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ANKARA: Why Was Turkey Present In Paris But Not On Hrant Dink's Marc

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  • ANKARA: Why Was Turkey Present In Paris But Not On Hrant Dink's Marc


    Hurriyet, Turkey
    Jan 20 2015

    by Barcin Yinanc

    If I had not read Hayko Bagdat's article last week in daily Taraf,
    I would not have realized that there are more similarities than
    meet the eye between the Charlie Hebdo killings and the murder of
    Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Their common point is not
    limited to both incidents being attacks on freedom of expression.

    In his article, Bagdat recalled the first testimony of Ogun Samast,
    who shot Dink in front of his newspaper Agos in January 2007. Samast
    told the police that he first went up the stairs to meet Dink, but
    could not get in as he was told he had to make an appointment. "I
    then called Yasin Hayal [who is charged with being the instigator
    of the assassination]. I thought of going back to the newspaper and
    killing other Armenians. But Yasin said 'there is no need,'" he said.

    In other words, Dink's colleagues at Agos could have faced a similar
    tragedy to that of Charlie Hebdo, where 10 journalists and two
    policemen were killed on Jan. 7.

    As was the case with the Charlie Hebdo tragedy, which was followed by
    a march of solidarity by millions, a similar yet unexpected phenomenon
    took place in Turkey, as Dink's funeral turned into a march attended by
    thousands carrying banners reading "We are all Hrant Dink; we are all
    Armenian." Now, each year, the day of his murder is marked by a march.

    Yesterday, on the eighth anniversary of Dink's death, mourners marched
    to commemorate him. Unfortunately, the event was not attended by any
    officials. Ministers had to attend the cabinet meeting chaired for
    the first time by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. However, as was
    underlined by Bagdat, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)
    has preferred to abstain from the march for the past seven years.

    In contrast, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu made the right move and
    attended the solidarity march in Paris on Jan. 11. In fact, French
    Ambassador to Turkey Laurent Bili told me that Davutoglu proposed
    to make the trip to Paris to present his condolences in person,
    even before a decision was made to organize a march.

    Exactly why a slain Turkish journalist has been deprived of a gesture
    of solidarity shown to French journalists is a legitimate question that
    the government should answer. We know that part of the answer lies in
    the fact that the government has never approached Dink's assassination
    with a genuine democratic reflex. Judicial proceedings have been
    very problematic, and if there are still some developments taking
    place about the case today, this is not done out of justice to Dink,
    but rather with the purpose of hitting at Gulenists in the police.

    Dink was actually the victim of a smear campaign. At one stage, a
    single sentence from his column on the Armenian identity was pulled
    out of context and his critical approach towards the attitude of
    diaspora Armenians about their relations with Turkey was completely
    distorted. A lot of people were led to mistakenly believe that he
    was insulting Turkish identity, which was not the case at all.

    Currently, top Turkish officials are unfortunately making similar
    efforts at distortion by targeting daily Cumhuriyet. If Davutoglu
    opted to go to the Paris march to show solidarity with the victims
    of Charlie Hebdo, then it is only natural for Cumhuriyet to print
    the latest issue of Charlie Hebdo to show its solidarity with the
    satirical magazine. However, while Cumhuriyet decided not to run the
    front page of the magazine -which pictured the Prophet Muhammad -it
    was not spared harsh criticism from both Erdogan and Davutoglu.

    But the fact that two of its writers ran the cover page in their
    columns did not deserve Erdogan and Davutoglu's fury. After all,
    the picture did not contain anything insulting; in fact, quite to
    the contrary. However, both Turkish leaders spoke in such a manner
    that many would believe that Cumhuriyet's content was explicitly
    insulting the prophet. It is, of course, their right to criticize
    Cumhuriyet's decision, but using such heated rhetoric shows we do not
    have responsible statesmen. Instead, we have politicians who resort
    to polemics to increase their public support.
