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BAKU: Baku responds America by its "debate" on human rights

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  • BAKU: Baku responds America by its "debate" on human rights

    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    January 15, 2015 Thursday

    Baku responds America by its "debate" on human rights

    Baku / 15.01.15 / Turan: Azerbaijani authorities, always declaring
    their commitment to the principle of non interference in the internal
    affairs of other countries seem to be changing their policies.

    In recent years, official Baku is concerned with the problems of human
    rights and democracy in the world. Moreover, this "anxiety" is
    selective. Thus, Baku "symmetrically" responds those states which
    criticize Azerbaijan for human rights violations. Manifestation of
    this became today's hearing on the US-Azerbaijani relations, organized
    by the Council for State Support to NGOs under the Azerbaijani

    The chairman of the Council, Azay Guliyev, said that relations between
    the two countries have entered into a "hot phase". He said that recent
    statements by the US government institutions in relation to Azerbaijan
    are "biased, far from the truth, do not serve the strategic
    partnership." "We also decided to hold a hearing and to assess the
    human rights situation in the United States," he said proudly.

    According to him, the US does not have the right to criticize
    Azerbaijan, because they themselves have racial and religious
    discrimination, operates the prison at Guantanamo Bay, events occur in

    According to Guliyev, behind the critical statements of the former US
    Ambassador Richard Kozlarich and ex-deputy of the State Department
    official David Kramer stands official Washington. A member of
    parliament, Zahid Oruj, is concerned about discrimination against
    blacks in the United States who are facing "serious problems" in
    education. Political scientist Elman Nasirov made a "sensational"
    allegations of corruption in the United States. According to him, in
    2012 to become the ambassador of America in France and Monaco, it was
    necessary to invest into the election fund of US $550,000-$700,000.

    The head of the United Popular Front Party, MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev, in
    turn, tried to prove the absence of the US "free press." According to
    him, "Radio Azadlig" is not an independent radio and promotes American
    ideology. Hasanguliyev considers that the cause of the deterioration
    of bilateral relations was the refusal of President Ilham Aliyev to go
    in 2009 in Istanbul at the invitation of Barack Obama and Hillary
    Clinton. It was supposed to exert pressure on the head of Azerbaijan
    to consent to the opening of borders between Turkey and Armenia, he
    said. However, he noted that because of the "4-5 prisoners it is not
    right to make a confrontation with the great powers."

    The head of the Democratic Reforms Party, MP Asim Mollazade said about
    the change in US policy toward Azerbaijan "in order to implement that
    dictate the Armenians."

    The head of the Karabakh Liberation Organization Akif Nagi said that
    the United States "remains the only imperialist and terrorist state in
    the world, and use all means to subdue the states to their will." The
    US is guilty of unresolved Karabakh conflict, he said.

    The MP Musa Gasimli condemned the US of double standards and support
    of the Karabakh separatists.

    The MP from the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan" Aydin Mirzazade also
    accused the US of "unfair" approach to the Karabakh problem because of
    what Washington can "lose" Azerbaijan.

    The event was held at the International Press Center. Usually this
    structure sends invitations to such events. However, there was not
    information about this event , and many journalists were unable to
    participate and ask uestions about the sources of this information.

    All the participants are representatives of the pro-government sector. -05D-
