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Regulator Postpones Discussion Of Electric Networks Of Armenia Inves

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  • Regulator Postpones Discussion Of Electric Networks Of Armenia Inves


    YEREVAN, February 25. /ARKA/. Armenia's public services regulatory
    commission postponed approval of the investment program of Electric
    Networks of Armenia for 2015 at its meeting on Wednesday.

    The general director of the company Yevgeniy Bibin asked for
    postponement due to difficulties in attracting loans and regaining
    financial stability. Bibin said the company has operated in loss
    since 2012 and the total losses amounted to 10 billion 676 million
    drams by the end of 2014.

    He also said a working group is set up to look into the situation
    and elaborate a document that will be submitted for signing at the
    coming meeting of Armenia's president Serzh Sargsyan and chairman of
    Inter RAO board Boris Kovalchuk.

    The document will enable the company building clear relations with
    the banking sector, getting its loans restructured and attracting
    new loan funds under soft terms, Bibin said.

    In this respect, the general director asked the commission to put off
    the consideration of the issue at least for one month and a half. This
    will allow the company making more balanced decisions and discussing
    its investment programs in a correct way, Bibin said.

    "We are well aware that it will be difficult for us to implement all
    the investments planned under the investment program, but now we face
    a much more serious problem to be solved, that is to attract loan
    funds. Unfortunately, the rates offered to us by the banking sector
    for dram loans exceed 20%, and they make us suffer losses under these
    circumstances," Bibin said. The company cannot afford heavier debts
    than it has now, he added.

    The general director stressed the company will continue making
    investments under the 2014 program that envisages another 1 billion
    drams to be invested during 2015.

    Head of the PSRC Robert Nazaryan said the company's investment program
    was submitted back in autumn 2014 and the Electric Networks could
    have notified about the need for postponement before.

    Yet, approval of the program is not an end itself, but is to help
    increase the standard of the service and safety level. Hence, the
    commission meets the company halfway and put off the discussion until
    April 1, Nazaryan said.

    As per PSRC's draft decision, the company's investments for 2015 will
    amount to 8.4 billion drams (without VAT).

    According to the ministry of energy, electric Networks of Armenia owe
    $220 million to banks. The main reasons are higher actual losses in
    the network, reduced energy generation at hydro power plants, and etc.

    As a result, the current tariffs do not reflect the actual costs of
    the company. The ministry carried out studies and developed a loss
    reduction strategy to help the company reduce losses by 2% in the
    next two years.

    The Electrical Networks of Armenia is a 100% subsidiary of Russian
    INTER RAO UES. Its main function is distribution of electricity to
    all local consumers. ($ 1 - 478.63 drams). -0-- s_of_armenia_investments_for_2015/#sthash.s5RKZIp6.dpuf
