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Corrupt heart of hatred

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  • Corrupt heart of hatred

    The Daily Telegraph (Australia)
    January 16, 2015 Friday

    Corrupt heart of hatred


    Thanks to the hashtag sentimentalists and the Je Suis Charlie
    faddists, social media addicts are now aware that a number of French
    satirical cartoonists were among the 12 people gunned down in and
    around Charlie Hebdo's Paris office last week.

    Almost forgotten, however, are the four men murdered as they shopped
    for groceries last Friday at - or because - they were in a kosher

    Unlike those massacred at Charlie Hebdo by gunmen fixated on the
    lunatic notion that a long-dead religious leader and/or his followers
    could be offended to the point of homicide by caricatures published in
    a struggling magazine, the four slain at the Hyper Cacher were
    murdered solely because they were Jewish.

    Their slayings were just the latest manifestation of the virulent,
    vicious anti-Semitic strain that has run through Europe since the
    Middle Ages, with occasional booster doses from Islamic extremists
    such as Adolf Hitler's friend Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of
    Jerusalem, who wanted assurances that the Nazis would extend their
    policy of extermination of Jews to the Middle East if the Axis powers
    defeated the Allies.

    That their deaths were -regarded more as collateral damage in the
    ongoing battle against Islamist jihadists -reveals the extraordinary
    -reluctance that exists worldwide to deal with the ugliness of the
    increasing anti-Semitism evident worldwide but particularly across

    Just as the West turned a blind eye to Hitler's preparations to
    exterminate Jews as he launched the blitzkrieg, despite long preaching
    hatred of Jews, so too have modern political and media figures chosen
    to wilfully ignore the growing evidence of increasing anti-Semitism in
    France, the UK, and even Australia.

    In a replay of the acceptance of the anti-Semitism that was prevalent
    before the Holocaust, Western elites are promoting the same
    stereotypes of Jews and the same blood libels that helped the Nazis
    gain acceptance for their mass slaughter.

    Before invading Poland in 1938, Hitler outlined his plan to join
    forces with the other mass murderer of the era, Josef Stalin, and
    undertake the "redistribution of the world".

    "Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan
    led millions of women and children to slaughter - with premeditation
    and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state.
    It's a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European
    civilisation will say about me," Hitler said.

    "I have issued the command - and I'll have anybody who utters but one
    word of criticism executed by a firing squad - that our war aim does
    not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction
    of the enemy.

    "Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness -
    for the present only in the east - with orders to them to send to
    death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of
    Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living
    space (Lebensraum) which we need.

    "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"
    Actually, Armenians around the world will speak of that annihilation
    on April 24 this year as they commemorate the centenary of the murder
    of 1.5 million - over half - of their people, at the hands of the
    Ottoman Turkish government.

    The modern Turkish government, which has been so remarkably lax in
    preventing jihadis from slipping into Syria and joining Daesh (aka IS)
    continues to crudely deny that genocide was committed against the

    Hitler was perceptive. Nobody wanted to speak of the Armenians then,
    and most were reluctant to address his actions to eliminate Jews,
    gypsies, homosexuals and other minorities from the Reich, at least
    until five or six million Jews, a million or so Poles and the same
    number of Yugoslavs had been murdered.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom the French did not
    particularly wish to see at last Sunday's Paris commemoration, put
    things in perspective when he spoke after at the funerals for the
    Jewish dead in Jerusalem: "Their lives were severed in an attack of
    hate and vile murder, but we will not amass words on the despicable
    murderer nor on the other murderers who killed other innocent people
    in France.

    "I have said for years, and will say again today - these are not just
    the enemies of the Jewish people, but the enemy of humanity as a
    whole. The time has come for all civilised people to unite and uproot
    these enemies from our midst." Netanyahu, who visited the Hyper Cacher
    during his Paris stop, later wrote: "A straight line runs between
    extremist Islam's attacks around the world and the attack that took
    place here. I expect all leaders, after we marched together through
    the streets of Paris, to fight all forms of terror, even when it is
    directed at Israel and at Jews. As far as I'm concerned, I will always
    make sure that Israel marches in the frontline EURO | when it comes to
    its security and future." That straight line of pure evil runs through
    Hamas, as it does through Daesh, even though the terrorist groups are
    at ideological loggerheads, and through every other Islamic terrorist
    organisation from Fatah to the People's Front for the Liberation of

    Yet much of the West fulfils Hitler's prophetic view with an
    astounding lack of awareness.

    Under President Obama, the US cannot even bring itself to mention the
    nature of this terrorism, referring only to "violent extremists", even
    as some remarkable Muslim leaders such as Egypt's President Abdel
    Fattah al-Sisi urges imams to change their radical rhetoric and lead a
    religious revolution that leads to peace.Inevitably every terrorist
    attack on a Western target is dubbed a "wake up call" - as if we have
    forgotten the Holocaust and the fate of the Armenians - and we are
    prepared to surrender our civilisation to barbarians who murder people
    because of where they shop.
