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Anahit: New Armenian Animated Film Proves Popular With Children, Adu

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  • Anahit: New Armenian Animated Film Proves Popular With Children, Adu


    Features | 23.01.15 | 12:33

    Alina Nikoghosyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    It has been four weeks already that the Anahit full length animated
    film created by Armenian animators is on big screen and seems to have
    been taken well by large audiences.

    Tatev Manukyan, a 30-year-old accountant, after watching Anahit with
    her six-year-old son, recommends to all parents to take their children
    to watch it.

    "I am amazed; an immensely positive, high-quality, humorous cartoon.

    The highest appreciation can be considered the fact that after
    watching it, my son immediately expressed the desire to watch it
    again," she said.

    The plot of the 85-minute-long cartoon on big screen since December
    27 is based on the fairy tale by Ghazaros Aghayan. It was created
    using traditional drawing animation technology and 3D graphics.

    According to the authors of the animated film, in its type and by
    its peculiarities it is the first in the history of Armenian animation.

    Speaking of new technologies, one of the producers, Hayk Sahakyants,
    said that the technologies applied in the cartoon are new only for

    "There were many difficulties, solutions came in the form of
    improvisation, that's why we were trying to gradually come to what
    is done in Disney, but to do it on our own," he said.

    The story told in the animated film is about the fight between the good
    and the evil, and as in all fairy tales, the good prevails in the end.

    The animators of the "Tavern" by Robert Sahakyants were working on
    the creation of Anahit since 2009, and using the contents of the fairy
    tale, they gave it a fresh spirit presenting it anew, consistent with
    modern times.

    "The format with which we worked on Anahit - a fairy tale, a musical
    fairy tale, with the number of characters, made with that type of
    animation, full length, and applying modern technologies, etc. -
    this approach is unprecedented," the director of the animation,
    David Sahakyants said.

    The director said that the animated film has already been presented to
    three festivals and there will be many others. It also has prospects
    of being screened in Russia as well. The director also hopes that
    Anahit will also be shown in the United States.

    After the screening, despite many positive opinions, there was also
    criticism regarding the usage of some Russian words in the cartoon,
    the selection of the outer image, not the inner image of the evil,
    whose name is Enver (Enver Pasha was one of the initiators of the
    1915 Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey).

    "We had an idea of introducing Prince Vachagan as an educated
    character, and we decided that he must know another language, and it
    was supposed to be either Greek, Iranian or Russian. We chose Russian
    because it is still used in Armenia and Armenians understand it,"
    David Sahakyants said in response to the criticism, and in reference
    to the evil's character the director said: "The outer enemy appears
    only when there is an enemy inside, and I think that the outside
    enemy is the ethnicity that we introduced in Anahit, with the very
    name it bears - Enver."

    Reflecting on creating the characters, production designer Ernest
    Muradyan said that he imagined and drew the figures based on the
    temperament the screenwriters gave to the characters, frankly adding
    that creating Enver's image was the hardest.

    The cartoon characters are voiced by well-known Armenian actors and
    actresses Hrant Tokhatyan, Nazeni Hovhannisyan, Shushan Petroyan,
    Khoren Levonyan and others.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress