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Belarus Ambassador: Membership in EEU gives incentives to Armenia an

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  • Belarus Ambassador: Membership in EEU gives incentives to Armenia an

    Belarus Ambassador: Membership in EEU gives incentives to Armenia and Belarus

    19:57, 08.01.2015

    Armenian presents an interview with Belarus Ambassador to
    Armenia H.E. Stepan Sukhorenko.

    How do you assess the level of bilateral relations?

    Relations between the states, in political and economic terms, have
    been developing steadily over the recent years. In political terms,
    there are no problems at all, firstly, we entered a single union of
    the CIS, and secondly we are members of the military-political
    organization, the CSTO, and finally from January 1 we entered the
    common customs area, a single Eurasian Economic Union. At the
    international platforms , our positions coincide completely or are
    very close. The same is about trade and economy. There has been
    recently a certain deceleration, but the reason is clear: the economic
    crisis continues, and it is unclear when it will end. Armenia and
    Belarus have open economies, and the crisis has a negative impact on
    purchasing power of the population. We are exporting to Armenia a wide
    range of goods, including heavy equipment, agricultural equipment,
    buses, tractors, light industry products. We have also increased the
    exports of meat and dairy products, as well as high quality vodka.
    Armenian brandy, juices are known in Belarus. We are also importing
    jams. I am pleased to note that there are no serious obstacles to the
    development of relations. Joining the Eurasian Union is an additional
    impetus for economic development. There will be certain barriers for
    the competitors, and additional incentives for the participants of the
    common market. We expect significant growth in turnover dynamics.

    What is the extent of trade turnover volume?

    The trade turnover volume has increased 16 times over ten years. In
    2012 the trade turnover was close to $50 million. Now it is a little
    lower for the reasons I have named. We believe it is temporary
    reduction, and plan to reach positive dynamics in the near future.

    Does the tourist flow correspond to relations between the two countries?

    It is not corresponding, but is even lower than it is acceptable. We
    have studied Armenia's potential in this sector, and it is very
    interesting. There is some data, according to which Armenia is number
    one in terms of historic monuments per capita in Europe. Armenian
    authorities are trying to make the country more available to tourists.
    In the time of developed communication, I do not think that
    geographical remoteness of Belarus and Armenia are an insurmountable
    obstacle - just three-hour flight. Many Belarusians are traveling to
    Australia, Southeast Asia, Thailand. Armenia can present rich history,
    given that the country had adopted Christianity long before Kievan
    Rus. I am lucky to work in Armenia, now it is the seventh year of my
    mission, and I have traveled around the country. Serious work is
    needed to promote the historical heritage of the country. They are not
    coming, because it is far away or too expensive. They simply do not

    Is there any data on the number of Armenians visiting Armenia?

    There used to be one Yerevan-Minsk flight per week, then twice a week.
    Now we have three flights a week, and plan to open the fourth one.
    Passenger flow is very large. There is also a strong Armenian
    community in Belarus. We expect that business activeness between our
    countries will intensify with the accession to Eurasian Economic

    What can be attractive in Armenia for Belorussian entrepreneurs?

    Armenia and Belarus have complementary economies. Our products do not
    pose competition to each other, something that is produced in Armenia,
    is not produced in Belarus and vice versa. But we believe that in the
    new environment, after joining the Eurasian Union and opening a huge
    170- millionth market, our potential can be used effectively. I can
    name jewelry sector as one of the breakthrough directions. Relevant
    work is already under way, there is a certain result. First of all we
    are interested in the creation of joint ventures with high added
    value. We are also interested in high technology.

    In October, a meeting of the Armenian-Belarusian intergovernmental
    commission was held, and we discussed the export of the goods produced
    by joint Armenian-Belarusian ventures to foreign markets, especially
    taking into account Armenia's membership in WTO and the ensuing
    preferences. Armenia can supply about 9,000 items of goods to the
    European market on preferential terms. We have no such preferences.
    This is also a promising area of cooperation. Given the fact that the
    Armenian government is implementing a program of modernization of
    agriculture, equipment manufactured in Belarus, in all respects -
    cost, ease of maintenance, quality - is the most acceptable for
    Armenian farmers. We can supply the finished product, but there is a
    better option. We are opening a series of assembly plants. As a
    result, the unit cost of the product will decrease by 20-30%. There
    are many areas of cooperation, especially because there is accumulated
    experience of cooperation.

    What about cooperation in the defense sector and within CSTO? Are
    there any problems? How viable is the organization?

    After the collapse of the USSR and creation of the CIS, in the light
    of current challenges, there is a need in a military and political
    union. This union is the Collective Security Treaty Organization. For
    small states like Belarus and Armenia, it is an extremely important
    organization, because the CSTO Charter includes, for example,
    protection in the face of external aggression. Practice has shown that
    both Armenia and Belarus are the most active and consistent members of
    the organization. To date, the CSTO has established itself as a
    serious organizations not only in the former Soviet space. This is an
    authoritative organization in the international arena. As far as I
    know, there were negotiations with NATO for cooperation in certain
    areas. First of all, it refers to the fight against international
    terrorism. The Alliance did not came forward. It is their right. We,
    the CSTO, are capable of defending ourselves.

    What did you manage to see in Armenia?

    Quite a lot, I have traveled from east to west, from north to south. I
    saw monuments, attended the opening of Wings of Tatev aerial tramway,
    went to Areni cave where ancient shoe was found and traveled to the
    south. The country is small, but there is great variety in every
    region. For exampl,e a journey from Sevan to Dilijan: you leave the
    tunnel and enter another country -- the Armenian "Switzerland".
    Wherever you go, you will not be bored. And everywhere you can feel
    the breath of antiquity.

    What is your favorite dish from Armenian cuisine?

    The most important thing is that Armenians do love serving food.
    Unless I came to Armenia, I would not have known the taste of real
    barbecue. Especially prepared in tonir [Armenian-style underground
    oven] . Interesting dish is ishly kyufta. And, of course, fish cooked
    over a campfire on the shore of Lake Sevan. The dishes are not
    something new, but they are prepared with the national style that
    gives a special flavor.

    Your wishes to the people of Armenia and Belarus.

    Taking into account the current conditions, I would like to wish
    Armenia a peaceful sky. To all Armenians, all people around the world.
    I wish Armenia could be prosperous, you really deserve this.

    Mariam Levina

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress