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Armenian-Turkish Solidarity Against Hatred: The Perincek Case before

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  • Armenian-Turkish Solidarity Against Hatred: The Perincek Case before

    Armenian-Turkish Solidarity Against Hatred: The Perincek Case before
    the European Court

    Payam Akhavan, Professor of International Law

    Payam Akhavan is a Professor of International Law at McGill University
    in Montreal, Canada, and a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University. He
    was previously a UN prosecutor at The Hague and has served as counsel
    in leading cases before international courts and tribunals. He spoke
    to CivilNet about his representation of a Coalition of Armenian and
    Turkish NGOs that have intervened in the Perincek case, which will be
    heard by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in
    Strasbourg on January 28th. Dogu Perincek, an ultra-nationalist
    Turkish politician and member of the Talat Pasha Committee, had been
    convicted in Switzerland for incitement to discrimination for having
    called the Armenian Genocide an "international lie". Before the
    European Court, he succeeded in arguing that his freedom of expression
    had been violated, and that he was not promoting hatred, because he
    was only questioning the legal classification of the events of 1915,
    which he did not deny. After a campaign by Armenian and Turkish NGOs,
    the Swiss Government was persuaded to appeal the case to the Grand
    Chamber of the European Court, to try and reverse this flawed

    Professor Akhavan, how did you become involved with the Perincek case?

    I was first alerted to the Perincek decision by my friends at the
    Zoryan Institute in Toronto. They were very concerned about this
    legal precedent being used by the Turkish Government as well as
    ultranationalist politicians to argue that the European Court denies
    that the events of 1915 constituted genocide. That of course is not
    what the Court said, but its decision was twisted and misrepresented,
    to reinforce the long-standing policy of denial and incitement to
    hatred against Armenians. Zoryan led a costly campaign to publish
    advertisements in Swiss newspapers in both French and German and to
    cooperate with other Armenian organizations to persuade Switzerland to
    appeal the case. They had to overcome the opposition of Turkey which
    of course did not want the case to be appealed. Turkey had intervened
    in support of Perincek even though its own courts, the Istanbul Penal
    Court, had convicted him of being a leading member of the Ergenekon
    terrorist organization! It is important that Turkish NGOs such as the
    Turkish Human Rights Association, the oldest and biggest human rights
    NGO in Turkey with thousands of members, had also written to the Swiss
    Government in favour of an appeal. Once Switzerland agreed to appeal
    the case, we decided to put together a coalition of Armenian and
    Turkish NGOs to intervene in the case. We thought that the
    composition of the coalition itself would be a powerful message to the
    Court that this was not an "Armenian" issue; it was a human rights
    issue. Perincek was not interested in academic debates on
    international law, and whether the term "genocide" applies to the
    events of 1915 or not. He is an ultranationalist politician whose
    platform is incitement to hatred against Armenians, based on paranoid
    conspiracy theories and historical revisionism. It was also
    imperative for the Court to know the details of the Ergenekon judgment
    and for this we needed qualified and dedicated Turkish lawyers and
    activists and translators and months of work in coordination with
    knowledgeable and diligent researchers at Zoryan and the lawyers in
    London and Oxford to go through the 17,000 pages of the decision, the
    international case-law, and complex arguments, to find what was most
    relevant to establishing the discriminatory motives of Perincek. So
    in the end, the coalition was Zoryan, or rather then Institute for
    Genocide and Human Rights Studies, which is under Zoryan's umbrella,
    together with the Turkish Human Rights Association and the Truth
    Justice Memory Centre in Istanbul, and the combined efforts of this
    team, I think, had outstanding results in terms of the quality and
    importance of the submission, which could have significant impact on
    the Court's decision, and which represents evidence that no other
    party has brought forward in this case. In other words, without this
    intervention, without this NGO coalition, the facts of the Ergenekon
    judgment, and Perincek's true agenda, would not have come to light.

    Is the case about the historical truth of the Armenian Genocide? What
    is really at issue?

    We have emphasized that the case is not about the historical truth as
    such. From the perspective of human rights law, freedom of expression
    under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, is
    subjected to certain limitations. One of those is when speech amounts
    to incitement to discrimination and hatred. So debates about the
    historical truth or legal classification of atrocities as genocide or
    some other label are not the real issue. The fundamental issue is
    whether Perincek's statements when considered in their proper context
    constitute incitement to discrimination and hatred.

    What does the intervention of the coalition add that the other parties
    to the case have not already said? Why is it significant?

    The Court did not consider the impact of Perincek's statements on
    Armenians in Turkey. It may be more difficult to argue that his
    inflammatory statements threaten Armenians in Switzerland. But anyone
    that knows about the murder of Hrant Dink and the continuing cover-up
    in failing to punish the culprits knows that calling the Armenian
    Genocide "a big lie" is clearly hateful, and can even result in
    violence against Armenians in Turkey. The Swiss judgment against
    Perincek did refer to his membership of the Talat Pasha Committee, so
    this fact is in the record. All that we did was to provide the Grand
    Chamber with a fuller picture of the significance of that Committee,
    which of course, is also referred to by the Istanbul Penal Court in
    the Ergenekon judgment. Indeed, that judgment refers to Perincek as
    the head of "propaganda" and "psychological war", refers to his
    promotion of hatred against Armenians, and further links Ergenekon
    with the murder of Dink and members of other Christian minorities in
    Turkey. Turkey's intervention argues desperately that only what
    Perincek did in Switzerland is relevant; that the Court should somehow
    ignore who Perincek really is and why he is on this relentless
    campaign to deny the Armenian Genocide. Clearly, the case is not
    about whether international lawyers could dispute legal classification
    of those events as genocide, and it would be a mistake to go to Court
    and argue that it is a genocide as if that is the issue. The issue is
    whether Perincek has discriminatory motives and the answer to that
    question is rather obvious.

    How do you contrast the intervention of this NGO coalition with that
    of Armenia and Turkey?

    Governments are obviously important given that they are the ones that
    signed the European Convention that established the Court. But
    Governments have political interests and their perspectives are shaped
    by different considerations than civil society actors such as human
    rights NGOs. I think it is important that in this second round,
    Armenia has intervened, just as Turkey did in the first round, and
    now, in the second round. Perhaps their respective submissions will
    neutralize each other. But I think the Court will take notice that
    Armenian and Turkish human rights NGOs, that are not motivated by
    political interests, are joining forces to expose Perincek's hateful
    and violent agenda. And I believe that the details of the Ergenekon
    judgment will be crucial evidence of his motivations, based on the
    decision of Turkey's own courts! Finally, I think that with all the
    media hype and attention being given to this case, we must not forget
    that the real heroes are the Turkish human rights activists and
    intellectuals that are standing in solidarity with their fellow
    Armenians in Turkey, who face a life of increasing pressure and
    intimidation and even violence. The Turkish activists face hate mail
    and death threats for having stood in solidarity on the issue of the
    Armenian Genocide. They are courageous and righteous, and deserve our
    praise and recognition as one of the most important voices in the
    Perincek affair.

    From: Baghdasarian