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Weak ruble and new immigration law impacting Armenians in Georgia's

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  • Weak ruble and new immigration law impacting Armenians in Georgia's

    Weak ruble and new immigration law impacting Armenians in Georgia's south
    By Inga Popovaite
    Jan 8, 2015

    It is a hard winter for ethnic Armenians living in Georgia's southern
    Samtskhe-Javakheti region. The fall of the ruble has led to less money
    being sent home from relatives who have found jobs in Russia, and
    Georgia's new immigration law is forcing people to acquire a residency
    permit, which they are not guaranteed to get even after paying all the

    No employment in the region

    Akhalkalaki is a town situated on a volcanic plateau 1,700 meters
    above sea level. The main crops grown here are potatoes, cabbage and
    carrots, locals told us; not the kind of agriculture which gives you a
    good income.

    However, all other options are also closed. The biggest employer used
    to be a Russian military base which was closed in 2007. Apart from
    public sector jobs and small businesses, the town has almost nothing
    else to offer job seekers.

    `There are no jobs here. During the Soviet times, men were used to
    going to Russia for work, and their wives and children stayed here.
    Even now, when the Soviet Union does not exist anymore, when there are
    new countries and new borders, the same mindset remained, and people
    still travel abroad to work,' deputy chair of the Akhalkalaki town
    council, Nairin Irichian, explained.

    Currency problems

    The migration of laborers impacts the annual cycle of this region.
    Now, during the winter holidays, the whole region is bursting with
    life, as the men take a break from their job in Russia or Armenia.
    Shushana Shirinian, a local journalist, said that the men usually stay
    until spring and then go back. `Then the `women's season' will start,
    when all duties will fall on the woman's shoulder's,' Shirinian said.

    But this year, the family reunions are not as festive as usual. The
    ruble has lost about one-third of its value in the course of the last
    year, and it dragged Georgian and Armenian currencies down as well.
    `Whatever people earned throughout the year, it all dwindled. It's
    like they've been working for free,' Shirinian told DF Watch.

    Have no Georgian citizenship

    But the falling ruble is just one of the problems among Javakheti
    Armenians. The biggest share of those who work abroad are Armenian,
    not Georgian, passport holders. After the 2008 Georgia-Russia, it
    became harder for Georgian citizens to get work in Russia, and many
    chose instead to look for a job in Armenia, which is also easier with
    an Armenian passport.

    Irichian stressed that Javakheti Armenians are without Georgian
    citizenship for pragmatic reasons: `A lot of critics say that Armenia
    handed out passports to Samtskhe-Javakheti Armenians so it could later
    annex this region. But this is far from the truth. If people had jobs
    in Georgia, they would never get Armenian passports and would never
    leave their country, their home and their families.'

    Immigration law brought problems

    Before September 1, 2014, Armenian citizens were able to live in
    Georgia without any additional documents, as long as they crossed a
    state border once every year. But everything changed with the new
    immigration law, and now those Javakheti Armenians who are without
    Georgian citizenship can stay in their home country only for three
    months and then they have to stay away for another three.

    Samvel Petrosian, a Georgian parliament member from Akhalkalaki, did
    not hide his discontent with the current immigration law, and said
    that it violates the rights and interests of ethnic Armenians in

    `This new law is one of the biggest problems in Samtskhe-Javakheti at
    the moment. The majority of people here are Armenians, every family
    has relatives in Armenia and we are crossing the border frequently.
    And this law restricts free movement across borders,' he said.

    Petrosian pointed out that there are a lot of inter-married families
    in the region with one spouse an Armenian and the other Georgian
    citizen. `But this law requires that Armenian citizens can be in
    Georgia only six months per year. So it means that such family will be
    together for six months, and apart for another six. And that's how
    families break.'

    Costly applications

    Therefore it wasn't surprising to see long queues in the local branch
    of the Public Service Hall, as people struggle to obtain temporary or
    permanent residency permits. As each application costs 210 laris, and
    sometimes an applicant needs to demonstrate that she or he has 4,000
    laris on their bank account, it is a costly procedure for people in
    this poor region. For example, a family of four will have to pay more
    than 850 laris for the application process, including the costs for
    various supporting documents.

    Moreover, according to the locals, no-one can be sure that their
    application will be approved or rejected. There seemed to be a
    consensus among people I talked to that the rejection rate is high,
    and the reasons are usually unknown. `For example, I remember one man
    from a village nearby. He told me that he got rejected four times
    already, and the Public Service Hall clerks are still encouraging him
    to apply again and again. He cannot understand why are they telling
    him to apply and pay money again, as he has been rejected so many
    times already,' Irichian said.

    Uncertainty scares applicants

    The Public Service Development Agency, which is responsible for
    issuing residency permits, did not provide DF Watch with official
    statistics concerning Armenian citizens applying for Georgian
    residency permit and the rejection-approval rate.

    The uncertainty scares those who need residency permits. A local small
    business owner, who lives together with her husband and three
    children, said that she is a bit afraid to pay all the money it costs
    to apply for a residency permit, especially when she is not sure if
    the answer will be positive. `I've lived here for fifteen years, we
    have registered our business here, we pay taxes, we pay utilities. And
    we do all of this with our Armenian passports, and it never seemed to
    be a problem. What if I don't get residency permits for me and my
    family now? Maybe it would be wiser just to spend that money living in

    From: Baghdasarian