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Armenia and the Eurasian Economic Union: The view from Yerevan

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  • Armenia and the Eurasian Economic Union: The view from Yerevan

    European Council on Foreign Relations
    Jan 8 2015

    Armenia and the Eurasian Economic Union: The view from Yerevan

    Commentary by Richard Giragosian
    08th January, 2015

    As the Eurasian Economic Union comes into force in January 2015, ECFR
    has asked expert analysts from the current member states about their
    hopes and fears for their country's future as part of this Union.
    Yesterday, we featured Belarus, today we are focusing in on Armenia,
    and Friday we will take a look at Kazakstan.

    For most Armenians, ushering in the New Year was a painful exercise in
    frugality and fortitude. As they faced the twin pressures of a serious
    decline in the Armenian currency's value and a sweeping price rise on
    essential foodstuffs, the final month of 2014 promised only more
    economic pain. For the small and isolated Armenian economy, much of
    this pressure was driven by the spillover from the economic downturn
    in Russia, where the impact of the plummeting rouble and
    Western-imposed sanctions was exacerbated by a sharp fall in the price
    of oil. Yet for the longer-term future of the country, a much more
    serious development for Armenia was taking place. New Year's Day also
    marked the start of Armenia's membership in the Eurasian Economic
    Union (EEU).

    No looking back

    Since 2013, the Armenian government has sought to put a brave face on
    its surprising decision to sacrifice its Association Agreement with
    the European Union in favour of joining the Russian-led EEU. Despite
    the apparent setback presented by the "strategic U-turn", many in
    Armenia have come to accept the reality of surrendering to Russia.
    Even the Armenian business class, including many small- and
    medium-sized enterprises, have expressed support for the change in
    direction, largely due to their trepidation about conforming to the
    EU's higher standards and investing in the necessary areas to make
    good use of a free trade agreement with the EU. For many businessmen,
    fear about and ignorance of navigating European market access makes
    the old trade rules for dealing with Russia and other post-Soviet
    markets more comfortable and familiar.

    The economic implications for Armenia

    For Armenia, the Russian-dominated EEU has always been defined more by
    obstacles than opportunities. Among the many obstacles, the weakest
    argument for Armenia to join the Eurasian bloc has always been the
    economic impact. Beyond the structural impediment of the absence of
    either a land connection or a functioning railway link to Russia or
    other EEU members, the most serious and immediate impact on Armenia's
    economy will be caused by the need to adjust both its tariff rates and
    its trade orientation.

    The traditionally open and liberalised Armenian economy must adopt the
    higher tariffs and more protectionist policies of the other EEU
    members. This move will not only likely spark price increases, but
    will also mandate a serious renegotiation over Armenia's membership in
    the World Trade Organization (WTO). On trade orientation, several
    years of an EU-dominated direction of trade will have to be adjusted
    and Armenia will have to prefer the markets of Russia, Belarus, and
    Kazakhstan. And the paucity of economic benefits for Armenia from
    these moves is perhaps most revealingly demonstrated in the allocation
    of customs duties and tariff revenues among the member states. For
    Armenia, the asymmetry is obvious: it has been granted a meagre 1.13
    percent of the EEU's total customs revenue.

    At the same time, new EEU regulations may also inhibit the expansion
    of one of Armenia's most important and fastest-growing sectors. The
    Armenian information technology (IT) sector accounted for roughly
    one-third of exports in 2013, and about 5 percent of the country's
    GDP, up from a mere 1.7 percent in 2010. The IT sector expanded by 25
    percent in 2014, with a combined output from some 400 IT-related firms
    totalling nearly $475 million. But because much of the Armenian IT
    sector relies on investment from the United States, the new IT-related
    rules and poor intellectual property rights regime of the EEU and its
    members could sink this strategically significant sector.

    Visible, but not very viable

    In the broader context, Armenia may be able to survive, withstanding
    the pressure of being ever more firmly trapped in the Russian orbit.
    Armenia may even be able to limit its mounting over-dependence on
    Russia and to manage the economic fallout. However, any such survival
    strategy rests less on any decisive move that Armenia can take and
    more on the inherent weakness of the EEU.

    Despite the ceremonial fanfare, the launch of the EEU marks the start
    of a very different project than that originally envisioned. The union
    is significantly more unattractive and even less viable than it was
    first conceived to be, for three main reasons.

    First, the "loss" of Ukraine as even a potential member seriously
    undermines the economic and trade potential of such a union. Ukraine
    has always been the "prize" for Moscow, and in spite of the seeming
    "victory" of seizing Crimea, Russia's own aggression has triggered the
    loss of the sizeable Ukrainian economy, making the Eurasian Union much
    less viable as a project for regional (re)integration.

    Secondly, the serious impact of Western sanctions on the Russian
    economy lessens the value and viability of the union. Moreover, in the
    wake of the fall in the value of the Russian rouble and the decline in
    world oil prices, Russia is no longer the economic dynamo it once was
    - and the supposed Russian role as the engine for the EEU has also
    greatly diminished.

    The third factor driving the loss of appeal and attraction of the
    union is that the motivation for integration rests largely on coercion
    and pressure, and an impressive backlash has already been demonstrated
    by both Belarus and Kazakhstan. For tiny Armenia, this may offer an
    opportunity to hide behind these much larger naysayers and find a way
    out without unnecessarily confronting or challenging Russia.

    Regaining a degree of balance

    Although the outlook for Armenia is bleak, the country also has a
    second opportunity - to regain a degree of balance by salvaging its
    relationship with the EU. Reflecting the degree of sincerity about
    this in both Brussels and Yerevan, the Armenian government has been
    able to rebuild much of its lost credibility and has embarked on new
    talks over a draft "legal framework" as a foundation for Armenia-EU
    relations. At the same time, Armenia has also been cautious in how it
    has presented its re-engagement with the EU, seeking to pre-empt any
    Russian pressure by highlighting (and exaggerating) its role as a
    "bridge" between the EEU and the EU. Given the combination of the
    rising costs and meagre benefits of the EEU, Armenia's only real hope
    at this point rests on containing the fallout from the economic
    contagion and seeking to pursue a prudent but quiet "exit strategy."

    Richard Giragosian is director of the Regional Studies Center (RSC) in
    Yerevan, Armenia and the author of ECFR's 2014 publication on
    Armenia's Strategic U-turn. _the_view_from_yerevan387
