's foreign policy.

    Armenia invaded one-fifth of Azerbaijani land, and the liberation of
    this land, thus our territorial integrity, is of top priority.

    If we are to look at the core of this issue, it can be traced back
    to two years before the dissolution of the Soviet Union to 1988. The
    main reason behind this issue is that the Armenian administration of
    the time, with the support of the Soviet Union, aspired to confiscate
    Nagorno-Karabakh and the land surrounding it, and the issue started
    with border transgression. On the day of 26 February 26 1992 in
    Khojaly, 613 people were brutally massacred, including children, women
    and the elderly. In the time until 1994, one-fifth of Azerbaijani land
    was invaded and more than 1 million Azerbaijanis were sent into exile.

    The important part is all of these events transpired right in front
    of the eyes of the world and they have chosen to just disregard them.

    This week is the anniversary of one of the most vicious massacres
    that contemporary history has witnessed - the Khojaly Massacre. What
    happened in Khojaly during the Nagorno-Karabakh War?

    This year is the 23rd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide, and a
    memorial service will be held along with events. On the night between
    25 February and 26 February1992, 613 people were brutally killed in
    Khojaly, just because they were Azerbaijani. What happened in Khojaly
    can be described as genocide according to the definition set by the
    international community. It is important to highlight this fact again.

    This genocide happened right in front of the whole world. These are
    all documented, and there are witnesses still alive. The international
    community has still not reacted to this genocide. There are resolutions
    regarding the Azerbaijan-Armenia dispute. There are four U.N. Security
    Council resolutions that state Armenia is the occupier and should
    withdraw from Azerbaijani lands. These resolutions are U.N.

    Security Council Resolution 822 adopted on 30 April, 1993, Resolution
    853 adopted on 29 July, 1993, Resolution 874 adopted on 14 October
    1993 and Resolution 884 adopted on 12 November 1993. However, none
    of these were put into action.

    Twenty-two or 23 years have passed since these resolutions were
    issued and unfortunately, they are still not implemented. To put the
    aforementioned resolutions into action, Armenia should be pressured by
    the international community. But on the contrary, Turkey and Azerbaijan
    are put under pressure wrongfully. As the anniversary of the so-called
    Armenian genocide approaches, many international institutions are
    publishing various human rights reports on Turkey and Azerbaijan,
    but none of them talk about over 1 million Azerbaijanis who are unable
    to live in their own land.

    Despite all the international appeals, Armenia continues to occupy
    20 percent of Azerbaijani land. What are the recent developments on
    this issue?

    They tried to conceal the massacre at Khojaly and prevented this
    from being announced. However, in the past 12 years, Azerbaijan has
    worked hard to reverse this situation and made concerted efforts to
    document what happened in Khojaly as genocide. Azerbaijan has brought
    forward this issue on many international platforms and provided
    the international community with the testimonies of witnesses,
    photos and other related materials. Many countries recognize it as
    genocide. The event is documented, and witnesses are still live. As
    long as the criminals who committed this horrible crime are not
    punished, Azerbaijan will continue to bring this issue up.

    Thousands of people died during the Nagorno-Karabakh War, and more
    than 1 million Azerbaijanis had to leave their homes. Has Azerbaijan
    fully recovered from these wounds?

    Azerbaijan will recover when all of those people's land is liberated.

    However, as Azerbaijan's president said, Azerbaijan will always
    preserve its territorial integrity and sovereignty. No one will ever
    doubt that. Azerbaijan is a strong country and we will not allow any
    kind of project to be imposed on us. Azerbaijan is getting stronger
    by the day in politics, economy and military. Therefore, Azerbaijan
    will do whatever it can to liberate its land from occupation.

    While the Azerbaijani government provided housing for displaced
    Azerbaijanis, it is not the same as living on their own land.

    While there has been an ongoing and fragile cease-fire between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia for 20 years, we have witnessed an increase
    in border clashes, especially in 2014. Is there a possibility for a
    new Armenian-Azerbaijani war?

    Sometimes it is said that this issue is a suspended one, but it is
    not true. Unless the issues are solved, it cannot be called suspended
    and these kinds of issues are prone to become reignited. To solve
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, an international organization,
    the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
    Minsk Group was established. The chairs of the group are the U.S.,
    Russia and France. With their participation, the resolution process
    has continued for 21 years. However, it still has not been concluded
    due to Armenia's non-constructive behavior. Armenia does not want
    the resolution to happen because Armenia still craves land, and it
    shows the same attitude toward Turkey as well. The Armenian president,
    while appealing to the youth, said: "We took the Upper Karabakh. Mount
    Ararat will be your doing." This shows that they are the ones who do
    not want this issue to be solved.

    What happened in 2014 further shows Armenia's unwillingness in the
    resolution process. Firstly, a meeting was held in Sochi in 2014
    with the initiative of Russia, then the one with U.S. Secretary of
    State John Kerry presiding and another one with the French President
    Francoise Hollande in France. All of these meetings failed due to
    Armenia's provocative actions. Armenia intentionally did this to put
    the blame on Azerbaijan. The border clash of yesteryear is the result
    of Armenia's provocative actions.

    How would Azerbaijan react to possible cooperation between Turkey
    and Armenia, before Armenia withdraws from the occupied territories?

    The Turkish president and prime minister along with the minister of
    foreign affairs have said that cooperation was not possible without
    the withdrawal of Armenia. Everyone expects a move from Turkey,
    however the genocide and invasion are Armenia's doings. Who committed
    genocide in Khojaly in 1992, has committed the so-called genocide of
    1915. They disregard a genocide committed just 23 years ago that has
    living witnesses, while there is not any evidence of the so-called
    genocide of 1915.

    I do not think cooperation between Armenia and Turkey is possible
    because as Azerbaijan becomes prosperous, so does Turkey, and as
    Turkey consolidates its power, so does Azerbaijan.

    The TANAP project that is going to transport Azerbaijani natural gas
    to Turkey and Europe is still under construction. How important is
    this project for Azerbaijan?

    Azerbaijan is a country rich with oil and natural gas. For the first
    time, in 1850 the oil industry began in Baku. Extraction of oil from
    the sea for the first time again was realized in Azerbaijan. However,
    in 1994, Azerbaijan also started to produce natural gas. As a result
    of wise council between Azerbaijan and Turkey, the TANAP project
    was decided upon in in 2012. This project was signed by President
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was prime minister at the time. According
    to this project, Azerbaijan will sell its own natural gas through
    Turkey, and Turkey will keep some of the natural gas. Therefore,
    Turkey will be the leader of a large-scale energy project. With this
    project Turkey and Azerbaijan will become the countries that provide
    energy security to Europe - 80 percent of the pipes will be produced
    by Turkish corporations, and the construction will also be undertaken
    by Turkish corporations.

    The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad project will be opened for service
    this year upon its completion. How do you evaluate this project's
    impact on the economies of both countries?

    This will be the first transportation project after the energy
    projects. The railroad should open for service this year and test
    drives have been completed. The means of transportation between Turkey
    and Azerbaijan is usually achieved overland, which costs more than by
    railroad. With this project, roads to Beijing, and thus Asia, will be
    accessible. Also, in the same way, through Turkey via the Marmaray,
    access to Europe will be available. This will create opportunities
    both for passengers and business people. This is a project realized
    through strategic partnership.

    From: Baghdasarian