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The US troubled by ceasefire violations at the line of contact

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  • The US troubled by ceasefire violations at the line of contact

    The US troubled by ceasefire violations at the line of contact

    14:00, 06 Jan 2015

    The US is troubled by reports of ceasefire violations at the line of
    contact between Nagono Karabakh and Azerbaijan, as well as casualties
    in recent days," Spokesperson for the Department of State Jen Psai
    told the daily briefing.

    "These incidents do not correspond to the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    presidents' commitments to reach a peaceful resolution to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. As an OSCE Minsk Group co-chair country, we
    do continue to urge both sides at the highest levels to engage in
    negotiations that could lead to a peace agreement and adopt measures
    to reduce the likelihood of such events along the line of contact and
    along the border. That continues to be our focus," she stated.

    From: A. Papazian