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Standard Hollywood Double-Standard

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  • Standard Hollywood Double-Standard

    Standard Hollywood Double-Standard

    Editorial, 17 January 2015

    As we were about to "go to the press", Russell Crowe's "The Water
    Diviner" began to make negative headlines in the Armenian media mostly
    because of its false narrative. The execrable production, made to
    coincide with the centenary of the Gallipoli disaster, is replete with
    falsehood and propaganda.

    Movie-makers--in Hollywood, California or Sydney, Australia--have the
    unfortunate habit of consistently tampering with the truth. They try
    to draw ticket buyers by making movies about the colorful lives of
    historical figures such as Alexander the Great, the Borgias, Napoleon,
    General Patton, etc., but when the same movie makers are criticized
    for turning the biographies into cartoons, they sheepishly say that
    they are in the entertainment business, not in the history business.
    Crowe's torturing of the truth seems to be a similar exercise.

    Distortion of history isn't the only crime of mainstream film makers.
    While everyone--at least in the civilized world--boasts that freedom
    of speech is a given in our societies, film makers often partner their
    governments in spreading propaganda and falsehood. They are also
    easily cowed by the same "democratic" governments to suppress the
    truth for political expedience. "Standard Hollywood Double-Standard"
    editorial focuses on several such high-profile cases.

    Hollywood, the White House, the media world--and for all we know the
    universe--were agog in December when North Korea expressed its
    displeasure with an infantile movieland comedy concoction ("The
    Interview") which featured two American spies on a mission to kill
    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The killer/spies were posing as

    In retaliation for the spoof, hackers supposedly loyal to North Korea
    stole Sony Pictures Entertainment (the studio which produced the
    comedy) leaked sensitive Sony emails to the world and threatened the
    company with violence if it released the movie starring James Franco
    and Seth Rogen.

    When an intimidated Sony cancelled the release of the film, President
    Obama accused North Korea of cyber vandalism. World-famous
    luminaries, such as Tony Kushner and Neil Gaiman, were in high
    dudgeon. So was Salman Rushdie who said so in his usual verbose way.
    The great thespian Rob Lowe jumped into the stage declaiming on
    Twitter: "Hollywood has done Neville Chamberlain proud today." Rob
    Lowe? Who knew?

    While the hullaballoo was clawing serious time and space on the
    airwaves and newsprint, no one mentioned that a movie featuring
    assassins who pose as journalists could damage journalists and their
    credibility, especially these days when ISIS chops the heads of
    journalists suspected of being Western spies. But that's a sidebar to
    the story of the celluloid tsunami between the US and North Korea.

    The "Interview" crisis continued for a week. A somber Eric Schultz,
    speaking on behalf of President Obama, said: "...we are a country that
    believes in free speech, and the right of artistic expression." An
    outraged American politician accused North Korea of muzzling free
    speech and said: "We cannot be a society in which some dictator in
    some place can start imposing censorship in the U.S." A PEN petition
    urged North Korea to reconsider the hack attack.

    And then a not-so-mysterious retaliation: the North Korean Internet
    went dark. Soon after, Sony announced "The Interview" would be
    released after all. Sony CEO Michael Lynton said North Korea had
    failed in its attempt to suppress free speech. Rogen tweeted: "The
    people have spoken! Freedom has prevailed. Sony didn't give up." His
    co-star Franco tweeted: "Victory!!!!!!! [Seven exclamation marks].The
    PEOPLE and the PRESIDENT have spoken."

    The movie opened. Americans rushed to buy tickets. It was the
    patriotic thing to do. All was well with the world and democracy.

    In the rush to salvage America's reputation as the land of the free
    and secure the bottom line of a misguided B-movie, no one pointed out
    that Hollywood, the White House, the media, are regularly selective on
    matters of free speech.

    Back in the mid-'30s at least twice Turkey stopped the production of
    epic movies in Britain and in the United States. Sir Alexander Korda,
    one of the more famous producers of the era, bought the film rights of
    "Revolt in the Desert" about the adventures of Lawrence of Arabia.
    British star Leslie Howard was to play Lawrence. The movie was to be
    shot on the border between Saudi Arabia and Transjordan, with
    Jerusalem standing in for Damascus. But then Turkey complained to the
    Foreign Office about the proposed scenes of Turkish atrocities,
    according to "The Golden Warrior: the Legend of Lawrence of Arabia" by
    Lawrence James. "Korda was forced to bow to pressure from the censors
    of the British Board of Film Control and the Foreign Office, which
    were both anxious not to upset Turkey."

    About the same time Hollywood's MGM bought the rights to Franz
    Werfel's bestselling "Forty Days of Musa Dagh". A screenplay was
    written and Clark Gable was to play the hero of the legendary Armenian
    resistance to the Turkish Army on a mountain called Musa Dagh in
    Antioch, now occupied by Turkey. That project was also shelved because
    of threats by Turkey.

    In recent years such superstars as Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson
    have announced their intention to produce "Forty Days of Musa Dagh",
    but in both instances, the projects have evaporated in silence. One
    doesn't have to be Stephen Hawking to suspect the reason for the
    demise of the projects. And yet there has been no outrage about Turkey
    curbing the freedom of speech of Americans. Rob Lowe, Tony Kushner,
    Neil Gaiman, Salman Rushdie, President Obama, PEN, CNN, et al have not
    protested. Neville Chamberlain's name hasn't been taken in vain.

    It's business as usual in the West's politics vis-à-vis Turkey. Turkey
    can jail more journalists than other country. Turkey can deny US air
    force access to Turkish bases forcing the US to use distant bases when
    attacking ISIL. Turkey can protect ISIL butchers and buy stolen gas
    from them. Turkey can ignore West's trade sanctions against Iran.
    Turkey can tangle with Israel. Turkey can hold military exercises with
    China. Turkey can demonstrate extreme Islamist tendencies. Turkey can
    be ruled by an authoritarian megalomaniac who attacks the West at the
    drop of fez. Turkey can oppress its minorities. Turkey can punish
    people for "insulting Turkishness" if they refer to the Genocide of
    Armenians. Turkey can be the biggest investor in mad Khadafy's Libya.
    Turkey can hail Sudan's genocidier Omar el-Bashir and twice play host
    to him. Turkey can interfere in European elections. Turkey can be an
    expressway for Afghan opium headed to Europe and for ISIL recruits
    headed to Syria/Iraq. Turkey can go to bed with Hamas. Turkey can sign
    multibillion dollar trade deals with Russia and try to scupper the
    West's sanctions against Russia. Turkey can invade and occupy Cyprus.
    Turkey can illegally blockade Armenia, Turkey can...

    To paraphrase the old song about Lola: Whatever Turkey wants, Turkey gets.

    Until when?

    When will the West wake up and realize that its NATO partner is a
    hostile and rogue state par excellence?
