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BAKU: Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict main priority of 2014

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  • BAKU: Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict main priority of 2014

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    Jan 16 2015

    Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict main priority of 2014

    16 January 2015, 23:38 (GMT+04:00)
    By Sara Rajabova

    Continuation of efforts to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the elimination of the consequences of the
    Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan were the priorities in
    Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's activity for 2014.

    The remarks made in the report of the Ministry on the results of the
    2014 year, issued on January 15.

    The Ministry's priorities also included preventing external threats to
    Azerbaijan's independence and sovereignty, and development of
    bilateral, regional and international relations.

    "Protection of national interests, creation of equal relations in line
    with the norms and principles of international law, non-interference
    in the domestic affairs of other states remain as the main principles
    of Azerbaijan's foreign policy," the report read.

    Numerous reciprocal official and state visits were carried out, the
    list of Azerbaijan's diplomatic missions abroad was expanded and the
    work with international organizations continued in 2014, according the

    The ministry went on to note that the year 2014 is characterized by
    the growth of conflicts and escalation of tension in international
    relations, as well as a tendency to deepen the collapse of the
    military-political blocs.

    "New flashpoints of tension, instability and conflict emerged near the
    borders of Azerbaijan, and a black PR campaign was conducted against
    Azerbaijan under the influence of certain circles. Despite all this,
    in 2014, the implementation of the country's successful independent
    foreign policy continued," the report reads.

    Noting the negotiations on the peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict continued in 2014, the Ministry said during the high-level
    meetings held on the initiative of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing
    countries, the sides were urged to start the work on the Great Peace

    The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict emerged in 1988 when Armenia made
    territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Since a lengthy war in the
    early 1990s that displaced over one million Azerbaijanis, Armenian
    armed forces have occupied over 20 percent of Azerbaijan's
    internationally recognized territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and
    seven adjacent regions.

    "Azerbaijan has repeatedly expressed readiness to start work on this
    agreement. Despite the existence of positive trends for the conflict's
    settlement, Armenia continues to adhere to the non-constructive
    position," the report reads.

    The Ministry also stressed that Armenia purposefully and intensively
    violates the ceasefire in order to maintain the status quo, adding
    that Yerevan has held large-scale military exercises on Azerbaijan's
    occupied territories.

    Azerbaijan also continued its efforts to achieve the international
    recognition of the fact of occupation of its territories and to
    communicate to the world the truth about the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, according to the Ministry.

    It also added that it will continue the efforts to achieve the release
    of Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev, the Azerbaijanis taken hostage
    by Armenians in the Kalbajar region.

    Armenian special forces killed Azerbaijani citizen Hasan Hasanov and
    took hostage Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilgam Asgarov in the Shaplar village
    of the occupied Kelbajar region on July 11. The civilians were
    visiting the graves of their relatives. The Armenians have put on
    trial on October 27 the two Azerbaijanis, who were captured in their
    native lands by the Armenian separatists.

    Despite repeated calls by the international organizations and foreign
    countries on Armenia to return the captives back to their country,
    nothing has been made in this regard so far.

    From: A. Papazian