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Damascus: Clergymen : Whoever Legitimizes Killing & Terrorism Has No

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  • Damascus: Clergymen : Whoever Legitimizes Killing & Terrorism Has No


    Syrian Radio & TV Online
    Jan 13 2015

    Minister of Religious Endowments "Awqaf" Mohammad Abdul-Sattar
    al-Sayyed stressed that whoever legitimizes the killing, terrorism
    and massacres has nothing to do with the heavenly messages, morals
    or human values.

    Visiting the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate and the Arminian Orthodox
    Archdiocese on the centennial anniversary of the Ottoman genocide
    of "Seyfo" against the Syriacs and the Armenians and other nations,
    al-Sayyed indicated that the genocide proves to the whole world that
    what is taking place in Syria nowadays of killing and destruction at
    the hands of the neo-Ottomans stresses that they have nothing to do
    with Islam.

    Al-Sayyed stressed that what is taking place in Syria is a clear
    evidence that terrorism and criminality are very far from all religions
    and that Islam is innocent of what the US and its Western allies and
    Israel are trying to charge it with.

    For his part, Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch
    and All the East, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church
    stressed that the strong relation binding the Syrian Christian and
    Muslim has always protected Syria.

    "I congratulate my brothers, my compatriots, on the occasion of the
    Prophet Birth and the Christmas ....I wish that peace and security
    will return to Syria which has witnessed the birth of the humanitarian
    civilization and I wish that its people will continue to live as one
    Syrian family as they have always been," Patriarch Aphrem II said.

    He added "About half a million of the Syrian Syriacs were killed
    in those massacres and when we say Syriacs we means all the Syrian
    Syriacs whether they are in Antioch, Nsaibin, al-Raha, Diyar Bakir,
    and al-Hasaka as they are Syrians not settlers and they were martyred
    at the hands of the Ottoman slaughterers."

    Patriarch Aphrem II stressed that what is taking place in Syria now
    is not different from what happened one hundred years ago.

    "We hope that the others will follow the Syrian clergymen, particularly
    because the massacres were not based on religions but they were
    because of political reasons which aim to eliminate nations and not
    religions." Patriarch Aphrem II said.

    He highly appreciated the efforts of the Syrian people, government
    and army under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, saying
    "We will defend Syria together."

    The Patriarch concluded by affirming that Syria is witnessing the end
    of the crisis and that its people are delivering a message of amity
    and peace together, calling upon the international organizations and
    bodies to exert more efforts to release the two kidnapped bishops
    Yohanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi.

    Grand Mufti of the Republic Ahmed Badr-Eddin Hassoun said "When we
    remember the massacres or history, we don't incite grudges, but we
    want to end the grudges through spreading love."

    Hassoun added "We want the people to pay attention that history will
    talk about those who spent their life serving the people and those
    who killed the people and persecuted them and when we remember the
    massacres against the Syrian people, we know that they were because
    Syria has conveyed the heavenly messages to the world, and that the
    Ottomans came to this country and instead of learning from it, they
    forced its people to leave the Arabic language, the language of Quran,
    and they slaughtered many of them such as when they killed the martyrs
    of May 6th ."

    He affirmed that the international organizations and governments must
    exert pressure on the Turkish government to release the kidnapped
    bishops, indicating that those who were able to release 40 Turkish
    people from the terrorist groups in Mosul can order the terrorist
    who it supports and finances to release the bishops.

    "We all must make this year a year of national reconciliation,"
    Hassoun said, affirming that Syria will ever remain a model in
    fraternity and national unity.

    For his part, Primate of the Armenian Church of Damascus Bishop Armash
    Nalbandian said "Our message to the whole world and the Armenians in
    this year stresses that the birth of the Armenian nation was in the
    holy Syria which is the country of life and land of resurrection."

    "The world kept silence regarding the massacres which took place
    in 1915 and remains silent towards what is taking place in Syria
    nowadays...We call upon the international community to condemn and to
    halt the massacres which are committed by the neo-Ottomans in Syria
    today and to account them," Nalbandian said.

    For his part, Chairman of the Levant Scholars Union, Mohammad Tawfiq
    al-Bouti indicated that Prophet Mohammad has taught us the meaning
    of the Islamic-Christian fraternity when he received a delegation of
    the Christians at his mosque.

    He stressed that the Syrian people have always embraced the nations
    who were subjected to genocide and Syria has always been a peaceful
    sanctuary to them.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress