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A Concert In Jerusalem Commemorates The Centennial Of The Armenian G

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  • A Concert In Jerusalem Commemorates The Centennial Of The Armenian G


    13:59, 25 Feb 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    A special concert will take place on March 5 at the Jerusalem Theatre.

    The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of internationally
    acclaimed Estonian violinist cum conductor Andres Mustonen, will
    perform a program dedicated to the commemoration of the Centennial
    of the Armenian Genocide, theJerusalem Post reports.

    The JSO, in collaboration with the music festival Yerevan Perspectives
    (Armenia), will perform music written by the foremost Armenian
    composers, as well as Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony.

    Veteran Armenian composer Stepan Rostomyan, the initiator of the
    concert, explains that the performance in Jerusalem is the first in
    a series of international concerts.

    "The Centennial of the Armenian Genocide will be noted by remarkable
    concerts all over the world," he says. "Two dozen renowned musicians
    will give memorial concerts in the world's most prestigious concert
    halls through a series of concerts under the title "With you, Armenia,"
    which will start in Israel. Further venues include St. John Church in
    Tallinn; the Beaux Arts Palace in Brussels; the Mariinsky Theatre in
    St. Petersburg; Carnegie Hall in New York; Santa Cecilia Hall in Rome;
    Cadogan Hall in London; and Musikverein Hall in Vienna.

    The roster of top-class musicians includes the Belgium National and La
    Scala philharmonic orchestras; the Royal Philharmonic and Mariinsky
    symphony orchestras; Camerata Salzburg; conductors Valery Gergiev,
    Pinchas Zukerman, George Pehlivanian and John Axelrod; and soloists
    Evgeny Kissin, Maxim Vengerov, Mischa Maisky, Julian Rachlin and
    Sergei Nakariakov."

    In regard to the Armenian Genocide, Rostomyan says that this tragic
    page in his people's history is a wound that every Armenian bears in
    his/her heart.

    "This was not only the loss of human lives but also of our cities,
    which are now in Turkey, and of our cultural monuments that were
    destroyed," he says.

    He stresses, "I have nothing against the Turkish people; I have
    musician friends in Turkey. But the world - and Turkey in particular
    on the governmental level - has to accept the fact that this terrible
    thing happened at all. Otherwise, it can be repeated - and that is
    the fear that every Armenian feels."

    The program features the following pieces: Komitas's Fragments from
    Liturgy (arranged for violin and orchestra by Andres Mustonen);
    Rostomyan's Fourth Symphony; Adagio from the ballet Spartacus by Aram
    Khachaturian; and Beethoven's Symphony No. 3, "Eroica."

    From: A. Papazian