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=?utf-8?Q?eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/08/2014

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  • =?utf-8?Q?eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/08/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY January 8, 2015
    ------------------------------------------------------------ =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434
    Dr. Vicken Pamoukian served as godfather for the Blessing of Water

    ** "Blessing of Water" at St. Vartan Cathedral
    On Tuesday, January 6, more than 1,000 worshipers visited New York's
    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral for the observance of the Feast of the
    Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, celebrated the Divine
    Liturgy, and delivered a sermon on the spirit of renewal embodied in
    Christ's birth.

    Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian; Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, dean of
    St. Vartan Cathedral; Rev. Fr. Bedros Kadehjian; and Rev. Fr. Tatev
    Terteryan also participated in the service. Dr. Vicken Pamoukian
    served as godfather for the churorhnek, or Blessing of Water ceremony,
    which commemorates the baptism of Jesus by the hand of John the

    After the service on January 6, a reception was held in Haik and Alice
    Kavookjian Auditorium, where a traditional home-blessing ceremony was
    led by Archbishop Barsamian. The Akh'tamar Armenian Dance Ensemble,
    under the direction of Sylva Assadourian, gave a colorful
    performance. Click on the following links to view photos
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    and a video
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)

    Public participation was also robust at the Armenian Christmas Eve
    service on the evening of January 5. The celebrant was
    Fr. Kiledjian. The Christmas Eve service featured scripture readings
    by students from the Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum and the St. Vartan
    Armenian School. For photos of the Christmas Eve service, click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)

    St. John the Baptist Church, Greenfield, WI

    ** Primate to Visit Greenfield Parish
    On Sunday, January 11, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    will visit St. John the Baptist Church of Greenfield, WI, where he
    will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and perform the Blessing of Water
    ceremony. The Rev. Fr. Nareg Keutelian, parish pastor, will assist the

    Parishioners John and Lynne Kaishian will be awarded the `St. Nersess
    Shnorhali' medal and encyclical, issued by His Holiness Karekin II,
    the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians. A home-blessing
    service and Armenian Christmas luncheon will follow in the cultural

    ** Scripture of the Week

    1 Thes 4:12-17
    Jn 11:1-46

    ** Prayer of the Week

    O Lord, turn not your face from me. O beneficent Lord, I beseech you,
    be my helper. O Lord, despise me not and forsake me not. O God, my
    Savior. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    13 January: Feast of the naming of our Lord Jesus Christ

    15 January: Feast of the birth of St. John the Forerunner

    Christmas in Syria
    His Holiness Ignatius Aphrem II, at left, with Bishop Armash
    Nalbandyan in Damascus.

    ** Armenians Around the World Celebrate Christmas
    Armenians around the world celebrated the Feast of the Nativity and
    Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ on January 5 and 6. At Holy
    Etchmiadzin on Tuesday, January 6, His Holiness Karekin II, the
    Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, celebrated the
    Divine Liturgy and performed the Blessing of Water ceremony.

    Among the dignitaries present were Armenia's President Serge Sargsyan,
    Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian,
    and other government officials. Hayk Samvel Karapetyan of Russia
    served as the godfather for the Blessing of Water.

    The miracle witnessed in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago was
    =80=9Cthe divine invitation to the world-for peace, love, and goodwill
    among men,' His Holiness said. He went on to stress that these values
    are just as important in today's world, and exhorted the faithful to
    open their hearts to this message of hope and renewal. The Catholicos
    also prayed for the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Click
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view a video in Armenian.

    In Damascus, Syria, Bishop Armash Nalbandyan, Primate of the Armenian
    Diocese of Syria, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Sarkis
    Church. His Holiness Ignatius Aphrem II, the Patriarch of the Syriac
    Orthodox Church, took part in the Blessing of Water ceremony.

    Services and events were also held in Moscow, São Paulo, London,
    Paris, Sydney, and other parts of the diaspora. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Hye Profile
    The `Cradle of Civilization' float at the 2015 Rose Parade.

    ** Hye Profile
    The week between Christmas and New Year's Day brought two surprises to
    the Armenian-American community. A float celebrating Armenian heritage
    was part of the 2015 Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA, on January 1. The
    `Cradle of Civilization' float went on to receive the
    =80=9CPresident's Trophy' in the annual parade. Click here
    ( stern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=62a355b8fd-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view a video.

