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Attempts At Politicization Of The Gyumri Situation Don't Come From T

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  • Attempts At Politicization Of The Gyumri Situation Don't Come From T


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Jan 23 2015

    23 January 2015 - 11:32am

    By Vestnik Kavkaza

    A soldier of the 102nd military base in Gyumri, Valery Permyakov,
    has admitted he is guilty of the murder of the Avetisyan family. The
    murders caused massive riots in the city. Demonstrators demanded that
    the soldier should be judged in Armenia; some urged the withdrawal of
    the Russian base from Armenia. Even though, in the end, the head of the
    Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin and the President
    of Armenia Serge Sragsyan agreed that the investigation of the murder
    will be provided by both sides, while the trial will take place in
    Armenia, attempts at politicization of the situation haven't stopped.

    At his annual concluding press conference, Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign
    Minister of Russia, confirmed "deep condolences about the awful crime."

    "Yesterday six-month-old Sergei died (the only one who survived in the
    tragedy). I telephoned my colleague Edward Nalbandyan and expressed
    our sad feelings once again. It is important that the criminal,
    the defendant, is detained. He has already admitted his guilt. Our
    presidents talked on the phone. The head of the Investigative Committee
    of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, went to Yerevan yesterday.

    He met the President of Armenia Serge Sargsyan."

    Lavrov confirmed that the trial will take place in Armenia: "It will
    be maximally transparent and joint. I am sure that the court will hand
    down an objective and appropriate sentence, it will be appropriate
    to the awful crime."

    "Speaking about the general context of our relations, they say
    black sheep occur in all families. And that is the attitude of all
    soldiers and officers of our military base in Armenia today. I won't
    set examples when people go mad for unknown reasons in different
    situations and different countries - there are many examples - and
    commit outrages.

    We can see attempts at a politicization of the situation. They don't
    come from the Armenian or Russian authorities. There are many forces
    which want to benefit from the tragedy, fulfil their geopolitical
    interests. Russian-Armenian relations mean an alliance and strategic
    partnership. I am sure they won't be damaged," Lavrov stated.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress