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Cavusoglu: World Needs A Resolution Of The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

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  • Cavusoglu: World Needs A Resolution Of The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Feb 25 2015

    25 February 2015 - 12:05pm

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that the South
    Caucasus, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea have always been of
    great importance for Turkey."Unfortunately, there are lingering
    problems such as Nagorno-Karabakh in this region," he said.

    "A peaceful solution to these problems within the framework of
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is a factor that serves not only
    the interests of the peoples of the region, but also the international
    community," Cavusoglu said. "Therefore, the international community,
    international organizations, the UN and the OSCE in particular, should
    redouble their efforts to resolve conflicts in the region. I would
    like to emphasize that a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is one of the
    main priorities of the foreign policy of Turkey. We always closely
    follow the processes related to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict," Cavusoglu said. According to him, Turkey, as a member
    of the Minsk Group, always raises the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict at multilateral platforms and during dialogues with third
    countries. "We continue to work to inform the international community
    and to find a resolution of this problem in the interests of fraternal
    Azerbaijan" TASS cited him.

    The European Union, according to the Turkish Minister, attaches great
    importance to Azerbaijan."Azerbaijan is a major gateway for the EU in
    the Caspian region and Central Asia. Azerbaijan has potential which
    can contribute to the EU in many areas, especially in the energy and
    transport security," Cavusoglu believes. At the same time, Turkey
    is committed to ensuring the energy security of Europe. "So for the
    past years Turkey has implemented very important strategic projects
    with Azerbaijan," Cavusoglu reminded.

    For example, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which allows Azerbaijani
    oil to be delivered to the world market, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
    pipeline. "Another project implemented with Azerbaijan is the TANAP
    project, which is considered to be a major in the Southern Gas
    Corridor. With the implementation of this project, Azerbaijani gas
    will occupy an important place in Europe," the Minister said. "At the
    same time, TANAP is a project aimed at the future. Turkmenistan will
    be able to deliver gas through this pipeline," Cavusoglu stressed.

    The diplomat also raised the topic of Turkey's membership in
    the EU, which, according to him, is a strategic objective of the
    country."Democracy, human rights, rule of law, the laws and values
    of the EU are the main features of the reforms undertaken by Turkey.

    First of all, the EU is a kind of center for Turkey, where these
    values are intensively protected and developed in accordance with the
    law. The main goal of Turkey's efforts to join the EU is to achieve
    the highest standards in terms of these laws and values. After the
    expiration of discussions, the parties will make the final decision on
    Turkey's membership of the EU. One important feature for Turkey is to
    ensure the highest standards in every area, including the well-being
    of citizens," the Foreign Minister said.

    He noted that Turkey's membership of the EU would not mean that the
    country would be indifferent to the events taking place in the region,
    or would pursue a unilateral foreign policy. "Turkey will continue to
    implement the objectives of the multilateral foreign policy, dictated
    by the geographical location, and historical and cultural ties of the
    country. This process is mutually beneficial. From this perspective,
    Turkey's entry into the structure will create an opportunity for
    the EU to have a big impact on more extensive territory, which will
    affect the dynamics of the EU economy, " the head of the Turkish
    Foreign Ministry said.

    "To discuss the items on which negotiations should be conducted,
    it is necessary for the EU to make a unanimous decision. But the EU
    prevents discussion of eight sections of Turkey, and the Republic
    of Cyprus - of six. The political obstacles that we faced during the
    adoption of the Republic of Cyprus into the EU without a solution to
    the Cyprus issue affect the discussions between Turkey and the EU,"
    the Foreign Minister of Turkey said.

    The terrorist organization Islamic State directly threatens Turkey.

    Cavusoglu said that in such circumstances, Turkey has shown itself as
    one of the leading countries that protect international cooperation
    in the fight against terrorism. On the one hand, Turkey is directly
    involved in the Global Forum for Combating Terrorism and the Financial
    Action Task Force, relating to the suppression of the financing of IS.

    On the other hand, Turkey shares information related to IS and
    foreign terrorists. "For a successful fight against terrorism, the
    international community needs to connect to it and carry out activities
    within the framework of a unified strategy to eliminate this danger,"
    the minister said.

    Cavusoglu said that Turkey, along with protecting its national
    interests, is fighting radicalism in Syria. "As we noted earlier,
    radicalism is not the cause but the result. The main culprit of the
    occurrence of the terrorist organization IS, which is supported to
    deal with various factions. Accordingly, in fighting IS, you should
    not forget about the Assad regime, which is the main cause of the
    spread of this threat," Cavusoglu believes.

    Speaking about the desire of the Syrian president to connect to the
    fight against IS, Cavusoglu said that "no one can create a threat,
    and then connect to fight to this threat." "IS threatens the national
    security of Turkey," the head of the Foreign Ministry said. According
    to him, the countries accusing Turkey of supporting IS are far from
    the region, while Turkey is in this region. "That's why Turkey ignores
    the claims voiced to manipulate," Cavusoglu concluded.