    The January 5 issue of The New Yorker contains a feature story by
    staff writer Raffi Khatchadourian, in which he travels to his
    grandfather's hometown of Diyarbakir (Dikranakert) to trace his
    family's survival of the Armenian Genocide and to examine how the city
    is responding to the events of 1915 one hundred years later. Click
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to read =80=9CA Century of Silence.'

    St. Nicholas Greek Church
    A rendering of the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at Ground

    ** Greek Church to Rise Up at Ground Zero
    St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was a small structure obscured by
    two giants at the tip of Manhattan. For eight decades it served as a
    place of worship, offering quiet refuge in one of the busiest hubs of
    the city. But on September 11, 2001, when terrorists struck the Twin
    Towers, the sanctuary's long history came to an abrupt end in a storm
    of smoke and rubble.

    Now a new St. Nicholas Church will rise up at Ground Zero. This
    winter, the BBC reports, construction began at the site, under the
    direction of Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava. The
    project, slated for completion in 2017, combines elements of
    traditional Byzantine architecture with innovations made possible by
    modern technology. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view a BBC video about Calatrava's design for the new church.

    Armenian Genocide Cintennial

    ** Resources for the Armenian Genocide Centennial
    This year marks 100 years since the start of the Armenian Genocide of
    1915. At the time, it was the greatest calamity to ever befall our
    nation. But the subsequent century also tells an extraordinary tale of
    our people`s resilience, strength, and faith.

    Armenian-Americans will commemorate this milestone year with a
    national observance in Washington, D.C. in May 2015. Special events
    are scheduled for May 7 to 9. The weekend will include an ecumenical
    prayer service at the National Cathedral, a Pontifical Divine Liturgy,
    a memorial concert, and an awards banquet honoring organizations and
    individuals who helped the survivors. His Holiness Karekin II, the
    Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness
    Aram I, the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, both will
    journey to the United States to lead the Washington
    commemoration. They will be joined by Armenians from across the U.S.,
    under the auspices of the Eastern and Western Dioceses, and the
    Eastern and Western Prelacies. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=62a355b8fd-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to learn more about the May events in the nation's capital.

    The Eastern Diocese's Annual Diocesan Assembly and Clergy Conference
    will convene in Washington that same week; details on the 2015
    Assembly will be forthcoming.

    People in the New York metro region should also reserve the dates of
    April 24, 25, and 26 for commemoration events in New York City. These
    will include liturgical celebrations and the annual Times Square
    program sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Knights and Daughters of Vartan.

    We encourage our parishes to let us know as early as possible about
    their local observances. Resources are available on the Diocesan
    website to assist parishes in raising awareness in their surrounding
    communities. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=62a355b8fd-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to access these materials.

    Recently, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, appointed
    George and Lorraine Marootian as Diocesan liaisons to the Genocide
    commemorative committees. They will be working with established
    committees at the national, regional, and local levels, and will be
    reaching out to our communities in the coming weeks. They can be
    contacted via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Students and instructors enjoyed a Christmas gathering on the last day
    of class.

    ** Mesrob Mashdots Institute Concludes Fall Semester
    The Eastern Diocese's Mesrob Mashdots Institute, an Armenian language
    course for adults organized by the Armenian Studies Department,
    concluded its fall semester last month. Instructors and students
    enjoyed a Christmas party on the last day of class, December 17.

    Program director Gilda Kupelian expressed her appreciation to the
    students for their hard work and enthusiasm. She also thanked teachers
    Shakeh Kadehjian and Ani Essayan for their dedication and the special
    attention they pay to the varied skill levels of the learners.

    The spring semester will begin in March 2015. For information, contact
    Gilda Kupelian at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Lenten Drive
    A Sunday School student holds up an Easter basket prepared as part of
    last year's Lenten Drive.

    ** Sunday Schools Support Charities in U.S. and Armenia
    Last month, Diocesan Sunday Schools made gifts to two charitable
    organizations. `Feeding America,' the largest network of food banks in
    the United States, and the `Berd Soup Kitchen' in Armenia, which is
    operated by the Fund for Armenian Relief, received contributions of
    $8,000 and $8,500, respectively.

    The money was raised by students in 27 Diocesan Sunday Schools during
    the annual Lenten Drive. Students were imaginative in their
    fundraising: children cooked parish dinners, prepared and sold Easter
    baskets, memorized Bible verses, cleaned houses and cars, and passed
    the hat at family gatherings.

