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Azerbaijan Snubs the West

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  • Azerbaijan Snubs the West

    Azerbaijan Snubs the West
    By Joshua Kuchera
    Jan. 8, 2015

    [Joshua Kucera is a journalist and author of The Bug Pit, a blog on
    military and security issues in Eurasia.]

    On Dec. 26, authorities in Azerbaijan raided the local bureau of Radio
    Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a U.S. government-funded service, seizing
    computers and ordering the office shut down. Earlier that month,
    police had arrested Khadija Ismayilova, a RFE/RL reporter and the
    country's most prominent investigative journalist, on dubious charges
    of inciting someone to commit suicide. (The alleged victim has since
    recanted the accusation, but Ms. Ismayilova remains in jail.)

    These events have been reported abroad largely as marking a further
    constriction in Azerbaijan's already tiny space for alternative points
    of view. And they are that. But they also suggest a dramatic change in
    the geopolitics of the volatile Caspian Sea region: the Azerbaijani
    government's growing hostility toward Washington.

    Azerbaijan is in a prime location, wedged between Russia and Iran on
    the oil- and gas-rich Caspian Sea. Since gaining independence from the
    Soviet Union in 1991, it has been a strong partner of the United
    States. It has worked with Washington to break Russia's energy
    monopoly in the region by supporting the construction of oil and gas
    pipelines to Turkey. It is a key transit point for military cargo to
    and from Afghanistan. And the government in Baku has forged close ties
    with Israel, based primarily on the trade of weaponry and oil.

    A 2009 U.S. diplomatic cable described Azerbaijan's foreign policy as
    characterized by `pragmatism, restraint and a helpful bias toward
    integration with the West.' Baku's orientation toward the West was
    always in service of two priorities: maintaining its grip on power and
    taking back the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, which Azerbaijan lost
    to ethnic Armenian separatists in the early 1990s. But as Russia's
    dramatic new foreign policy changes the strategic landscape across
    Eurasia, Baku appears to be recalculating whether its ties to the West
    really are advancing its own goals.

    The attack on RFE/RL followed months of extreme anti-Western rhetoric.
    Top Azerbaijani government officials have accused the United States
    ambassador to Baku of `gross interference' and former Foreign Minister
    Carl Bildt of Sweden of being an American spy. In early December, the
    president's chief of staff, Ramiz Mehdiyev, published a 13,000-word
    article claiming that the C.I.A. was contriving regime changes in the
    post-Soviet space (the so-called color revolutions). It also called
    Azerbaijan's human rights activists a `fifth column' of the United

    The dominant criticism is that Washington, acting through NGOs and
    human rights groups, is trying to destabilize the Azerbaijani
    government. In fact, human rights activists have criticized American
    and European governments for being too soft on Baku. Washington has
    called the raid on RFE/RL merely `cause for concern.' In spite of
    Azerbaijan's dismal human rights record, it has been awarded prestige
    projects like the chairmanship of the Council of Europe's Committee of
    Ministers in 2014, and it will be hosting the European Games this

    Anti-American rhetoric from Baku is not unheard of, but its recent
    intensity, seemingly unprompted, and its reliance on Kremlin talking
    points suggest a shift toward Moscow.

    Russia has a collective security agreement with Armenia, maintains a
    large military base there and provides the country with discounted
    weaponry. It's never been clear how Russia might intervene in a war
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, but Baku's
    repudiation of America makes Russia less inclined to get involved in a
    fight against Azerbaijan.

    The United States, for its part, will never intervene militarily on
    Azerbaijan's side. And the payoff for Baku of putting up with
    Washington's hectoring on democracy and human rights shrinks as the
    West loses influence worldwide. It's a measure of the Azerbaijani
    government's disdain of Washington that the raid on RFE/RL was
    conducted just days after Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with
    President Ilham Aliyev on the phone.

    In an interview in December, Ali Hasanov, a top presidential adviser,
    was asked why the government began to so sharply criticize the United
    States but not Iran or Russia. `Because they don't criticize us,
    that's why,' he said. `Russia, Iran, and China, too, deal with us on
    the basis of noninterference in our internal affairs.'

    Washington, meanwhile, increasingly judges partner nations according
    to their opposition to Russia. At her confirmation hearing in
    September, the new United States ambassador to Uzbekistan ' one of the
    most repressive governments on the planet ' praised the country as `an
    increasingly important partner,' thanks to `its deliberate, reliable
    resistance to Russian pressure.' Azerbaijan's mimicry of Russian
    rhetoric and rapprochement with Moscow is an implicit threat to
    Washington: Give us what we want, or we'll go over to Russia.

    The United States doesn't need to give in to this blackmail. Yes, the
    stakes are high: As Washington works to isolate Russia economically,
    Azerbaijani natural gas has become an even more important alternative
    to Russian gas for European customers. And Baku's geopolitical shift
    could upset the fragile balance that has kept tensions over
    Nagorno-Karabakh from turning into a full-scale war.

    But it would be short-sighted for Washington to sacrifice its
    principles just to shore up support against Russia. Moscow's current
    geopolitical moment is only temporary. While the pro-Russia forces in
    Baku appear to be ascendant for the time being, other powerful blocs
    favor closer ties to the West.

    Failing to stand up for human rights and democracy, including the
    rights of its own RFE/RL, would make the United States look weak and
    sap its supporters. Expecting to be arrested, Ms. Ismayilova herself
    asked foreign governments to speak loudly in defense of the dozens of
    political prisoners in Azerbaijan. `I don't believe in human rights
    advocacy behind closed doors,' she wrote. `People of my country need
    to know that human rights are supported.'
