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BAKU: Azerbaijani MPs Criticize US Policies

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani MPs Criticize US Policies


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    Jan 15 2015

    In the US, citizens use violence against the police and this is
    a manifestation of social problems, the member of Azerbaijan's
    parliament, Zahid Oruj, said Jan. 15 in Baku.

    He was addressing a hearing titled "The human rights situation in
    the US. Paradoxes of the country's foreign policy."

    Oruj highlighted the important processes that took place in the
    political and social life of the US a few years ago.

    "There is a race problem in the US," Oruj said. "Barack Obama's skin
    color hasn't actually eliminated the racial discrimination in the US,
    and this problem is still present in the country."

    In his speech, Oruj also touched upon Islamophobia.

    "Against a certain background following the events of September 11,
    the Americans try to blame the Muslims in everything," he said.

    Oruj also stressed that there is nothing to give rise to criticize
    human rights in Azerbaijan.

    Another MP, Musa Gasimli noted in his speech that during the Cold War,
    the world countries and peoples respected the US, believed in it,
    and considered it an authority, but now it is all gone.

    "The reason for this is the double standards of the US," Gasimli said.

    He noted that the double standards of the US are clearly manifested
    in its actions with regard to Azerbaijan, as well as in the issue of
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    The MP also said that the US, without waiting for the resolutions of
    the UN Security Council, is bombing Libya.

    Gasimli went on to add that the US forbade selling its products to
    the Crimea.

    "But, it annually allocates funds for the Nagorno-Karabakh
    separatists," he said. "How is this supposed to be understood? The
    US recognizes the so-called Armenian genocide, but doesn't recognize
    the genocide in Khojaly."

    "Armenians take hostage Azerbaijanis in the occupied territories of
    Azerbaijan, but the US doesn't respond," the MP further stressed.

    "This is a double standard. This is hypocrisy."

    He went on to add that as long as the US continues such duplicity,
    its image in the eyes of the world nations will fall.

    Professor of a chair of international relations and foreign policy of
    the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan
    Elman Nasirov said that corruption in the US in reality is a legal

    The analyst said that on November 4, 2014 the Rector of the University
    of Washington in his speech confirmed it. "Back in 2010, the US
    Supreme Court said that a large sum of money was spent for persons,
    who were nominated as a candidate for MP," said Nasirov. "It turns
    out that they were elected namely at the expense of these funds."

    He said that after the election of Barack Obama as a president, the
    post of senator became vacant. "A large sum of money was needed in
    order to become a senator," said the analyst. "In addition, it was
    necessary to pay $550,000-$750,000 in order to become an ambassador.

    That is, a lot of money is needed to take a post in this country."

    Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of
    Azerbaijan Farhad Mammadov, speaking on "Ways of the US influence on
    the countries with an independent policy: manipulation of human rights,
    the color revolutions, military intervention and their consequences"
    said that after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the United States
    has become the strongest country.

    He said that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United
    States had no obstacles in carrying out its policy. "Thus, it caused
    great harm to international law," he said. "National Endowment for
    Democracy (NED) of the US was established in 1983 for the conduct of
    policy of soft power by the United States in the world. Local experts
    particularly noted it."

    The experts said that the policy that was secretly conducted by the
    CIA 25 years ago, is now carried out by NED, according to Mammadov.

    He said that in order to participate in these processes, the US signed
    special agreements with contractors.

    "The US intervened in 45 countries under the guise of military
    support," Mammadov said. "Half of the 10.5 million refugees emerged
    as a result of the US intervention, according to the report of UN
    High Commissioner for Refugees."

    The US applies double standards in the settlement of
    Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, he said. "The US
    assists separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh and has sent inexperienced
    diplomats to the OSCE Minsk Group and hasn't cancelled the Section 907.

    Following this, the MP Fazail Agamali said that by making biased
    remarks, the US aims to put pressure on Azerbaijan. "The US tries
    to influence Azerbaijan's independent policy and make the country
    dependent on it."

    The MP said that Azerbaijan is carrying out important work on human
    rights, democracy. "Azerbaijani government pays special attention to
    NGOs, media and necessary conditions are created for their activity."

    "If those such as Leyla Yunusova work with international intelligence
    agencies, then why should Azerbaijan be silent?" he asked.

    The other speakers also criticized the US policy towards Azerbaijan
    and urged the US to fulfill its obligations on strategic cooperation.
