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ANKARA: Ankara, Baku to show off strong bilateral ties with grand ge

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  • ANKARA: Ankara, Baku to show off strong bilateral ties with grand ge

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Jan 17 2015

    Ankara, Baku to show off strong bilateral ties with grand gestures in 2015

    17 January 2015

    The year 2015 will provide more than one occasion for Turkey and
    neighboring Azerbaijan to show off the strength of their bilateral
    cooperation, not only in the global political arena but also in the
    global economic field.

    Ankara, which assumed the rotating presidency of the G-20 on Dec. 1,
    2014, didn't waste time by using its position to have Baku represented
    at a G-20 summit as its `guest.'

    While listing some key joint economic projects during a press
    conference in Ankara with Azerbaijan's visiting President Ilham Aliyev
    on Jan. 15, Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an recalled that
    Turkey will host a G-20 summit later this year.

    `As host of the G-20, we have used our mandate to favor Azerbaijan.
    Azerbaijan will take part in the G-20 this year as our guest,' ErdoÄ?an
    said. `From preliminary preparations to G-20 negotiations, Azerbaijan
    will be with us,' he added.

    Later at the press conference, during which both the guest and the
    host head of the state made statements but did not field questions,
    ErdoÄ?an made another striking announcement, as he said he had extended
    an invitation to Aliyev to attend the ceremony marking the centennial
    of the Battle of Çanakkale, also known as the Battle of Gallipoli, in
    Çanakkale province in late April.

    In an apparent response to a campaign by Armenians to attain greater
    recognition on the 100th anniversary of what many in the world term
    the Armenian Genocide, Turkey will commemorate the centennial of the
    Çanakkale campaign from April 23-25 this year, in a bid to counter the
    adverse effects of Armenian efforts.

    Traditionally, Turkey marks the anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli
    on March 18, which is declared Martyrs' Day. Armenians, meanwhile,
    commemorate their killed ancestors on April 24.

    For his part, Aliyev welcomed the invitation extended by Ankara, while
    complaining of `provocative' moves by Armenia which torpedoed last
    year's progress in talks over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Recalling that April 24 is remembrance day for the Armenian people,
    Aliyev also hailed Turkey's decision to mark the Battle of Gallipoli
    on April 24 and said, `I thank you very much, both on behalf of myself
    and of the Azerbaijan people, for choosing this date. The choosing of
    this date is very meaningful.'

    17 January 2015
