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Turkey PM Calls For 'New Beginning' With Armenians

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  • Turkey PM Calls For 'New Beginning' With Armenians


    Agence France Presse
    January 20, 2015 Tuesday 5:33 PM GMT

    Istanbul, Jan 20 2015

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Tuesday called for a "new
    beginning" in relations between Turkey and Armenians scarred by a
    bitter historical dispute over mass killings during World War I.

    "We call on all Armenians, and invite all those who believe in
    Turkish-Armenian friendship to contribute to a new beginning,"
    Davutoglu said in a statement marking the eighth anniversary of the
    murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, who campaigned for
    reconciliation between the two neighbours.

    Armenians accuse Ottoman forces of carrying out a genocide against
    their forebears during World War I that left an estimated 1.5 million
    people dead.

    But modern Turkey has always vehemently resisted terming the mass
    killings as genocide, saying there were heavy casualties on both
    sides as Ottoman forces battled Russian troops for control of eastern
    Anatolia in 1915.

    Last year President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then premier, offered an
    unprecedented expression of condolence for the massacres of Armenians.

    But this month Erdogan said he would "actively" challenge a campaign
    to pressure Turkey to recognise genocide during the 100th anniversary

    "Only by breaking taboos can we hope to begin addressing the great
    trauma that froze time in 1915," said Davutoglu.

    Dink, 52, was shot dead in broad daylight outside the offices of his
    bilingual newspaper in Istanbul in January 2007 in a killing that
    shocked both countries.

    Despite the cautious overtures of the Turkish government, many
    Armenians remain deeply suspicious of Ankara's intentions during the
    centenary year of the 1915 tragedy.

    Armenian commentators have angrily accused Turkey of trying to eclipse
    its commemorations of the tragedy by apparently moving forward by one
    day Turkish ceremonies to mark the 1915 Gallipoli landings in World
    War I.

    The resistance by Ottoman forces at the battle is seen as their
    greatest hour in World War I and a key moment in the foundation of
    the nation state.

    Although the anniversary is usually marked on April 25, the Gallipoli
    ceremony has been brought forward to April 24, exactly the same day
    as major commemorative events are planned in Yerevan.

    Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian has not accepted an invitation from
    Erdogan to attend the Gallipoli ceremonies, accusing him of trying to
    "divert world attention from the activities marking centennial of
    the Armenian genocide."
