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Avetik Ishkhanyan. "The invitation was a mockery to our tragedy."

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  • Avetik Ishkhanyan. "The invitation was a mockery to our tragedy."

    Avetik Ishkhanyan. "The invitation was a mockery to our tragedy."

    January 19 2015

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoðan plans to invite the President
    of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, along with other presidents of the
    countries in the world, to the events officially organized for the
    "100th anniversary of the Dardanelles military operations". Prior to
    it, the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan had
    invited the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoðan to Armenia to
    attend the April 24 events. Human rights activist Avetik Ishkhanayan
    said to regarding the controversial invitation, "Because,
    initially it was clear that Erdoðan would not come, it was a wrong
    decision." According to the human rights activist, it was followed by
    the statement during the press conference of Erdoðan and Aliyev to
    invite the resident of Armenia to the "Victory" events of April 24.
    "In fact, it was a mockery to our tragedy. I think this should not be
    followed by a response from the President of Armenia to Erdoðan.
    However, to the question of the journalist about how he treats
    Erdoðan's invitation, the president could have been refrained from the
    answer, just saying that he had not read the invitation. This
    invitation was followed by the response of the president of the
    country to Erdoðan. I do not want to talk about it, but, after all,
    when our president addresses with the phrase "Your Excellency", it is
    double offensive to our nation and our state," said Avetik Ishkhayan.
    To our question of how to address and whether such manner of
    salutation is not driven by the protocol, the human rights activist
    replied, "He could have addressed as "Mr. President.""

    Ruzan MINASYAN
    Read more at:
