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Impediments to regional development in the South Caucasus

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  • Impediments to regional development in the South Caucasus

    Impediments to regional development in the South Caucasus
    By Jason Katz
    Jan. 8, 2015

    [Katz is the principal of TSG, LLC, a consultancy that advises foreign
    governments, NGOs and corporations in the realms of strategic
    communications, politics and policy. He is also the former head of
    Public Affairs and Public Relations for the American Jewish Committee,
    based in Los Angeles.]

    Few regions of the world are, in general, as prosperous, stable and
    reliably Western-oriented as the South Caucasus. The South Caucasus,
    situated on the southern frontier of what was the Soviet Union, has
    become, with one exception, one of the most cohesively prosperous
    regions in the world and amongst the most influential and affluent in
    the former Soviet Union.

    Comprised of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and peripherally Turkey, the
    South Caucasus region is, mostly, energy rich and stands as a much
    needed and viable alternative for European natural gas supplies in the
    near-term and well into the future. Read that as an alternative to the
    chaotic, military and foreign policy driven natural gas from Moscow.

    Recently, the foreign ministers of Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Georgia met
    in Turkey's northeastern province of Kars to discuss regional
    cooperation. This fourth trilateral summit included meetings between
    Azerbaijan's Elmar Mammadyarov, Georgia's Tamar Beruchashvili and
    Turkey's Mevlut Cavusoglu.

    Conspicuously absent from this meeting and, indeed, from all
    discussions on regional development, energy and general regional
    prosperity was Armenia. Armenia, another former Soviet Republic, has
    oddly chosen to excuse itself from the growing prosperity of the

    Why, you ask? Armenia has taken a decidedly different path, a path
    that has necessitated all but the complete surrender of Armenia's
    sovereignty. As the other nations of the South Caucasus have embarked
    upon and continue to navigate independent foreign and economic
    policies leading to prosperity for their people, Armenia has
    increasingly become a vassal state of the Russian Federation in direct
    contradiction to the best interests of their people.

    Armenia's borders and airspace are patrolled by Moscow. In fact,
    Armenia is the last of the former Soviet Republics to host Russian
    military bases, even recently signing agreements to keep them there
    well into the coming decades - 2044. Recently, Russia's FSB, a
    successor to KGB, issued a press statement about its operation in
    Armenia, nominally a foreign state! As the South Caucasus region and
    surrounding regions seek closer links with the European Union, Armenia
    has opted to join Russian President Vladimir Putin's personal attempt
    to usurp the EU, the Eurasian Customs Union suddenly interrupting its
    half-hearted talks with EU. Armenia even joined nations like North
    Korea, Syria, Sudan and a couple of other rogues, voting against
    Ukraine's territorial integrity at UN in 2014.

    This is all done against the backdrop of an increasingly poor nation
    in Armenia and a severely dwindling population as a result of mass
    exoduses of Armenians to other nations due to the dire economic
    situation there.

    The answer to Armenian prosperity is sadly quite simple. Leave behind
    the shackles imposed by the Russians, past wars with Azerbaijan and
    embrace the future, again in the best interest of the Armenian people.

    At the twilight of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a
    war over the Azerbaijani lands of Nagorno Karabakh and its surrounding
    districts. The Azerbaijanis lost the war as a result of the
    significant help rendered by the Red Army and Iran. Following ethnic
    cleansing of Azerbaijanis in Nagorno Karabakh and surrounding regions,
    Azerbaijan possesses nearly a million refugees, designated as
    internally displaced peoples. In their place is an unrecognized area,
    even by Armenia, seeking to be the second failed Armenian state.
    During the fighting, Turkey closed its border with Armenia in
    solidarity with Azerbaijan.

    Fast forward more than 20 years and the entire region is fabulously
    prosperous while Armenia stubbornly holds on to Azerbaijani lands and
    is thus left in the cold. It would seem to make sense to the Armenian
    leadership and Armenian diaspora, but to few else on the global stage.

    Speaking at a joint press conference following the meeting, Cavusoglu
    of Turkey eluded to the real players, the afore mentioned nations,
    hold out hope for Armenia's involvement, as Turkey's Cavusoglu
    pronounced that Turkey supports respect for Azerbaijani and Georgian
    territories, adding that he hopes Armenia will also cooperate.

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Mammadyarov added that problems between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia have yet to be solved. "International
    agreements should be the basis for a solution," said Mammadyarov.

    Armenian leadership must do itself a favor and in doing so save the
    sovereignty and viability of their nation.

    Return the occupied lands of Azerbaijan with an ironclad agreement
    that Azerbaijanis will return to their homes and lands and that ethnic
    Armenians will be protected and given the same rights as any other
    citizen of Azerbaijan.

    Based on this gesture, work with Turkey to reopen their mutual border.
    If events of WWI are an impediment to these negotiations, agree to a
    tribunal of scholars to explore exactly what happened in WWI and what
    to do about it all these years later.

    Work to repair ties and relationships with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    Force the Armenian Diaspora to use the considerable money spent on
    lobbying related to the issues of events in WWI and Nagorno Karabakh
    to invest in Armenia's economic survival.

    Following these steps, engage in talks on regional development and be
    a player in existing and future projects.

    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey are open to solving this frozen
    conflict, furthering and expanding regional development and
    integration and most of all Armenia will be better off and stronger
    for it.
