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Is The Leader Of Djavakheti Extremists Forming An Armed Group?

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  • Is The Leader Of Djavakheti Extremists Forming An Armed Group?


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Jan 23 2015

    23 January 2015 - 11:27am

    Giorgi Kalatozishvili, Tbilisi. Exclusively for Vestnik Kavkaza

    Karina Grigoryan, a former police officer, an Honor Decoration
    holder, has made a sensational statement. She told the mass media
    about the plans of the well-known figure Vaagan Chakhalyan to form in
    Djavakheti (a region in southern Georgia where the Armenian population
    dominates) an armed group for committing terrorist attacks. "According
    to information of my source, Chakhalyan plans riots in the region. He
    has already gathered an armed group (60-70 people) and sets ultimatums
    to the current authorities," Grigoryan says. According to her, "if
    Chakhalyan fulfills his ideas in practice, I state that it will be
    the fault of the current authorities due to their thoughtless steps;
    they have been warned many times that Chakhalyan is a threat to the
    region, and his release from jail would be a mistake."

    She is a significant figure, as well as Chakhalyan. One of the last
    orders of former president Saakashvili was to award Karina Grigoryan
    with the highest decoration of Georgia - the Honor Decoration. The
    presidential administration quickly invited accredited journalists
    to the great hall of the Ablabar Palace to "an important event."

    Saakashvili personally stated about a noble gesture by "a true citizen
    of Georgia", Karina Grigoryan - she resigned and left the Department
    of Counterintelligence of the Interior Ministry in protest against
    the release of Vaagan Chakhalyan from jail, according to a decision
    of the new parliament.

    The ruling Georgian Dream coalition came to power in October 2012
    and amnestied two-thirds of all prisoners, including those who were
    accused of extremism, espionage, and anti-government activities.

    Later, the leaders of Georgian Dream explained that this was due to
    the fact that Vaagan Chakhalyan was sentenced to jail for several
    years not for separatism or formation of armed groups, but for a
    fight in one of the Djavakheti state facilities, i.e. for hooliganism.

    It seems Karina Grigoryan as an employee of the special services
    knew about the activities of Chakhalyan in detail, dealt with him,
    and that's why she decided to resign. Former president Saakashvili,
    who had only nominal power by that time (at least he could award
    people), decided to mark the patriotic deed by a citizen who "rose
    above ethnic nationalism", as he said when he awarded Karina Grigoryan
    with the highest decoration.

    Then Saakashvili and Chakhalyan's roads crossed. When the president
    visited Akhalkalaki, the administrative center of Djavakheti,
    Chakhalyan came to him (we admit that he is a very bold person)
    together with a group of supporters and began to ask him rhetorical
    questions about "an unfair trial," "dictatorship," and "violation of
    Armenians' rights in Djavakheti."He spoke in Georgian, even though
    he didn't speak the language before his arrest. He studied the state
    language in jail; and his teachers were other prisoners.

    "Why don't you return our churches? Why do you blow them up?"

    Chakhalyan asked the president of Georgia. The guard didn't stop him,
    as Saakashvili gave them a sign not to interfere in "the dialogue".

    Then the communicators began to speak Russian. The dialogue ended with
    a blow-up. "Do you think it's you who should judge me?" Saakashvili
    attacked. "I will listen to all citizens, but I won't let such people
    as you teach me morality." In the end, Chakhalyan ran away, shouting
    "Misha, go to Turkey! Misha - to Turkey!"

    Is it realistic that Chakhalyan manages to form a group of 60-70
    people for an armed struggle aimed at the separation of Djavakheti
    from Georgia? The Interior Ministry of the country states that the
    situation in the region is under control, and there are no threats
    of any incidents, let alone armed riots. Djavakheti hasn't seen
    demonstrations with political slogans for a long time, it is true.

    However, journalists don't know where Chakhalyan is or what he is
    doing. They couldn't find him after the sensational statement by
    Karina Grigoryan. We hope that the law-enforcement agencies are aware
    of his activities and the place where he is located.
