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    IsraCast, Israel
    Jan 16 2015

    by David Essing

    --Jimmy Carter

    What do Jimmy Carter, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and BBC reporters have
    in common? Either they don't like, or in fact hate Israel. Look at
    their recent comments on the cause of the recent Muslim terror attacks
    in Paris:

    When Jon Stewart asked Carter if religion played a role in the Paris
    atrocities, Carter replied:

    'One of the origins for it is the Palestinian problem, and this
    aggravates people who are affiliated in any way with the Arab people
    who live in the West Bank and Gaza - what they're doing now - what's
    being done to them. So I think that's part of it'.

    And that is how former President Carter's convoluted train of thought
    insinuates that Israel's approach to the Palestinian dispute is to
    blame for the Muslim attacks at Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher
    kosher grocery store. Many Israelis may disagree with Israel's
    settlement building on the West Bank, but to try and point the finger
    at the Jewish state for the likes of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq
    is not only a very long stretch, it smacks of anti-Semitism. (To
    Carter's credit he did not blame the Jewish state for Boko Haram in
    Nigeria where Israel has apparently not done anything to the Boko
    Haram terrorists).

    Was it not Jimmy Carter who pressured the former Shah of Iran to resign
    without the necessary democratic machinery in place - a reckless step
    that paved the way for Ayatollah Khomeini and his successors to gain
    power over the Iranian people?

    It's what former American diplomat Dennis Ross referred to in his
    recent New York Times article where he quoted chapter and verse about
    Israel's critics ignoring Israeli peace offers that were rejected
    by the Palestinians. Carter should know better. He helped forge the
    Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. Israel was willing to give back every
    last inch of Egyptian territory once it was convinced that President
    Anwar Sadat really meant 'no more war!'

    As for Carter's expertise in the Middle East, he more than anyone else,
    bears responsibility for the rise of tyrannical Iran, a radical Muslim
    state bent on building nuclear weapons to threaten its neighbors
    and the rest of the world. Was it not Jimmy Carter who pressured
    the former Shah of Iran to resign without the necessary democratic
    machinery in place - a reckless step that paved the way for Ayatollah
    Khomeini and his successors to gain power over the Iranian people? (By
    the way Obama nearly repeated the same debacle by favoring the Muslim
    Brotherhood over Egypt's President Al Sisi).

    --Turkey's genocide of Armenians spawned ISIS atrocities...

    'I find it hard to understand how he (Netanyahu) dared to go there.

    How can this individual, who carries out state terrorism by massacring
    2,500 people in Gaza, wave his hand to the crowd?'

    Then there's Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who castigated
    Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for joining the many
    foreign leaders who attended the march of solidarity against radical
    Islam in Paris.

    'I find it hard to understand how he (Netanyahu) dared to go there.

    How can this individual, who carries out state terrorism by massacring
    2,500 people in Gaza, wave his hand to the crowd?'

    The Turkish leader was referring to Israel's military operation
    against Hamas terrorists to suppress their launching of thousands of
    rockets into Israel and forcing Israeli civilians into bomb shelters
    for almost days on end). In fact, many French Jews recognized the
    Israeli leaders and cheered him for coming. And rightly so; if six
    of the seventeen people murdered by the terrorists were Jews, wasn't
    Israel's leader obliged to go to Paris? Or was it just by chance that
    the terrorists chose a kosher grocery store? And who have always been
    number one on the Muslim terrorists' hit list?

    Moreover, Erdogan not only has more than his share of chutzpah
    - he also suffers from a severe case of amnesia. The Turkish
    leader somehow forgot that Turkey perpetrated the genocide of the
    Armenians. An estimated 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children
    were massacred by the Turks starting in 1915. The Turks contend this
    was not a genocide like the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews -the Turks
    simply forced the hapless Armenians to undertake a death march while
    they were beaten, starved, raped and murdered along the way by their
    Turkish captors.

    In effect, it was Turkey that pioneered the atrocities being
    perpetrated by Islamic State and Syrian President Bashar Assad in
    our own day and age.

    In effect, it was Turkey that pioneered the atrocities being
    perpetrated by Islamic State and Syrian President Bashar Assad in
    our own day and age.

    -- Then there's the BBC, which comes as no surprise either. While
    interviewing a grieving Jewish woman on a Paris street, reporter
    Tim Wilcox chastised her by accusing the Israelis of oppressing the
    Palestinians. In other words, it was payback time for the Muslims to
    murder Jews in Paris.

    Question: If and when Muslim terrorists kill more civilians in the
    streets of London or again behead a British soldier, will Wilcox also
    ask Londoners if they were only getting what they deserved? Did the
    BBC tolerate such philosophical 'poppycock' (British for BS) in its
    coverage of the British civilian casualties of the IRA bombings? The
    positions taken by some BBC reporters reveal a pernicious mindset not
    only against Israelis but also against Jews in general. But what the
    hell - didn't the Jews kill Jesus!

    -- Belgium got the message...

    The emotional speeches and the march of millions in Paris reflected
    the international awakening to defeating the threat of radical Islam,
    even if U.S. President Barack Obama still doesn't seem to get it.

    'Ils ne passeront pas!' - this stirring battle cry from an earlier
    period in the history of the Republic must now be put into practice.

    The emotional speeches and the march of millions in Paris reflected
    the international awakening to defeating the threat of radical Islam,
    even if U.S. President Barack Obama still doesn't seem to get it. Why
    else did Obama choose to go AWOL when the entire world focused in
    fear on the French capital?

    So far French leaders have risen to the occasion - President Francois
    Hollande has called out the vaunted French 'paras' (paratroops) to
    join the security forces in protecting Jewish schools and synagogues
    as well as other potential targets in the country.

    As we 'go to press', the reports are coming in of a major anti-terror
    operation in Belgium. Two terrorists opened fire on security forces
    when they closed in on Belgium nationals who have recently returned
    from fighting for ISIS in Syria. The good news is that none of the
    Belgium security forces were killed or wounded. However, the nightmare
    is that the two terrorists who were killed, and the third that was
    wounded, are the vanguard of the estimated five thousand European
    Muslims who have gone to Syria and Iraq to fight for Islamic State!

    "Now they are learning the hard way that terrorism must be fought
    unflinchingly. That is how it is fought in Israel, without regard to
    criticism of the Netanyahu government, as legitimate as this may be.

    Now it is how France will fight it too."

    If European leaders are serious about 'They shall not pass!' and
    really take on the Muslim maniacs, they must be prepared to adopt the
    necessary measures. It is a different kind of war, but it is all-out
    war. The targeting of Jews or even the Jewish state are just small
    fry when it comes to the ultimate goals of radical Islam.

    These are some of the insights about the current clash between European
    leaders and radical Islam made by Prof. Eyal Zisser, an Israeli expert
    on the Middle East:

    "Now they are learning the hard way that terrorism must be fought
    unflinchingly. That is how it is fought in Israel, without regard to
    criticism of the Netanyahu government, as legitimate as this may be.

    Now it is how France will fight it too."

    Furthermore, ISIS leader Abu Bakr Baghdadi has declared his objective
    is to 'liberate Europe' in the name of Islam, Therefore, even if Europe
    dissociates entirely from the Middle East, it is bound to find that
    the Middle East will not dissociate from it. Incidentally, that is
    exactly what happened to Israel with southern Lebanon and Gaza."'T-THE-JEWS-KILL-JESUS!
