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Sargsyan responds to 'Gallipoli' invitation: Before organizing a com

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  • Sargsyan responds to 'Gallipoli' invitation: Before organizing a com

    Sargsyan responds to `Gallipoli' invitation: Before organizing a
    commemorative event, Turkey has obligation to recognize and condemn
    Armenian Genocide

    2015 18:07

    President ErdoÄ=9Fan recently announced that on April 24, the date
    commemorated each year as the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, a
    ceremony for the anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli would be held; and
    alongside other world leaders, invited the President of the Republic of
    Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to the ceremony.

    Sargsyan has responded to ErdoÄ=9Fan's invitation in a letter in which he
    underlines that `peace and friendship first and foremost shall be based on
    the courage to confront the past'; and reminding that he had previously
    invited ErdoÄ=9Fan to the Commemoration Ceremony for the 100th Anniversary
    of the Genocide, adds that `It is not common practice for us to be
    at the invitee's, without receiving a response to our invitation.'

    Below is the official English translation of Sargsyan's response in full
    as published on the web site of the President of the Republic of Armenia

    Honorable Mr. President,

    I have received your invitation to participate in the commemoration
    ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli.

    Indeed, World War I is one of the terrific chapters of history of humanity,
    claiming millions of innocent lives and aborting destinies.

    An artilleryman of Armenian descent, Captain Sargis Torosyan also joined
    the troops of the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Gallipoli. He was an
    officer, dedicated to the defense and security of the Empire, who was
    decorated with Ottoman military awards for his loyalty and heroism.
    Nevertheless, in that same year, marking the culmination of mass killing
    and forced deportation, preliminary planned and perpetrated by the Ottoman
    Empire, the wave of massacres did not bypass even Sargis Torosyan. His
    parents, brutally killed, and sister, perished in the Syrian Desert, were
    among 1.5 million Armenian victims of Genocide.

    It was as a result of this very unprecedented massacre that Raphael Lemkin
    coined the term `genocide'. And impunity thereof paved a path to Holocaust
    and genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia and Darfur.

    According to you, the Battle of Gallipoli offers a unique example for both
    Turkey and the World as an illustration of friendship born out of war, and
    the battlefield, reminding of the bitter heritage of war, stands as an
    eternal monument to peace and friendship. Leaving aside the well-known
    meaning of the Battle of Gallipoli or the questionable role of Turkey in
    World War I and World War II, one shall recall that peace and friendship
    first and foremost shall be based on the courage to confront the past, on
    the historical justice, as well as on recognition of full-fledged universal
    memory but never on selective approach.

    Alas, Turkey continues its traditional policy of denialism. Year by year,
    `improving' its tools of history distortion, this time Turkey marks the
    anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli on April 24 for the first time,
    while it began on March 18, 1915 and lasted till late January, 1916.
    Furthermore, allies' land campaign- Gallipoli land battle- took place on
    April 25, 1915. What purpose does it serve if not a simple-minded goal to
    distract the attention of the international community from the events
    dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide? Whereas, before
    organizing a commemorative event, Turkey has much more important obligation
    towards its own people and the entire humanity, namely the recognition and
    condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.

    Hence, when calling for international peace I would advise you not to
    forget sending a message to the world to recognize the Armenian Genocide,
    thus paying a tribute to the memory of 1.5 million innocent victims.

    Each of us is obliged to pass on an authentic and genuine history to the
    next generations, thereby preventing the repetition of such crimes and
    preparing the ground for rapprochement and further cooperation of nations,
    especially neighboring ones.

    P.S. Your Excellency, a few months ago I invited you to join us in
    commemoration of memory of the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide in
    Yerevan on the 24th of April. It is not a common practice for us to be
    hosted at the invitee's, without receiving a response to our invitation.

    For the Turkish translation of the letter as translated and published by
    Agos, click here.

    For the official Armenian text of the letter, click here.

    For the official Russian translation of the letter, click here.
