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Landing Diyarbakır Airport on the Basmacıyans' land

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  • Landing Diyarbakır Airport on the Basmacıyans' land

    AGOS, Istambul
    Dec 31 2014

    Landing Diyarbakır Airport on the Basmacıyans' land

    Uygar Gültekin 12.31.2014 18:18 NEWS

    Zuart Sudjian wages formidable legal battle for the return of land
    that belongs to her family, unlawfully seized by the State and site of
    Diyarbakır Airport today

    Zuart Sudjian is an Armenian who resides in the US, and whose family
    origins go back to Diyarbakır. A member of Diyarbakır's Basmacıyan
    family, Sudjian lives in California. Unbeknownst to her, the lands he
    inherited from her family were appropriated by the state during
    cadastral work.

    Sudjian filed a formal appeal in 2012 for to return of the lands she
    inherited from her family. The court rejected the appeal in 2013 on
    the grounds of the statute of limitations. The file was referred to
    the Court of Cassation on appeal. The Court of Cassation reversed the
    verdict of the local court, and ruled for the rehearing of the case on
    the merits. The fate of the plot of land that is also the site of
    Diyarbakır Airport will be decided at the end of the legal process.

    After the 1915 Genocide, Zuart Sudjian's family was forced to migrate
    first from Diyarbakır to Lebanon, then to Korea, and finally to the
    USA. Sudjian presently resides in California. Unbeknownst to her, the
    lands she had inherited from her family were appropriated by the state
    during cadastral work. The cadastral work was announced only via a
    formal newspaper advertisement, and the state seized the land plots,
    claiming that the Sudjian family `could not be found'. In 2012,
    Sudjian filed an appeal for the return of the lands via her lawyer Ali

    In the petition, Lawyer ElbeyoÄ?lu stated that they were in possession
    of the originals of land deeds for plots in the Diyarbakır Province,
    BaÄ?lar District, Alipınar Neighbourhood, and submitted a claim for the
    return of her clients' rights, who could not follow cadastral work
    because they lived in the USA. ElbeyoÄ?lu explains that there are no
    land deeds in her clients' name, and that the cadastral work that was
    carried out clearly violated the Constitution, and that it was still
    possible to validate the land deeds.

    ElbeyoÄ?lu submitted a claim for the registration of the title deeds of
    the lands that Zuart Sudjian acquired from Tomas Basmacıyan via
    inheritance in his name. The Diyarbakır 5th Civil Court of First
    Instance rejected the case in April 2013 claiming the statute of
    limitations. Sudjian appealed the verdict and the file went to the
    Court of Cassation.

    A major violation

    In the petition of objection he presented to the Court of Cassation,
    Lawyer ElbeyoÄ?lu drew attention to the fact that the court's verdict
    violated the articles of the European Convention on Human Rights that
    regulated the protection of private property rights.

    The petition of objection also stated that the cadastral work had been
    carried out unlawfully, and that the work clearly violated the
    Constitution, adding, `The aim of cadastral work is to update land
    deeds, not to destroy them. The updating of existing land deeds is the
    most important obligation. Abiding by this obligation is the most
    important duty of the cadastral delegation. The first task in
    initiating cadastral work in an area is to implement existing land
    deeds. To act against this principle encumbers the state with
    responsibility, and no lapse of time is valid in the context of the
    responsibilities of the state.'

    The petition of objection underlined the fact that there was no valid
    grounds for the implementation of the deeds, and stating that is was
    possible to determine plot borders today, added `The failure to
    implement land deeds of such large areas is clear proof that there has
    been a great act of neglect, and the identification and registration
    procedure carried out by the cadastral delegation is unlawful'.

    ElbeyoÄ?lu also pointed to precedents set by the Court of Cassation in
    leading cases.

    Court of Cassation reverses verdict

    The Court of Cassation's 16th Civil Chamber examined the file and
    reversed the verdict of the local court. The Court of Cassation ruled
    for the file to be reprocessed on merits.

    The Court of Cassation ruled that the local court had not identified
    the immovable assets subject to the case, and that the cadastral
    records had not been inspected on the basis of land registers, and
    returned the file to the local court. The local court will now decide
    whether it will abide by the decision of the Court of Cassation.
