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Recognition of Greek and Assyrian Genocides in the Ottoman Empire by

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  • Recognition of Greek and Assyrian Genocides in the Ottoman Empire by

    The recognition by the Governments of the Republic of Armenia and
    Artsakh of the Genocide of Greeks and Assyrians in Ottoman Empire is a
    matter of course

    23-01-2015 12:54:24 | Armenia | Politics

    To the President of Western Armenia Mr. Armenak Abrahamyan

    Dear Mr. President, Watching the development of affairs, the
    recognition by the Governments of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh
    of the Genocide of Greeks and Assyrians in Ottoman Empire is a matter
    of course. In this connection I should like to remind you that the
    Republic of Cyprus was among the first ones that condemned the
    Genocide of Armenians (1982). As for Greece, it not only condemned the
    Genocide of Armenians (1996), but on the 9-th of September, 2014,
    adopted the Law of Criminalization of the Negation of the Armenian
    Genocide. Who would ever know the tragedy of Genocide if not the
    Greeks that went through such an ordeal. When the government of a
    state organizes a systematic massacre of its citizens by nationality
    it would be blasphemous in memory of millions of victims of Genocide,-
    Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and other peoples, to consign to oblivion
    their memory. But the name of the massacre,- Turkey, also is not
    liable to absolution. It is already a total century that it not only
    rejects the committed heinous crimes, but continues to implement the
    genocidal policy with respect to its national minorities. The second
    half of the 20-th Century is noted for the repentence of Germany for
    the crimes committed in the period of fascism, and even Vatican
    officially apologized for the violation of human rights permitted by
    the Roman Catholic Church. But Turkey is deaf to the calls of the
    international community, and not only is reluctant to repent for its
    crimes, but continues to entirely deny the commission of crimes, which
    once again proves the risk of furtherance of criminal activity on its
    part. Who did not repent, could not be forgiven, and this repentance
    was necessary not only to us,- the victims of its crimes, but also to
    the very Turkish people for cleansing from the past and facing the
    future with confidence by finally turning over the disgraceful pages
    in its history. And for the present the Ottoman Turkey is the greatest
    offender in the history of Mankind, that slaughtered more than one
    civilization, and the modern Turkey as its heiress is to answer for
    its crimes and is under obligation not only to Armenians, but also to
    Greeks and Assyrians that suffered irremediable losses. The historic
    justice must prevail and as a summary we, the "Patrida" Organization
    of Greeks of Armenia and Mountainous Artsakh, ask you to take the
    first step along this path, - to commence the process on recognition
    of the Genocide of Greeks and Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire. The God
    Almighty and the memory of our ancestors are with us. With reverence
    for the memory of innocently fallen victims:

    THE CHAIRMAN THE CHAIRMAN Of the Organization of Of the
    Union of Greek Organizations Greeks of Armenia and Artsakh

    Ed. Polatov (Polatidis) _________

    A. Khitarov

    23.12.2014 Sebastiya Str., 141/2 Apt.11, RA Contact Phones (+374)
    99774500; e-mail; [email protected]

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