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Lawsuit Against The Teaching Of The Armenian Genocide In France

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  • Lawsuit Against The Teaching Of The Armenian Genocide In France



    Info Collectif VAN - - According to the
    Armenian newspaper of Istanbul, Marmara, citing Turkish sources,
    the Turks will soon initiate a trial in France to ban the teaching
    of the Armenian Genocide in French schools . It should be noted that
    the legal costs of the proceedings initiated by the Turkish family,
    amounting to almost 25 000 dollars. These costs will be covered by
    the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Istanbul. Note
    ACVN: 2015 centennial year of the Armenian Genocide, will be the year
    "par excellence", obnoxious attacks by two deniers States: Turkey
    and Azerbaijan. It will be interesting to follow this case and the
    position of France if she let dictate educational programs by the State
    denial brought by Ankara and all Turkish institutions? For the record,
    the Turkish school programs teach at primary school, hate Armenians,
    "traitors" and "genocide charge against Turkish and Azeri Turks"
    ... This racist and revisionist program obviously does not mind those
    who initiate or finance trial in France against the teaching of the
    Armenian Genocide. Collectif VAN invite you to read the translation
    of the Armenian article in Marmara, Istanbul Armenian newspaper.


    Armenian newspaper of Istanbul

    Soon a trial on the Armenian genocide will be brought to France

    The Turkish businessmen put their financial contribution to the
    commitment of the trial

    According to local media, the Turks will soon initiate a trial in
    France about the Armenian genocide.

    A Turkish family whose child educated in a French school, decided
    to file a lawsuit to file a complaint against the allegations on the
    Armenian Genocide in textbooks.

    The family name is strictly limited, but it turned out that all court
    costs and attorney should be borne by the members of the Board of
    Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Istanbul.

    In 2003, under the patronage of the office, he was created a committee
    of the "so-called Armenian genocide" including former president, member
    of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, Mustafa Balkuv,
    put in the agenda of an emergency meeting the legal process of the
    case of the ban on the teaching of the Armenian Genocide in schools
    [in France].

    He noted that the legal costs of the proceedings initiated by the
    Turkish family, amounting to almost 25 000 dollars. Speaking to
    members of the Board, he asked them to provide financial support in
    this matter. According to him, much of the necessary sum has already
    met and the rest should be harvested soon.

    The "Committee of the so-called Armenian genocide", founded in 2003
    within the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, organized several meetings
    and encounters against Armenian allegations abroad. Mustafa Balkuv
    recalled qu'Emine tchet, who had filed a lawsuit in France a few
    years ago, also received financial support (support material).

    "We must continue to fight against the allegations of the so-called
    genocide," concluded Balkuv.

    Translation Collectif VAN - January 5, 2015 - 2:15 p.m. -

    Wednesday, January 14, 2015, Stephane ©
