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ISTANBUL: The ever-reinterpreted Hrant Dink murder

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  • ISTANBUL: The ever-reinterpreted Hrant Dink murder

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Jan 24 2015

    The ever-reinterpreted Hrant Dink murder

    by Mustafa Akyol

    On Jan. 17, 2007, Hrant Dink, a Turkish Armenian intellectual and the
    editor-in-chief of the Istanbul-based Armenian daily newspaper, Agos,
    was assassinated right outside his office in one of the busiest
    streets in the country. The assassin, Ogün Samast, was a 17-year-old
    ultra-nationalist from Trabzon, a Black Sea town known for its tough
    guys and nationalist circles. He was apparently encouraged by his
    elder `brothers' to `punish the Armenian who insulted Turkishness.' It
    seems they were fanatic and vulgar enough to not even realize that
    Dink in fact never `insulted' Turks, but rather tried to reconcile
    them with Armenians.

    The murder sparked a widespread reaction, as tens of thousands marched
    in Istanbul for Dink's funeral. Moreover, finding the `real culprits'
    of the murder, besides the trigger-man Samast and his closest buddy
    Yasin Hayal, turned into a major liberal cause.

    However, there was also a broader political drama going on in Turkey
    at the time. The alliance between the ruling Justice and Development
    Party (AKP) and the Gülen movement was getting ready to take on the
    old establishment, which was packed with ultra-nationalists, some of
    whom shared the very same ideology that targeted Hrant Dink. That is
    why, in subsequent years, the Dink murder became one of the
    much-quoted references for the `Ergenekon' case. Accordingly, there
    was a heinous secularist-nationalist cabal called `Ergenekon' that had
    organized almost every evil in recent Turkish history, including
    political assassinations. Various spokesmen for both the AKP and the
    Gülen movement pushed for this theory, practically using the Dink
    murder to demonize the masters of the `Old Turkey.'

    However, the co-masters of the `New Turkey' were destined to clash
    soon. As is well known, the AKP and the Gülen movement became the most
    bitter of enemies soon after toppling their common enemies. The AKP
    proved to be victorious in this battle, and thus initiated a zealous
    purge on the `parallel state' of the Gülen movement. Right now, the
    hunt of members of this `parallel state' is the number one item on the
    AKP's agenda, especially for President Tayyip ErdoÄ?an.

    Naturally, this new threat necessitates a new history. There is
    therefore no wonder why Turkey's near history is now being re-written
    by pro-ErdoÄ?an commentators with an obsessive focus on the `parallel
    state.' In a strikingly pragmatic way, every evil attributed to
    `Ergenekon' just a few years ago is now being attributed to the
    `parallels.' The same logic works for the Dink murder as well, as the
    real culprits of the assassination are now defined as police chiefs
    that are allegedly members of the Gülen movement, instead of the
    gendarmarie officers who were allegedly members of `Ergenekon.'

    If you ask my humble view of this, first I would say that I do not buy
    these politically-driven narratives. The Dink murder, like everything
    else, should be investigated regardless of the ruling narrative. In
    fact, the very fact that there is a `ruling narrative' should make us
    suspicious about the `truth' that it presents to us with such ardor
    and passion. Moreover, I also believe that evil in Turkey (like
    elsewhere) is less organized than what people generally believe.
    Ultra-nationalist hatred toward non-Muslims is such a widespread evil
    in Turkey that it could have targeted Dink (and other victims of that
    era) in less of a conspiracy than what many assume. The real culprit,
    in other words, may well be neither `Ergenekon' nor the `parallel
    state,' but rather the mere banality of evil.

