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UCLA: Turkish Cultural Club appeals against ASA resolution to divest

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  • UCLA: Turkish Cultural Club appeals against ASA resolution to divest

    Daily Bruin: University of California - Los Angeles
    January 14, 2015 Wednesday

    Turkish Cultural Club appeals against ASA resolution to divest from Turkey

    by: Hannah Rosson

    The Turkish Cultural Club appealed to the undergraduate student
    government Tuesday to vote against a resolution drafted by the
    Armenian Students' Association calling for the University of
    California to divest from the Republic of Turkey.

    The resolution calls for the UC's divestment from the Republic of
    Turkey because the Republic does not recognize and has not given
    reparations for the Armenian Genocide, which resulted in the deaths of
    1.5 million Armenians in the early 20th century and the displacement
    of the Armenian community.

    The Armenian Genocide has been recognized by 42 U.S. states and 22
    countries, as well as by the United Nations SubCommission on
    Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

    In their presentation, Gülnaz Kiper, president of the Turkish Cultural
    Club, and Mark Bhaskar, a member of the Olive Tree Initiative at UCLA,
    said they think the language of the resolution creates a divide
    between the Armenian and Turkish communities.

    "(This resolution is) clearly a racist attempt to drive a wedge
    between the Turkish and Armenian communities here at UCLA," said
    Bhaskar, a second-year political science and Middle Eastern studies
    student, during public comments.

    Members of the Turkish Cultural Club also said they think the
    existence of an Armenian Genocide has been debated by scholars. Some
    of the students also said they would not call the killing of 1.5
    million Armenians a genocide because no one debating the issue could
    witness events that occurred in the past.

    "This is not a fact," said Selene Sari, a member of the Turkish
    Cultural Club, during public comments. "In Turkey and many other
    nations, scholars are debating (the existence of the Armenian

    Kiper, a third-year psychology student and an international student
    from Istanbul, Turkey, contradicted herself several times during and
    after the Undergraduate Students Association Council meeting. When
    asked, she said she did not think she was in a position to say whether
    the Armenian Genocide could be called a genocide.

    "I don't think it's a big deal if we do or do not call it a genocide,"
    Kiper said in response to questions from councilmembers during her
    presentation. "If you want me to call it a genocide, I will."

    Kiper and Bhaskar said in their presentation that they do not think
    divestment is a fair decision because they said they think Turkey has
    a history of supporting human rights. They also said they think the
    Republic of Turkey, formed in 1923, did not carry out the genocide and
    that the Ottoman Empire was solely responsible.

    "Divestment is an unfair punishment for Turkey," Kiper said.

    Kiper added that she thinks the resolution inaccurately portrays the
    Republic of Turkey as a country that actively silences speech on the
    Armenian Genocide.

    Some councilmembers voiced concerns about the Turkish students not
    using the word "genocide" when referring to the Armenian Genocide.

    Community Service Commissioner Savannah Badalich said she was
    concerned some of the comments in the presentation were
    microagressions against some Muslim communities. Badalich also
    addressed Kiper's and Bhaksar's claim that Turkey did not want to
    recognize the genocide because it was committed by the Ottoman Empire
    before Turkey became a nation.

    Badalich said Turkey should be more willing to acknowledge the
    genocide if it believes the Ottoman Empire was responsible instead of
    the nation itself.

    Last quarter, the Armenian Students' Association announced its plan to
    bring the resolution to the council table, and has since held two town
    halls to receive feedback on and educate students about the

    Natalie Kalbakian, external vice president of the Armenian Students'
    Association, said the club reached out to Turkish students and tried
    to listen to their concerns. She also said the resolution is not meant
    to target Turkish students, but rather to criticize the Turkish
    government for not acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.

    "It is upsetting to see that the University of California would be
    invested in such a government," said Kalbakian, a third-year political
    science student.

    During a town hall last Thursday, the Armenian Students' Association
    invited members of the Turkish Cultural Club and Muslim Students
    Association to discuss and potentially alter the resolution to
    accommodate students' concerns.

    Mikael Matossian, a fourth-year environmental science student and
    president of the Armenian Students' Association, said that some
    members of the Turkish Cultural Club and Muslim Students Association
    left the town hall early before discussing the resolution because they
    did not feel comfortable at the event.

    USAC is set to vote on the resolution next Tuesday at its weekly meeting.
