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ANKARA: President Erdogan Welcomes Aliyev With Ottoman 'Resurrection

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  • ANKARA: President Erdogan Welcomes Aliyev With Ottoman 'Resurrection


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Jan 15 2015


    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said yesterday, in a press conference
    with his Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev in Ankara, that the High
    Level Strategic Cooperation Council between the two countries will
    further relations in the fields of politics, economics, military,
    education and culture.

    Highlighting the strong ties between Turkey and Azerbaijan, Erdogan
    said that the political relations between the countries are "flawless"
    and added: "I believe that both countries have this determination
    [to boost the relations in all fields]."

    Aliyev arrived in Turkey on Wednesday to hold bilateral talks with
    the president and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu over political,
    economic and cultural cooperation as well as trade volume between
    the two countries and to attend the fifth meeting of the High level
    Strategic Cooperation Council.

    Erdogan welcomed Aliyev with an official ceremony at the Presidential
    Palace in Ankara. Turkic soldiers, dressed like soldiers from the
    16 Turkic empires throughout history, appeared at the ceremony. The
    soldiers at the ceremony were arrayed with historical clothes such
    as ornate helmets, spears, swords used by Turkic states in the history.

    The 16 soldiers representing Turkic states were used for the first
    time in a welcoming ceremony when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
    paid an official visit to Turkey on January 12.

    Another unprecedented incident happened at the ceremony when the
    presidency's band played the "Resurrection Anthem" for the first
    time, which is about the establishment of the Ottoman Empire. The
    anthem was played in the style of Erdogan's popular election song
    "Recep Tayyip Erdogan," adapted from Kazahk song "Dombra" and played
    during the March 30 local elections.

    Deputy Prime Minister Yalcın Akdogan, Foreign Minister Mevlut
    CavuÅ~_oglu, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Energy Minister Taner
    Yıldız and Communication Minister Lutfu Elvan attended the ceremony.

    Touching on the regional issues in the press conference, Erdogan
    said that he was informed by Aliyev over the resolution process of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh issue between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    "Unfortunately, the OSCE Minsk Group has not taken concrete steps
    [toward the issue] and has stalled the process. It is sad that despite
    the international verdicts, they still try to stall the process. I
    would like to express once again that Nagorno-Karabakh is part of
    Azerbaijan and we [Turkey] will continue to support Azerbaijan
    to resolve the issue by protecting the territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan. On this issue that we continuously express our sensitivity,
    Turkey's stance is crystal clear."

    The Turkish leader said that trade volume between the countries has
    reached $5 billion and the target is to reach $15 billion by 2023. "I
    believe that both countries have this determination, this political
    stability and we will achieve this," Erdogan said.

    The two leaders signed several agreements as part of the council to
    develop the relations between the countries.

    Accepted as sister countries, Turkey and Azerbaijan share the same
    history and culture and the leaders reiterated in all platforms
    that both countries have the utmost determination to further these
    exemplary relations.

    Erdogan paid his first foreign visit to Azerbaijan after he took the
    presidential office on August 10 to show the unity and brotherhood
    between the countries. Similarly, when the Justice and Development
    Party (AK Party) won the local elections on March 30, Erdogan paid
    a visit to Azerbaijan to enjoy the victory as part of a Turkish
    political tradition.