    Dr. John Bilezikian and Dr. Kim Hekimian speak about the importance of
    a healthy diet.

    ** FAR Hosts Nutrition Conference in Armenia
    The Fund for Armenian Relief recently hosted a nutrition conference in
    Armenia led by Dr. John Bilezikian of Columbia University. The
    conference focused on the importance of children's diets and access to

    Dr. Bilezikian spoke about Armenia's use of iodized salt to avoid
    iodine deficiency. Dr. Kim Hekimian, also of Columbia, made a
    presentation on the importance of educating families about proper

    The conference was the latest effort in FAR's commitment to address
    child malnutrition, particularly in Armenia's Tavush province where
    FAR runs its `Breaking the Cycle of Poverty' program. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to read more on FAR's blog.

    Annual Appeal

    ** Diocese's 2014 Annual Appeal Coming to a Close
    The Eastern Diocese is nearing the end of its 2014 Annual Appeal. To
    those who have given, we are deeply grateful for your support of the
    creative, educational, and inspirational programs that lift up
    Armenian communities throughout the Eastern Diocese.

    There is still time to make a donation before the Appeal comes to a
    close. Follow this link to donate now
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=62a355b8fd-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to the Annual Appeal-the only Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each
    year to help the Diocese undertake the many ministries, programs, and
    resources that enrich life in our parishes.

    Please accept this invitation to strengthen our efforts. Your
    thoughtful gift brings light to our local churches. It supports
    Christian education, Armenian language instruction, summer camps,
    youth programs, mission parish outreach, and the use of new
    communication technologies.

    Holy Ascensian Church, Trumbull, CT
    Parishioners with Fr. Nalbandian pose in front of the new banner

    ** Trumbull Parish Unveils Armenian Genocide Banner
    The Church of the Holy Ascension of Trumbull, CT, opened the Armenian
    Genocide centennial year by unveiling a banner in the church

    The Rev. Fr. Untzag Nalbandian, parish pastor; Kit Kaolian, the
    parish's representative to the Connecticut Genocide Centennial
    Committee; and Andy Daquesian, chair of the parish's Genocide
    Centennial Committee and a representative to the National Centennial
    Committee, took part in the unveiling.

    The banner bears the official logo of the 100th year of
    remembrance=80'a purple forget-me-not flower-as well as a
    representation of the Dzidzernagapert memorial monument in Armenia. It
    will be displayed at the Church of the Holy Ascension throughout 2015.

    Brooklyn Armenian School
    Children of the St. Gregory mission parish sing at the Diocesan

    ** Brooklyn Students Showcase Talents
    Young students of the St. Gregory mission parish of Brooklyn, NY,
    displayed their talents before parents, teachers, and an excited group
    of churchgoers at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral in Manhattan on
    Sunday, December 21.

    School principal Khoren Onanyan warmly welcomed the large crowd, and
    explained that the children, ages 6 to 13, gather every Sunday to
    learn the language, history, religion, and music of their ancient
    Armenian heritage. The school has been in existence for 20 years, but
    many of the students have come to America only in the last few years.

    Special guests in attendance included the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon
    Kiledjian, dean of St. Vartan Cathedral, and Jacob Yahiayan,
    Administrative Director of the Diocese of the Armenian Church, who is
    also a member of the school's board of directors.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to read more.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, Wynnewood, PA

    ** A Communion Breakfast in Wynnewood
    On Saturday, January 3, the Sunday School of St. Sahag and St. Mesrob
    Church of Wynnewood, PA, hosted its annual `Christmas Communion

    The Very Rev Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, parish pastor, distributed Holy
    Communion to the Sunday School students and their families. Following
    the service, Men's Club members served a breakfast they had
    made. Families prepared for the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of
    our Lord and enjoyed warm fellowship in this season of our Lord's

    St. Stepanos Church, Elberon, NJ
    Deacons with Fr. Karadjian on the Feast of St. Stephen the Protodeacon
    and First Martyr.

    ** Elberon Parish Celebrates Name Day
    Parishioners at St. Stepanos Church of Elberon, NJ, have been busy
    this Christmas season with a number of programs for parishioners
    across the generations.

