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ANKARA: Most Honorable Outcome Of Honorable Loneliness

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  • ANKARA: Most Honorable Outcome Of Honorable Loneliness


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Feb 24 2014


    >From the moment our flag was lowered at the Tomb of Suleyman Shah on
    Sunday, the honorable breakdown of our foreign policy, which has been
    imposed on us as "honorable loneliness," is as follows:

    â~@¢ Syria: We do not have an ambassador in Syria. The forces of Bashar
    al-Assad are about to enter Aleppo, although two years ago we said
    he would to "be gone in three months." The world's leading countries
    have now gone back to the policy of "continuing with Bashar al-Assad."

    â~@¢ Egypt: We do not have an ambassador in Cairo. The leading nations
    in the world have recognized Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi. France has decided
    to sell 24 Rafalle war planes to Egypt.

    â~@¢ Libya: Turkish citizens have been evacuated from Libya, and
    Turkey has almost been declared an enemy.

    â~@¢ Yemen: Our embassy is closed. When the arms that Turkey secretly
    sent there were caught twice, we also lost this country.

    â~@¢ Iraq: Do not count on the news stories that our relations with
    this country are recovering. Negative reactions against Turkey are
    growing in Iraq with each passing day.

    â~@¢ Saudi Arabia: Our president's rush to attend the funeral of the
    Saudi king did not in any way help to improve the chill in relations.

    A secret war between Saudi Arabia and the Turkish government is
    continuing at full speed.

    â~@¢ Iran: Iran is currently the rising power in the region. Its
    influence over Iraq and Syria has increased to a great extent.

    â~@¢ Qatar: Turkey's only ally in the region, Qatar, has recently
    changed its policies, putting a distance between itself and the Hamas
    administration in Gaza.

    â~@¢ Armenia: When Ahmet Davutoglu was our foreign minister, he
    suspended the process of improving relations. Our relations remain

    â~@¢ Our Syrian border: Bashar al-Assad's forces are about to shut
    down the road between Aleppo and Turkey. The Turkish border area is in
    either the hands of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) administration
    of Kobane or al-Nusra, which is pro-Islamic State of Iraq and the
    Levant (ISIL) and pro-al-Qaeda.

    â~@¢ Moderate opponents: The moderate Syrian opposition that Turkey
    was supporting is almost nonexistent now. Everybody in the region is
    sure that any weapons given to them will end up in the hands of ISIL
    or al-Nusra within three months.

    â~@¢ Europe: The picture of the French president taken with two women
    from the Kudish PYD fighting in Kobane, which appeared in Hurriyet
    last week, sums up the European view of the region: "Against the
    beheading, torching alive and throwing-from-buildings brutality of
    ISIL, it is the Kurds - especially Kurdish women - who are fighting
    heroically. Turkey, by allowing the jihadists to cross the border,
    is indirectly supporting ISIL."

    â~@¢ Turkey's defense minister returned from his recent visit to the
    United States without even having been able to meet the U.S. secretary
    of defense, let alone Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

    â~@¢ And the tragic end: Turkey, the other day, declared the immediate
    vicinity of Kobane, where severe fighting was ongoing, a "Prohibited
    military zone," and was forced to hide it from the eyes of the Turkish
    public and the world. Two days later, the flag that has been flown at
    the Tomb of Suleyman Shah for many years by our ancestors was lowered.

    What made us lower our flag was not Bashar al-Assad, who our president
    declared his personal enemy, but rather ISIL, which we have positioned
    on our border with our own hands.

    We saw on Sunday the honorable outcome of our honorable loneliness.

    God save us from any other honorable loneliness...

