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BAKU: Deputy Head of Presidential Administration: "Armenia can be a

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  • BAKU: Deputy Head of Presidential Administration: "Armenia can be a

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Jan 17 2015

    Deputy Head of Presidential Administration: "Armenia can be a puppet
    of another great state tomorrow"

    [ 17 January 2015 14:57 ]

    Baku. Ramiz Mikayiloglu - APA. "The Armenian government has conducted
    negotiations with the European Union for three years. Once, Serzh
    Sargsyan woke up and said we join the European Union", said Deputy
    Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
    Director of the Administration's Foreign Relations Department Novruz
    Mammadov, APA reports.

    He said that Armenia can be a puppet of another great state tomorrow.
    "The tensions and crisis in the world are affecting Armenia by four or
    five times. Armenia needs money. Neither the West nor others give
    money to Armenia. When God intends to bring a disaster on people, He
    blows their minds away. Armenia is in such a situation now. I have
    such information that middle-aged and older generation in Armenia have
    positive attitude toward Azerbaijan. Serzh Sargsyan and Edward
    Nalbandian try to bring up young generation differently", Mammadov
