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Properly Organized Armenia Most Secure Place In Case Of Hybrid Wars

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  • Properly Organized Armenia Most Secure Place In Case Of Hybrid Wars


    21:30 * 13.01.15

    Public and political figure Ashot Manucharyan believes that the center
    wishing to maintain the global geopolitical order has unleashed a
    global war.

    According to him, seeking security in Europe is wrong.

    "Properly organized Armenia is becoming the most secure place in
    this situation. This is our strategic task - making Armenia a normal
    country and solidifying Armenians," Mr Manucharyan told

    With respect to the latest acts of terrorism in France and their
    possible impact on Europe and on the world, he said that the world
    entered a stage of the world system crisis, and "the center wishing
    to maintain the global geopolitical order did not find any means of
    maintaining this order, but unleashing war. Some call it a second
    cold war, but it is essentially different from cold war. Rather, it
    is a hybrid war, that is, hot and cold wars, economic and financial
    crises, terrorism and domestic public discontent, civil wars. They
    actively employed all the instruments last year and this year is going
    to see even more active employment of this set of instruments. Some
    global forces are trying to resist it, and some forces are serving
    this system."

    As regards possible consequences for Armenians throughout the world,
    Mr Manucharyan said:

    "I have repeatedly warned that people leaving Armenia cannot be
    said to find safe places. Under the circumstances, it is properly
    organized Armenia that is the most secure place. This global force is
    now carrying out an all-important task - imposing its will on Europe
    and making it an instrument for maintaining this order. If we are
    seeking security, our task is making Armenia a normal country and
    solidifying Armenians."

    As regards Armenia's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU),
    Mr Manucharyan stated that it was a matter of Armenia's security.

    However, because of provocations by Azerbaijan, Armenia has lost five
    human lives since January 1, 2015, when it officially joined the EEU.

    "As you can see that even NATO membership is not a guarantee - France
    is an example. No security system in the world can guarantee total
    security. On the other hand, each such system gives something new. The
    security system Armenia has joined doubtless gives something new.

    However, no one told us that we should rely on others as regards
    our security."

    At present, the Minsk process is Armenia's only hope, which is absurd,
    Mr Manucharyan said.

    "If we let the Minsk Group or Eurasian Economic Union or Collective
    Security Treaty Organization decide instead of us, we are going to
    have problems."

    From: Baghdasarian