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ANKARA: Armenia's Sargsyan rejects invitation to Gallipoli centenary

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  • ANKARA: Armenia's Sargsyan rejects invitation to Gallipoli centenary

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Jan 17 2015

    Armenia's Sargsyan rejects invitation to Gallipoli centenary


    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has rebuffed an invitation by
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan to ceremonies marking the
    centenary of the Battle of Gallipoli in Çanakkale in late April, which
    coincides with the Armenian remembrance day.

    With plans to hold massive ceremonies to mark the centenary of the
    Battle of Gallipoli on April 23 and 24, Erdoðan had sent out
    invitations to the leaders of 102 countries, including Armenian
    President Sargsyan and U.S. President Barack Obama.

    In a letter addressed to Erdoðan, Sargsyan recalled an invitation
    handed to Erdoðan for the events to be held to mark the 100th
    anniversary of the 1915 mass killing of Armenians, considered as
    "genocide" by Armenia.

    "Your Excellency, a few months ago, I invited you to visit Yerevan on
    April 24, 2015 to honor memory of the innocent victims of the Armenian
    Genocide together," Sargsyan said in the letter. "We have no tradition
    of visiting a guest without receiving a response to our own

    Sargsyan also ciriticized Turkey's "traditional policy of denial,"
    while also questioning the timing of the Gallipoli event.

    "The 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli for the first time
    this year falls on 24 April, in the case when it started on March 18,
    1915 and continued till the end of January 1916," wrote the Armenian

    "Meanwhile, the operation of the Allies started on 25 April. What
    purpose is pursued, if not to divert world attention from the
    activities marking centennial of the Armenian Genocide? Prior to
    initiating commemoration events, Turkey had much more important
    responsibility towards their people and all mankind - recognition and
    condemnation of the Armenian Genocide," he said.

    The ANZAC Troops (Australia-New Zealand Army Corps) disembarked onto
    the shores of Çanakkkale on April 25, 1915 in a bid to destroy Turkish
    artillery units, but were defeated in bloody combat that continued
    until December 1915. Ever since, Australians and New Zealanders have
    commemorated the Battle of Gallipoli on April 25, on the date of the
    first landing, and on Aug 6 to Aug 10, the second landing of the ANZAC

    Marking the 100th anniversary of the battle for Turkey, Australia and
    New Zealand, the Turkish government is set to organize ceremonies with
    the participation of 8,500 Australians and 2,000 New Zealanders. The
    U.K.'s Prince Charles and his two sons, and the prime ministers of
    Australia and New Zealand, are expected to take part in

    A day before the April 24 ceremonies in Çanakkale, the government is
    planning to host a reception and a "Summit of Peace" in Istanbul on
    April 23, the day when Turkey marks the 95th anniversary of the
    foundation of the Turkish Parliament.

    April 24, 1915 is also the date of the Ottoman government's signing
    the Deportation Law that led to the deaths of up to a million
    Armenians in their long march south from eastern Anatolia. Armenia and
    the Armenian diaspora mark the day as the "anniversary of genocide"
    committed by the Ottoman Empire, and are planning to hold massive
    ceremonies on the centenary of the mass killings of their ancestors.
    Sargsyan has invited world leaders to Yerevan on the same day.
