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ISTANBUL: G-word not so easy

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  • ISTANBUL: G-word not so easy

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Jan 18 2015

    G-word not so easy

    January 18, 2015, Sunday

    Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jewish lawyer, first pronounced the word
    `genocide' in his book "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe" in 1944.

    He coined the term by combining `genos,' meaning `race, people' in
    Greek, and `caedere,' meaning `to kill' in Latin. According to Lemkin,
    the Armenian genocide was a school example of the crime. Today, most
    scholars on genocide and historians share this idea.

    It is still a discussion between Turkey and Armenia, including
    diaspora Armenians. In recent years, we have started to see an
    emphasized commemoration of the Armenian genocide on April 24. Since
    2010, I've been involved in the commemorations. Police protected me
    and the group of intellectuals with whom I organized the 2010
    commemoration in Ankara from ultra-nationalist protesters. It was the
    first time in my life that had happened.

    Assassinated Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink said in a 2006
    documentary film titled "Screamers": `There are Turks who don't admit
    that their ancestors committed genocide. If you look at it though,
    they seem to be nice people. ... So why don't they admit it? Because
    they think genocide is a bad thing that they would never want to
    commit, and because they can't believe their ancestors would do such a
    thing either.'

    It is really not an easy word to say for an ordinary Turkish citizen,
    after all the negative propaganda they receive at school. When we say
    "genocide" in Turkey, `Jewish genocide" or "Holocaust' is
    automatically understood, as the Armenian genocide is non-existent
    according to our official history education. Therefore, we can use the
    term `G-word' for it, as it will require some more time to let go of
    the policy of denial.

    I have traveled to many countries in the world and wherever I go, I
    have faced this part of our history, for which I don't want to carry
    the burden. I have not done anything bad to anyone in my life and I
    have no relationship with the perpetrators of this crime.

    Dink believed the term had a political meaning rather than a
    historical one, and he was strongly critical of the Armenian
    diaspora's strategy of pressuring Western governments into officially
    recognizing the label of genocide. He believed that the diaspora
    Armenians should be able to live free of the weight of historical
    memory. Indicating that a show of empathy would have nothing to do
    with accepting or refusing the genocide, Dink called for dialogue,
    saying, "Turkish-Armenian relations should be taken out of a
    1915-meter-deep well.'

    Besides this view, another culturocide, meaning `cultural genocide,'
    is going on. In MuÅ?, an Armenian church in the Kale neighborhood that
    had been deemed public property since 1923 was sold to the Söylemez
    family in 1958. The Söylemez family kept the property until 2012.
    Since there was no community to care the building, its roof was
    demolished. Only four walls are standing now. In 2012, a Cabinet
    decision declared the Kale neighborhood as an area of urban
    transformation, and expropriated the parcel on which the church was
    located. The family applied to the court and decided to suspend full
    demolishment until the final decision.

    In my opinion, Armenians have to stop talking about the issue. We --
    Turks, Kurds and all Anatolians -- have to defend their rights.
    Whatever an Armenian talks about this issue, it is taken as a `victim
    defending their rights' and it has a minimal effect. I believe it
    would have a greater effect if the other side were to defend their
    brothers' and sisters' rights.

    On its eighth anniversary, I once again condemn the murder of Dink,
    and call on security forces to shed light on this assassination. We
    all know that it was not limited to a few 17-year-olds, especially
    after seeing a photograph of the assassin flaked by smiling Turkish
    police and a gendarmerie officer in front of the Turkish flag.

    Charles Aznavour says in his brilliant song `Ils sont tombés' (They
    Fell), `In that summer of strife, of massacre and war, their only
    crime was life, their only guilt was fear."
