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ANKARA: Attempt to associate Dink murder with 'Hizmet', slammed by F

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  • ANKARA: Attempt to associate Dink murder with 'Hizmet', slammed by F

    BGN News, Turkey
    Jan 24 2015

    Attempt to associate Dink murder with `Hizmet', slammed by Friends of Hrant

    by Kamil Maman

    `Friends of Hrant' has harshly criticized the ruling Justice and
    Development (AK Party) government over attempting to associate Dink's
    murder with the Hizmet movement, inspired by the Turkish Islamic
    scholar Fethullah Gülen.

    A group called `Friends of Hrant' gathered in front of ÇaÄ?layan
    Courthouse and held a press conference before the eight hearing in the
    retrial of the Dink murder on Friday.

    Calling on Turkish authorities to expose the real criminals behind the
    Dink murder on behalf of the group, Cumhuriyet columnist Aydın Engin
    stated that there is an attempt to associate the Dink murder with a
    one individual or a group.

    `There are attempts being made to associate the murder with the
    nondescript structure called 'parallel.' However, we have known from
    the beginning that it was a murder of national reconciliation,' said
    Aydın during a press conference.

    `Parallel structure' was a term invented by President Recep Tayyip
    ErdoÄ?an to refer to the Gülen movement (Hizmet movement).

    Underlining that the trial is nothing more than a show, he added
    `Concealed evidence, suspected public officials being promoted instead
    of convicted and court decisions have made them all pessimistic.'

    Claiming that Dink was murdered as a result of cooperation between
    police, soldiers, the National Intelligence Organization (MÄ°T) and
    some provocateurs, Aydın said `We know the names of most of the public
    officials involved in the murder. They cannot make us believe in this
    deceit. They cannot confine this trial only to the parallel
    [structure] or any other particular structure.'

    Dink was the editor-in-chief of the weekly Agos, and was considered to
    be one of the most prominent Armenian voices in Turkey. He was shot
    and killed by an ultra-nationalist teenager, who is serving a sentence
    of 22 years and 10 months in a prison.

    Jan 24, 2015 | Kamil Maman | Ä°stanbul
