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Operation Nemesis

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  • Operation Nemesis


    January 21, 2015

    Õ~Uperation Nemesis was the code-name for a covert operation in 1920s
    to assassinate the Turkish masterminds of the Armenian Genocide. The
    secret operation was headed by Armen Garo, Aaron Sachaklian and
    Shahan Natalie.

    After the end of World War I, the Ottoman military tribunal condemned
    to death the principal Young Turk leaders responsible for planning and
    execution of the Armenian Genocide. However at the conclusion of the
    trials the condemned were freed. They fled to European capitals living
    under assumed names. In the early 1920s, the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation (ARF) at their 9th World Congress held in Yerevan approved
    a secret resolution called The Special Mission (Haduk Gordz) to punish
    the main perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. Between 1920-1922
    the perpetrators were located and felled by the Armenian avengers.

    The Avengers

    Arshavir Shiragian was born in 1902. He assassinated Said Halim Pasha
    in Rome on December 5, 1921 and Djemal Azmi in Berlin on April 17,

    At the same time he also wounded Behaeddin Shakir Bey (while he was
    walking with Djemal Azmi) when seconds later Aram Yerganian shot
    Shakir Bey a second time in his forehead killing him.

    Arshavir Shiragian later moved to the United States and died in 1973.

    Soghomon Tehlirian was born in 1897. He assassinated Talat Pasha on
    March 15, 1921 in Berlin. Two of his accomplices in that operation
    were Hagop Zorian (Hazor) and Hratch Papazian.

    He was captured, tried and found not guilty. After the trial, he
    moved to the former Yugoslavia where he lived for nearly thirty years.

    After the end of World War Two he and his family fled to Casablanca.

    Having been told by the ARF that Turkish agents were closing on him in
    1956 he moved to The United States. He died in 1960 in San Francisco.

    He is buried in Fresno, CA.

    Misak Torlakian was born in 1890 in a village in the vilayet of

    After assassinating Bihbud Khan Jivanshir he was captured and tried
    by a British Military Court.

    A verdict of "guilty but not responsible" due to his mental condition
    at the time of the event was read on October 20, 1921. He was expelled
    to Greece and eventually moved to the United States. He died on
    November 12, 1968.

    Aram Yerganian was born in 1900. He assassinated an Azerbaijani
    government official by the name of Gasimbekov in 1920. In 1921 in
    Tiflis he assassinated Fathali Khan Khoiski responsible for the
    slather of 30,000 Armenians in Baku.

    Yerganian's accomplice for the Tiflis operation was Misak
    Giraghossian. On April 17, 1922 in Berlin he assassinated Behaeddin
    Shakir. He was never captured.

    Aram Yerganian moved to Cordoba in South America where he died
    destitute at the age of 34 from tuberculosis.

    Stepan Dzaghigian assassinated Djemal Pasha on July 21, 1922 in

    Thereafter he started a secret operation to provide food and clothing
    to fellow Armenians kept in Soviet prison camps in Siberia and
    Solovki Island.

    He was caught by The Cheka and never heard from again

    Bedros Der Boghosian was Stepan Dzaghigian's accomplice in the
    assassination of Djemal Pasha in Tbilisi.

    Artashes Kevorkian was Stepan Dzaghigian's accomplice in the
    assassination of Djemal Pasha in Tbilisi.

    The Condemned

    Fatali Khan Khoyski on June 19, 1920 in Tbilisi by Aram Yerganian

    Fatali Khan Khoyski was the former Prime Minister of Azerbaijan
    chiefly responsible for Baku massacres.

    He was assasinated on June 19, 1920 in Tiflis at Erevanian square by
    Aram Yerganian while walking with Khan Mahmadov (another condemned
    person) the former leader of the Mussavat party in the Baku parliment
    . Yerganian's acomplice in this operation was Misak Giragossian.

    During the operation Mahmadov and Giragossian were wounded.

    Talat Pasha on March 15, 1921 in Berlin by Soghomon Tehlirian

    Talat Pasha was one of the leaders of the Young Turks and a leading
    member of Sublime Porte.

    He was assassinated on March 15, 1921 at 17 Hardenberg Strasse in the
    Charlottenburg district of Berlin by Soghomon Tehlirian. Tehlirian
    was captured and after a two day trial on June 2-3, 1921 was acquitted
    of all charges.

    Bihbud Khan Jivanshir on July 18, 1921 in Constantinople by Misak

    Bihbud Khan Jivanshir was the former interior minister of Azerbaijan
    responsible for the massacre of thousands of Armenians in Baku.

    He was assassinated outside the Pera Palace hotel in Constantinople
    (Istanbul) on July 18, 1921 by Misak Torlakian. His accomplices for
    this operation were Yervant Fundukian and Harutiun Harutiunian.

    Torlakian was captured and tried by a British Military Court. A verdict
    of "guilty but not responsible" due to his mental condition at the
    time of the event was read on October 20, 1921. He was expelled to
    Greece and eventually moved to the United States.

    Said Halim Pasha on December 5, 1921 in Rome by Arshavir Shiragian

    Said Halim Pasha was the Ottoman Grand Vizier from 1913-1916 .

    He was assassinated in his horse carriage on Via Nomentana on
    December 5, 1921 in Rome by Arshavir Shiragian. His accomplices for
    this operation were Michael Varantian the former ambassador of the
    Republic of Armenia to Italy and an agent by the name of "M". Shiragian
    was not captured.

    Behaeddin Shakir on April 17, 1922 in Berlin by Aram Yerganian

    Dr. Behaeddin Shakir was a founding member of the Committee of Union
    and Progress.

    He was assasinated on April 17, 1922 in Berlin by Aram Yerganian.

    Behaeddin Shakir and Jemal Azmi were assasinated at the same time
    while walking with their families. After shooting Jemal Azmi, Arshavir
    Shiragian then wounded Behaeddin Shakir after which Aram Yerganian
    delivering the deadly shot.

    Jemal Azmi on April 17, 1922 in Berlin by Arshavir Shiragian

    Jemal Azmi also known as the monster of Trebizond was the
    governor-general of Trebizond.

    He was assasinated on April 17, 1922 in Berlin by Arshavir Shiragian.

    Behaeddin Shakir and Jemal Azmi were assasinated at the same time
    while walking with their families. After shooting Jemal Azmi, Arshavir
    Shiragian then wounded Behaeddin Shakir after which Aram Yerganian
    delivering the deadly shot.

    Jemal Pasha on July 25, 1922 in Tbilisi by Stepan Dzaghigian

    Djemal Pasha was one of the leaders of the Young Turks and a leading
    member of Sublime Porte. Due to his notorious cruelty he was known
    as Djemal the butcher.

    He was assassinated on July 21, 1922 in Tbilisi by Stepan Dzaghigian.

    Dzaghigian's acomplices in this operation were Bedros Der Boghosian
    and Artashes Kevorkian.

    Enver Pasha in 1922 in Tajikistan by Hagop Melkumov an Armenian member
    of the Red Army.

    Enver Pasha was one of the leaders of the Young Turks and a leading
    member of Sublime Porte.

    He was killed in 1922 in Tajikistan by Hagop Melkumov an Armenian
    member of the Red Army.