    On Sunday, December 29, the parish observed the Feast of St. Stepanos,
    its patron saint, with a special service honoring its deacons. A
    requiem service was held for choir member Richard Sahagian and
    deceased deacons and altar servers. Later that day, Fr. Daniel
    Karadjian, parish pastor, blessed a new church cross donated by
    Dn. Nubar and Meline Karakashian in memory of the late Kayane
    Karakashian. The silver cross was crafted in Armenia, and will be used
    for the annual Blessing of the Water ceremony and for processions.

    On December 31, the community gathered for a New Year's Eve
    celebration. The evening included a visit from Santa, live Armenian
    music, and food. At 12:15 a.m. everyone gathered in the sanctuary for
    a prayer service. The celebration was organized by Ashkhen Tatevosyan,
    Inessa Tatevosyan, and Anetta Topuzian, under the leadership of
    Fr. Karadjian.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view photos from these events.

    Boat Parade in Florida

    ** Christmas Boat Parade in Florida
    The community at St. Hagop Church of Pinellas Park, FL, gathered at
    the home of parishioners Ed and Eileen Barsamian Jennings last month
    to watch the local Christmas Boat Parade.

    Guests enjoyed food, fellowship, and stunning views of the Florida
    sunset and the annual parade of sailboats decorated with festive
    lights. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Armenian Church of Southwest Florida | Naples, FL
    The Rev. Fr. Karekin Kasparian will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and
    perform the Blessing of Water service at the Armenian Church of
    Southwest Florida on Sunday, January 11, at 1:30 p.m. The service will
    be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church (3901 Davis Blvd., Naples,
    FL). Leon Nigohosian will serve as "godfather" of the Blessing of
    Water service. A Christmas dinner (reservations required) will follow.

    Services and activities are also scheduled for the following dates:
    February 8 (Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan; bake sale to follow);
    February 17 (Ladies and Men's Luncheon at M. Waterfront Grille); March
    1 (Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian; Lenten luncheon to follow); and March
    10 (picnic at Longshore Lakes in Naples).

    For information, or to make reservations, e-mail Carole Meghreblian at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, will host a screening of the film
    `Tevanik' on Thursday, January 15, at 7:30 p.m. The film, set during
    the Nagorno-Karabagh War, is in Armenian with English
    subtitles. Admission is free. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    On Friday, January 23, St. Leon Church will host a presentation by
    Vahé Tachjian, Ph.D., on the `Houshamadyan Project,' an attempt to
    reconstruct Ottoman Armenian life through archival documents,
    photographs, and other materials. The talk will begin at 7:45
    p.m. Admission is free. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, Wynnewood, PA
    ACYOA Juniors assemble food boxes for families in need.

    ** A Busy Christmas Season for Wynnewood Youth
    Young parishioners of the St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of
    Wynnewood, PA, closed out 2014 with a series of activities promoting
    fellowship, service, and a spirit of giving.

    On the heels of their Thanksgiving-weekend `Hye Hop' dance, which
    brought together some 300 young people from throughout the
    Philadelphia area, the Wynnewood parish hosted a memorable Christmas
    bazaar (December 5-7), co-chaired by two ACYOA members, Nanor
    Arabatlian and John Baboujian. The first-time co-chairs brought a
    fresh perspective to the long-running annual event.

    The ever-active Sunday School held its annual Christmas pageant on
    December 21, during which students aged 2 to 18 re-enacted the birth
    of Jesus in front of the congregation.

    The parish was also proud to see its young people involved in
    charitable work through Thanksgiving and Christmas. On December 20,
    the Philadelphia ACYOA Juniors joined together to take part in
    `Operation Christmas Baskets'-an annual effort led by parishioners
    Joseph and Pamela Brinker, which supplies food boxes to more than
    2,400 families in need. Parents and friends joined the young people to
    assemble the food boxes and load them into vans for distribution. The
    ACYOA Juniors were part of a similar Thanksgiving outreach effort a
    month earlier.

    ** EVENTS
    Concert at St. Vartan Cathedral

    ** An Evening at the Opera
    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral will host `An Evening at the Opera' on
    Friday, January 30, at 7:30 p.m.

    Enjoy a program featuring Armenian and Western opera music, performed
    by internationally-acclaimed artists Narine Ojakhyan and Yeghishe
    Manucharyan. Lusine Badalyan will accompany on the piano.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-62a355b8fd-159688434)
    to view a flyer for ticket information. St. Vartan Cathedral is
    located at 630 Second Avenue (at 34th Street) in Manhattan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress